Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale: B2B sales trainers for the past twenty years share their strategies, frameworks, tips and tricks to help you leverage your talent, grow your skills and create your own sales success. You'll discover how you can shift your mindset, win with prospects and build long-term relationships with your clients so you can thrive and advance in your career. Bill and Bryan's approach to sales is funny, often quirky and always real. Their work has allowed them to help sales professionals, managers and leaders at hundreds of companies all over the world implement successful strategies and build profitable sales teams. Prospecting, sales communication, buyer resistance, proposals and RFPs, pricing, cold calling, sales forecasting, pain points, psychology, positioning, deal coaching, goal setting, leading and managing, achieving your goals and all the other things that work (and don't work) in the world of sales to help you be the best possible version of yourself.
How To Tell Your Story - A 6-Point Checklist
11/02/2013 Duration: 14minIn this episode, Bill and Bryan talk about how to tell your story so people see your distinction. There's a lot written today about the use of the resume, or the bio or the story in your messaging. We believe it's vital that you have your story down cold - and this podcast gives you a checklist to make sure you do. **Check out for articles, videos, podcasts, and free eBooks on sales and leadership development **Join the Advanced Selling Podcast Linkedin Group! **Would you like to send us a testimonial or ask a question? Send it to
When Your Prospect Just Doesn't Like You
04/02/2013 Duration: 08minThis is a rather odd situation you might say. But lately, we've had several of our clients bring up this very issue. In this episode, Bill and Bryan talk about the emotional issues that might go in to dealing with a prospect you don't like/respect or one that doesn't like you. Hopefully, you'll never have this, but if you do, this episode might help. Join the Advanced Selling Podcast Linkedin group
Is It Possible That Asking Questions is the Wrong Thing To Do?
28/01/2013 Duration: 12minThe answer to that question might cause you a little pain yourself. When you approach a prospect by asking them questions designed to find out what's bothering them so you can sell them a solution, you might miss TONS of opportunity. In this podcast, Bill and Bryan get into a model they use to help you know how to find problems the customer doesn't even know they have.Keep the mail coming in…
Relighting The Flame - How Do I Restart A Relationship with a Prospect That Ended Badly?
21/01/2013 Duration: 10minNot to be confused with an 'old flame' this podcast is about restarting a sales relationship that ended. It might have even ended badly as in the example in this episode. Bill and Bryan give you a few tips on how to re-engage with people who have dropped off the earth. Make sure you email us your questions for use on the show: listener@advancedsellingpodcast. And follow us on Twitter: @billcaskey and @bneale.
Part 2 - Lin Dunn Interview on Personal Leadership
14/01/2013 Duration: 17minWe come back to the two-part interview with WNBA championship coach Lin Dunn, who continues with the lessons she's learned about leadership and inspiring her team. Remember, even though some of you aren't basketball fans, we wanted to bring you successful people from all walks of life and learn what they know about inspiring people. You can follow Lin on Twitter at
Part 1- Head Coach Lin Dunn on Basketball and Business Success
07/01/2013 Duration: 11minThis is the first of a two-part series of our interview with Coach Lin Dunn of the Indianapolis Fever of the WNBA. Now, you're probably wondering, "What does the WNBA have to do with my business success?" Well, maybe nothing…however…if you haven't heard Lin Dunn speak before, you're in for a treat. She has been successful as a coach at every level of women's basketball. And her message with Brooke and Bill has little to do with basketball and a lot to do with the "attributes of success." Her style is folksy…but her message is poignant. You can follow Lin on Twitter at @Coach_Dunn
Our Favorite Things From 2012
17/12/2012 Duration: 10minBill Caskey, Bryan Neale and Brooke Green give voice to what their favorite things are in the business world. From software tools to training videos to food stuff (okay well that's not in the business world). The trio tell you what gets them juiced about this time of year!We wish every Listener a happy holiday and a prosperous 2013!
Personal Business Plan for 2013
10/12/2012 Duration: 16minIn this episode, you can hear parts of the "2013 Goal Setting Guide," which you can download from in the Toolkit. The fact is that fewer than 10% of people set goals. Now, that number might be slightly higher for sales people but our experience says not that much higher. Today, Bryan, Bill and Brooke relay a process they go through with their clients. They give you a handful of these now, then you can download the rest at the podcast site. We're also wanting ideas for shows for next year, so make sure you get your request in by emailing us at
What To Do When The Deal Goes Downhill Quickly
03/12/2012 Duration: 12minWhat happens when you think the relationship is going great but, suddenly, out of nowhere BOOM! The customer lowers the boom on you? You can react (like we all want to do) and bring all your emotions out. BUT, that might not be the best strategy. In this episode, Bryan had a client who actually had this very thing happen with a so-called "satisfied client." Also mentioned in this podcast: Send us your thoughts, ideas on future episodes, or ask us any question at Join our Linkedin Group for daily discussions and special offers!
Mailbag Issue: How To Deal With Stalling Customers & Navigating Prospects Who Think They Know Their Problem (But Don't)
26/11/2012 Duration: 13minIn this episode, Bill and Bryan answer questions from our listening audience. We took three in this episode, each of which can cause sales stumbles in virtually every industry. By the way, if you want your question answered, email us at And we'll get it 'on the air.' *Restart that stalled deal! Partner with Email It and take advantage of our powerful email templates.
A Quick Lesson in Expert Positioning
19/11/2012 Duration: 24minWhy not GO to an "expert" when we want to know how to BE an "expert?" Well, we've done just that this week when we interview Mike Koenigs. He is the founder of Traffic Geyser, the first internet video system to generate web traffic, and he's also the author of several books on positioning and video marketing. All of his work can be found at In this episode, Mike addresses many of the roadblocks that hold us back from higher performance, one of which is 'nervousness.' He has a unique way he characterizes nervousness and teaches us how to solve that problem. He also invites listeners to go to to grab your free ebook he just published on expert positioning.
Goal Setting Best Practices
12/11/2012 Duration: 13minIt's that time of year--the time when we start to look back AND look forward. In this podcast, Bill, Bryan and Brooke, explore some best practices of goal setting for sales people. Some of these tips we'll call 'non-traditional' because they have little to do with the normal approach to setting goals. In subsequent episodes, we'll address some more tactical goal setting tips. Also mentioned in this podcast: *Join the Advanced Selling Podcast Linkedin Group for daily discussions and networking!
Live Your Life Above The Line - LIVE Recording with Bryan Neale
05/11/2012 Duration: 06min*Today's podcast comes from a live podcast recording event at the Jazz Kitchen in Indianapolis, IN. In today's podcast, Bryan shares with you an inspiring, life-changing idea. He believes this idea is powerful enough to help improve your personal, business and client relationships. As you listen to this podcast, ask yourself: Am I living my life above the line?
What Is Your Perspective On How You Think About Time? - Live Recording with Bill Caskey
05/11/2012 Duration: 06min*Today's podcast comes from a live podcast recording event at the Jazz Kitchen in Indianapolis, IN. Let's face it… We all want more sales and more leads, but there is always ONE thing that's stopping us…our perspective on time. Bill brings some new thinking to the idea of time…and the notion that how you think about time affects your sales results. He believes the first step to generating more leads and sales is to ask yourself: How do I spend my time?
Staying Behind The Prospect - Live Recording with Brooke Green
05/11/2012 Duration: 05min*Today's podcast comes from a live podcast recording event at the Jazz Kitchen in Indianapolis, IN. As sales professionals, we've always been taught to be enthusiastic. We've been told "enthusiasm is contagious." But we don't believe that to be the case. In this podcast, Brooke Green discusses the importance of staying psychologically behind your prospect and making sure you keep your inner game in check. Also mentioned in this podcast: *Listen to the last episode from the Jazz Kitchen with our client Stephanie *Sign up to receive 3 free videos on how to communicate your expertise
Wise Words From a Buyer [Guest Interview]
29/10/2012 Duration: 19minEver wonder how buyers think? What goes through their mind when they decide what vendor to use? Well, you're in luck today. We have a very special guest on the podcast this week-Paul Rogers, a procurement expert from Australia. Paul has been in purchasing for over 30 years and works with procurement people to help them work better with vendor sales teams. He also works with sales teams as well helping them to position their value in a more compelling way. We thought he'd be a great resource for our podcast listeners. So, in this episode, Bill and Bryan pose some very basic questions to him about how buyers see the world. If you call on professional procurement people, this is a great episode to hear. This is the first in an ongoing series with Paul. Would love to hear your feedback on our LinkedIn Group. Also mentioned in this podcast: Join the Advanced Selling Podcast Linkedin Group for daily discussions, networking, and future promotions on products and services.
How To Learn From a Lost Deal
22/10/2012 Duration: 16minOne of our most popular training modules is when we "dissect the deal." It's usually is done on a deal that is still live, meaning the client has not made a decision, "Yes" or "No." But this episode is different, more of a post-mortem on a deal that one of our clients, Stephanie, lost. She was kind enough to volunteer to be in the spotlight at the recent Jazz Kitchen Event. In this episode, Stephanie tells Bryan and Brooke about the situation and then fields questions from them and the audience. If you don't have another person in your life that can help you sort through the sales deals you're in, then you'll learn how to do it (to yourself) here. Also mentioned in the podcast: Join our Linkedin Group! Have a question you'd like to ask Bill and Bryan? Email them at
Top 3 Ways To Grow a Service Business - LIVE Recording!
15/10/2012 Duration: 13minWhat a great day we had at The Jazz Kitchen in Indianapolis! Thanks to all who came from far and wide to join us that day. We actually recorded three podcasts there and this is the first. It came from an audience question: How do I grow my service business? Bill, Bryan and Brooke (Green) all gave that question a shot and in this episode you hear three good ideas (at least they thought so) to help you grow your business. There will be video up of the event so make sure you listen in to future episodes. Dave Dugan, comedian, was our guest warm-up act. You can catch him on that video soon.
It's Not Only Your Skill That Matters. It's How You...
08/10/2012 Duration: 14minIn this episode, Bill and Brooke, address a common issue: How do you improve your selling skills if you weren't cut out to be in sales? The fact is that many technical people have ended up in the role of selling (in fact, many sales people end up there, too). So, how do you model your behavior? Must you really change who you are to be successful in the sales/business development role? Actually, no. But you need to have a plan of some kind. And we'll share some parts of that plan here. Also, we are making available three training videos that go deeper into this subject. You can go to to get the three videos.
How To Sell When You're A Start Up
01/10/2012 Duration: 12minToday's podcast addresses a question from a listener who wanted to know how to begin the sales process when they had very little in terms of case studies, or customer experience. In his case, it was a start-up company in the IT space. Bill and Bryan dished out some tips to use in beginning to position him in the market. The fact is that, in some ways, this is an excellent position to be in. The ability to create a position from scratch can be quite powerful. However, if you already have a customer base and are a seasoned pro, there are still some ideas in this podcast that will help you re-think your position. The fact is that even if we've been around for a while, there is always something new we're wanting to do - new products - innovative services - new ways to think about old problems. Consequently, "thinking like a beginner" is something we should do frequently. **If you'd like your question to be featured in the next mailbag episode, then email your question to Bill and Bryan at Listener@AdvancedSelling