James Altucher is a successful entrepreneur, investor, board member, and the writer of 11 books including the recent WSJ Bestseller, "Choose Yourself!" (foreword by Dick Costolo, CEO of Twitter).He has started and sold several companies for eight figure exits. He's on the board of a billion revenue company, has written for The Financial Times, The New York Observer, and over a dozen popular websites for the past 15 years. He's run several hedge funds, venture capital funds, and is a successful angel investor in technology, energy, and biotech.He has also lost all his money, made it back, lost it, made it back several times and openly discusses how he did it in his columns and books.
The important attributes to be successful in the modern world with Jeff Lerner
03/08/2022 Duration: 35minIf you miss part one of the episode, make sure you check out the previous episode title: Jeff Lerner gave me the most practical business advice to start businessesIn this part two of the episode, Jeff Lerner, an American serial entrepreneur, mentor, speaker, influencer, and pianist, and I talked about the important attributes to be successful in the modern world! We talked about risk assessment, when to start, and what does it mean to be a millionaire in the United States? If you enjoy this podcast, make sure you leave a review or tweet me @jaltucher on Twitter!Also, make sure you check out Jeff's new book, Unlock Your Potential: The Ultimate Guide for Creating Your Dream Life in the Modern World.Visit to read more idea lists, or sign up and create your own idea list!My new book Skip The Line is out! Make sure you get a copy wherever you get your new book!Join You Should Run For President 2.0 Facebook Group, and we discuss why should run for president.I write about all my podcasts! Check out the fu
Jeff Lerner gave me the most practical business advice to start businesses
01/08/2022 Duration: 35minJeff Lerner, an American serial entrepreneur, mentor, speaker, influencer, and pianist, wrote an amazing business book. There are business books out there full of non-practical BS "WooWoo" advice, and this is not what happened to Jeff's book!Jeff's new book, Unlock Your Potential: The Ultimate Guide for Creating Your Dream Life in the Modern World is full of practical advices to start a business! We talked about Tai Lopez's stories, affiliate marketing, digital marketing agency and more! Listen to the episode to find out more!Visit to read more idea lists, or sign up and create your own idea list!My new book Skip The Line is out! Make sure you get a copy wherever you get your new book!Join You Should Run For President 2.0 Facebook Group, and we discuss why should run for president.I write about all my podcasts! Check out the full post and learn what I learned at you so much for listening! If you like this episode, please subscribe to "The James Altucher Show" and rat
For Laughs: Life's Great Irony
29/07/2022 Duration: 41minFor the past few weeks, there have been a huge amount of uncertainties, there are talks about recession, inflation, and even lay-offs! So, I think the world deserves some laughter. So I decided to do a fun episode to bring some laughter, just like what I did back in the 2009 crisis when I stood in front of the NYSE and handed chocolates out to everyone walking in! In this episode, Jay Yow, The Producer of The James Altucher Show, and I sat down and talk about life's great irony! Some of the ironies include climate change, productivity, newspaper headlines, and even some statistic that just doesn't make sense!Here's the irony list that I made on sure you check them out!Listen to the episode and find out more!Visit to read more idea lists, or sign up and create your own idea list!My new book Skip The Line is out! Make sure you get a copy wherever you get your new book!Join You Should Run For President
From The Chess Experience Podcast: My Success Strategies for Adult Improvers
27/07/2022 Duration: 01h06minThere are nitty-gritty ways to improve: like focusing on tactics or endgame study... But what about big picture improvement skills?Example: are there ways to speed up the learning process?How can you sustain motivation to get better at such a hard game?For some discussion on that, I brought National Master, James Altucher, who is also a successful author and entrepreneur...James has written several business & personal development books...Most relevant is Skip the Line, which teaches you how to improve at a skill faster than expected...Plus, on his podcast, The James Altucher Show, he talks with highly successful people about the lessons & strategies that helped them achieve so much...Including Garry Kasparov and Judit Polgar!Last month, I was invited onto The Chess Experience Podcast hosted by Daniel Lona, a chess-obsessed amateur from Chicago and the host of the podcast The Chess Experience. It was such a good episode, that's why I decided to feed drop into The James Altucher Show as well!In this epi
How to beat someone who's better and more equipped than you? with Wally Green
25/07/2022 Duration: 01h08minAfter sharing his origin story, how he went from being in a gang to the rising table tennis star. Wally Green, pro athlete and co-founder of Spin NY, taught me how to get into your opponent's mind, and win the mind game. He also shares that being forced into the corner during a game actually fires him up, and he also loves the feeling of beating someone who has had everything in life in terms of training, support systems, and money, while he has nothing to lose is the best feeling ever. That inspires him, and motivates him every day! Wally also shares some tips on how to grow his TikTok and Instagram! TikTok: @wallygreennyc_Listen to the episode and find out more!Visit to read more idea lists, or sign up and create your own idea list!My new book Skip The Line is out! Make sure you get a copy wherever you get your new book!Join You Should Run For President 2.0 Facebook Group, and we discuss why should run for president.I write about all my podcasts! Check out the full post and learn what I learned
Wally Green: From Gang to Pro Table Tennis!
21/07/2022 Duration: 01h13minNot everyone has the luxury of escaping their own childhood trauma, domestic violence, and being able to get out of a gang.Wally Green, pro athlete and co-founder of Spin NY, joined me on the podcast today to tell his origin story. How much abuse he had to endure from his stepfather, how was he betrayed by his own mother, how he was sent to Africa cause he was caught in possession of multiple guns, and how he managed to turn his life around!Listen to the episode and find out more!Visit to read more idea lists, or sign up and create your own idea list!My new book Skip The Line is out! Make sure you get a copy wherever you get your new book!Join You Should Run For President 2.0 Facebook Group, and we discuss why should run for president.I write about all my podcasts! Check out the full post and learn what I learned at you so much for listening! If you like this episode, please subscribe to "The James Altucher Show" and rate and review wherever you get your podcasts:Ap
The Villain's Journey of the Criminal Mastermind, Paul Le Roux with Evan Ratliff
20/07/2022 Duration: 42minHow does one become a criminal mastermind? How does one turn into a villain? In this episode, I was joined by Evan Ratliff, an American journalist, and author, to talk about his book, The Mastermind, A True Story of Murder, Empire, and a New Kind of Crime Lord.What is fascinating about his book, and his reporting is that Paul Le Roux, is like the criminal and crime lord equivalent of Elon Musk, where he is tech savvy, and well-versed in technology, and engineering!And at the same time, he also fits into the "Villini's Journey Arc", where he was a genuine and kind-hearted guy, but due to some obstacles, he turned 180 and started falling into the path of the villain! At some point, Paul Le Roux also mentioned that he wanted to be the biggest criminal out there.Listen to the episode and find out more!Visit to read more idea lists, or sign up and create your own idea list!My new book Skip The Line is out! Make sure you get a copy wherever you get your new book!Join You Should Run For President 2.0 Fa
Kitboga: I scam the scammers and they yelled at me!
18/07/2022 Duration: 01h09minAren't you tired of all the robocalls? All the phone calls that claimed to be from IRS, student loan forgiveness, and especially those about the extended car warranty? In 2021, there are 59.4 million Americans have lost money to scam callers and lost a total amount of roughly $29.8 billion! Naturally, Jay The Producer also got the scam call claiming to be from Student Loan Forgiveness Program and the Extended Car Warranty Program (even though he did not own a car!) So much that he got frustrated and he called up Kitboga, an American Twitch streamer, and YouTuber whose content primarily focuses on scam baiting against scams conducted over the phone, and arguably one of the real-life superheroes, and invited him onto the podcast to talk about his origin story, the type of scam that's out there, how he bait the scammer into spending more time with him!In one of the scambaiting stories, he even has an on-again and off-again relationship with "President Joe Biden"! One of my favorite quotes from this episode is w
Wall Street Insane! EP03: Betrayal of the decade!
14/07/2022 Duration: 34minAnother episode of Wall Street Insane! This is probably one of the most stressful stories that I have told. Imagine a company just got offered 40 Million Dollars, MILLION, and the owner refused to sell it because he wanted to "grow and scale" the company. I told everyone this if someone offers you more than 100% of what your company is worth, take it!Dan Kelly, my business partner, Omid Malekan, and I also talked about the betrayal of the decade! The first betrayal that I have seen in my life on how money changes people's attitudes and breaks a 20-year-old friendship after obtaining a large amount of money, literally within days!We also talked about all the stressful things that I had to do, to make sure the deal close!Listen to the episode and tweet at me @jaltucher or Jay, the producer, @jay_yow to let us know if you like this episode!Visit to read more idea lists, or sign up and create your own idea list!My new book Skip The Line is out! Make sure you get a copy wherever you get your new book!Jo
Tipper X: I broke the law, I wore body wire for FBI 52 times and then... with Tom Hardin
13/07/2022 Duration: 01h07minYou have seen all the undercover cop's movies, and shows. However, do you know how is it like in real life?In this episode, Tom Hardin, codename, Tipper X, was once a junior trader in a hedge fund and was involved in insider trading. But, he got caught, and the FBI recruited him, and have him wear body wire as many as 52 times, to help them build all the cases around insider trading.Listen to this episode, where Tom shared his story on how he was involved in insider trading, how he got recruited as an FBI "Body Wire", and how he turned his life around after the FBI exposed him as TipperX on the front page of the newspaper!Visit to read more idea lists, or sign up and create your own idea list!My new book Skip The Line is out! Make sure you get a copy wherever you get your new book!Join You Should Run For President 2.0 Facebook Group, and we discuss why should run for president.I write about all my podcasts! Check out the full post and learn what I learned at you so m
Supply chain, inflation, recession, is everything collapsing? with Jim Rickards
11/07/2022 Duration: 01h04minAre you a pessimist or an optimist towards the state and the economy of the world? Do you think we are finally at the bottom, and we are slowly climbing back up? Or do you think the worst had yet to come? In this episode, I had a conversation/ mild debate with Jim Rickards, an American lawyer, economist, investment banker, speaker, media commentator, and author on matters of finance and precious metals about the state of the economy right now. We talked about what is the Fed doing about inflation, what causes inflation, and we talked about the supply chain issue, and when did the supply chain issue start? Did it really start with the Russian-Ukraine war? The Lockdown? Or did it actually start with the trade war back in 2019? Also, how does the physical supply chain works? On top of that, we also talked about the outlook of the recession! Visit to read more idea lists, or sign up and create your own idea list!My new book Skip The Line is out! Make sure you get a copy wherever you get your new book!
Almost Every Industry in the world is a Scam! with Dan Kelly and Omid Malekan
08/07/2022 Duration: 30minBefore we were supposed to tape the third episode of Wall Street Insane (if you haven't listened to the new series, make sure you go back and check it out!), Jay Yow, The Producer of The James Altucher Show, was talking about how Uber is losing money, how come are they still around, and what would happen if Uber fall?So, Dan Kelly, my business partner, and Omid Malekan, author of Re-Architecting Trust: The Curse of History and the Crypto Cure for Money, Markets, and Platforms break down their business model, and we started talking about how almost every area in the financial industry are scams.We also talked about the entertainment industry, the sporting industry, and how VC is involved in almost all these industries as well!Listen to this episode, and let me know or tweet at me (or Jay) @jaltucher or @jay_yow07 on Twitter if you like this kind of round table conversation, and we might tape more of this kind of conversation!Visit to read more idea lists, or sign up and create your own idea list!My
JeVon McCormick: Don't be common, be the modern leader instead.
06/07/2022 Duration: 01h35minJeVon McCormick has an unusual upbringing. Who gave him his first business advice? It was When he was nine years old, from his dad, who was a pimp!In this episode, JeVon McCormick, an American author, President, and CEO of Scribe Media told me his origin story, where he was working for his dad (a pimp), collecting money from prostitutes, did not go to college, and he rose up to be an extremely successful entrepreneur, and eventually became the CEO of Scribe Media, which was an excellent publishing company, and his new book, The Modern Leader.We also talked about what he had seen socially, learned as an entrepreneur, his biggest regrets, what he thinks about the state of the world should be, and what should do to make sure we have a better tomorrow.Visit to read more idea lists, or sign up and create your own idea list!My new book Skip The Line is out! Make sure you get a copy wherever you get your new book!Join You Should Run For President 2.0 Facebook Group, and we discuss why should run for pres
How to write a military thriller with Brandon Webb and John David Mann
04/07/2022 Duration: 01h08sPeople always put you in a box when you have become successful in "the" one field and one genre. Sometimes, when people do try something new, that didn't usually work out for them.However, this is not what happened to Brandon Webb, a former United States Navy SEAL, SEAL Sniper course Head Instructor, and author, and John David Mann, an award-winning author.They both went on from being successful in writing non-fiction to, now thriller novel writers that not just have one book, but a sequel to the previous book as well, Cold Fear.So, naturally, I have to have both of them on, to ask them, how did they do it? How did they transition from writing non-fiction to writing a thriller, and also, how to write a thriller novel?Visit to read more idea lists, or sign up and create your own idea list!My new book Skip The Line is out! Make sure you get a copy wherever you get your new book!Join You Should Run For President 2.0 Facebook Group, and we discuss why should run for president.I write about all my podca
Who Are You?: Joseph Harris: From stealing game accounts to a white hat hacker
30/06/2022 Duration: 01h10minWhat do people normally do when they were 12 years old? Learning, playing, and maybe surviving?Joseph Harris, a former black hat hacker and now a white hat hacker, and bug bounty hunter, at age of 12 started stealing other people's game accounts, using social engineering to trick the email providers or game companies to hand him the data that he needs to hack and steal other people's account!In this episode, Joseph told the stories of how he went from stealing simple gaming accounts, into sim-swapping, and stealing millions in crypto altcoins, which ultimately resulted in him being in jail.He also recounts all the techniques that he used to hack into people's accounts, exploiting bugs on service providers' websites like Verizon, Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, and more. Make sure you follow Joseph onYouTube: @AkaD0c ( to this episode, and tweet at me @jaltucher and Jay @jay_yow07 if you like this series, and if you or you kno
The Redemption Arc of the Silicon Valley Porn Star with Jason Portnoy
29/06/2022 Duration: 50minNo matter how successful you're, or how rich you are, everyone has their own personal struggle that they are dealing with or had dealt with. Sometimes your issues and addiction get magnified when you get wealthier!In this episode, one of the PayPal Mafia, Jason Portnoy, Entrepreneur, venture capitalist, one of PayPal's first employees, and author, came on to talk about his origin story, his time with PayPal, and his addiction to porn, and sex. We also explore, why as successful as he is, would result in an affair with other women? How did he reconcile with his wife, and his recovery journey with his life coach, Melissa?Did he manage to redeem himself? Listen and find out!Visit to read more idea lists, or sign up and create your own idea list!My new book Skip The Line is out! Make sure you get a copy wherever you get your new book!Join You Should Run For President 2.0 Facebook Group, and we discuss why should run for president.I write about all my podcasts! Check out the full post and learn what I l
The Relationship between Bitcoin, Money and Trust with Omid Malekan
27/06/2022 Duration: 01h07minLike Omid Malekan, the author of The Story of the Blockchain, A Beginner's Guide to the Technology That Nobody Understands has said, money is primarily a trust-building mechanism.In this episode, after teasing so long, finally, Omid Malekan, comes on to talk about his new book, Re-architecting Trust, The Curse of History and The Crypto Cure for Money, Markets, and Platforms. We talked about the evolution from the barter system to gold, to cash to bitcoin. We also talked about the relationship between trust and money, and how would that translate into Bitcoin and crypto!All and all, this is the 101 of Bitcoin, Crypto, Trust, and Money!Visit to read more idea lists, or sign up and create your own idea list!My new book Skip The Line is out! Make sure you get a copy wherever you get your new book!Join You Should Run For President 2.0 Facebook Group, and we discuss why should run for president.I write about all my podcasts! Check out the full post and learn what I learned at
I Was Wrong(?) - College or Not College?
23/06/2022 Duration: 52minThere are a couple of things that I have been religiously writing about since 2005, and college is one of them!I have been getting hate and lost friends over this topic, and the articles that I wrote about college! So, In this episode of I Was Wrong, I sat down with Robyn and Jay (The Engineer) to talk about was I wrong about colleges? Has my view shifted after all these years? What are the statistics on the salary of college graduates vs non-college graduates? What is happening in the gig economy? And so on...Listen to this episode and find out more! I am planning to do more of this series to show that, sometimes my opinion changes based on timing, research, and also reason!Visit to read more idea lists, or sign up and create your own idea list!My new book Skip The Line is out! Make sure you get a copy wherever you get your new book!Join You Should Run For President 2.0 Facebook Group, and we discuss why should run for president.I write about all my podcasts! Check out the full post and learn what
The conversation with Galileo Galilei with Dr. Brian Keating
22/06/2022 Duration: 01h10minHave you ever thought about why Galileo Galilei, an Italian astronomer, physicist, and engineer willing risks his life to speak out about science against the will of the church at that time? How was science back then?So, our dear pod friend, Dr. Brian Keating, an American physicist, podcaster, and author, came on to talk about his project of making the first-ever audiobook that was written by Galileo Galilei, and we also brainstorm on how we could better monetize the projects and future projects!Download the first-ever audiobook by Galileo Galilei for your chance to win space dust here:, make sure you join Brian's mailing list and also have a chance to win space dust! Visit to read more idea lists, or sign up and create your own idea list!My new book Skip The Line is out! Make sure you get a copy wherever you get your new book!Join You Should Run For President 2.0 Facebook Group, and we discuss why should run for president.I write about al
Living by the Bushido Code with The Fury
20/06/2022 Duration: 01h01minEveryone on Twitter twitted at me and said, you have to have this guy on the podcast, you will love it! They kept tweet at me, and finally, I said yes! And I am curious, who is this "The Fury"? And how did he build such a loyal audience that would help him get what he wanted!So, I have The Fury on and yes! It was a fun conversation! In this episode, we talked about Bushido, how to build a loyal audience, how to manifest, and how to live your life to the fullest, and ultimately, how to choose yourself!Visit to read more idea lists, or sign up and create your own idea list!My new book Skip The Line is out! Make sure you get a copy wherever you get your new book!Join You Should Run For President 2.0 Facebook Group, and we discuss why should run for president.I write about all my podcasts! Check out the full post and learn what I learned at you so much for listening! If you like this episode, please subscribe to "The James Altucher Show" and rate and review wherever you