Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale: B2B sales trainers for the past twenty years share their strategies, frameworks, tips and tricks to help you leverage your talent, grow your skills and create your own sales success. You'll discover how you can shift your mindset, win with prospects and build long-term relationships with your clients so you can thrive and advance in your career. Bill and Bryan's approach to sales is funny, often quirky and always real. Their work has allowed them to help sales professionals, managers and leaders at hundreds of companies all over the world implement successful strategies and build profitable sales teams. Prospecting, sales communication, buyer resistance, proposals and RFPs, pricing, cold calling, sales forecasting, pain points, psychology, positioning, deal coaching, goal setting, leading and managing, achieving your goals and all the other things that work (and don't work) in the world of sales to help you be the best possible version of yourself.
Why Most Companies Miss Their Own Value
17/09/2009 Duration: 13minWe get access to a high level researcher this week that will shed light on your customers' value. Noah Grayson, Walker Information, sat down with Bill and relayed stories of what some of the largest companies in the US are learning about customer value and how to deliver it.E-mail Noah at
When a Competitor Is Stealing Your Business
10/09/2009 Duration: 16minIn this week’s episode, Bill and Bryan address a real life situation of a client whose competitor is stealing (buying) customers. They address what is really happening beneath the surface and show you some ways you can prevent customers from leaving.One caution: Don’t wait until it’s too late. Begin now.
Is Your Behavior Right?
04/09/2009 Duration: 14minEver wonder if you're doing the right behavior to grow your business? Or "enough" of the right activity? Bill and Bryan talk about 4 of the 10 areas that they recommend you assess yourself in--all having to do with 'sales activity.' In their practice they run up against a lot of prospecting pain, but upon further inspection, find that people are not doing enough of the right behavior. So this is your chance to assess. If you'd like the actual PDF of the assessment, email them at - SUBJ: Behavior. Kathy will send the entire list so you can assess.Managers, you can also use this PDF to assess your entire team.
Are You Keeping Your Skills Sharp? (Part 2)
27/08/2009 Duration: 15minLast week we did the Skills Assessment portion of professional growth. Today, Bryan and Bill talk about the “inner game.”It is our belief that all “great performers have great minds.” It doesn’t mean they’re smart. It means they are wired for success. So in the sales profession, what should you be thinking that allows you to DO the things you need to do? The hosts give you a few to chew on, then you can email them at (“inner game” in subject line) for the rest.
Are You Keeping Your Skills Sharp?
20/08/2009 Duration: 13minIsn’t it time you took inventory of your skills and competencies as a professional salesperson? Is it possible that, over time, your skills have deteriorated? You know the saying, “You lose what you don’t use.” In this episode, Bryan and Bill review several of the 10 Skill Sets needed to be a great salesperson. You can email them at (Subject line: Skills) to get all 10. In the document, you get a chance to rank yourself. If you’re sales manager/leader, there’s even space to assess your entire sales team.
What's More Important--Techniques or Techinque?
06/08/2009 Duration: 14minThe world is full of articles on techniques—golfing—tennis—internet—marketing—and of course, selling techniques. Today, Bill and Bryan address this in a slightly different light. There is a “technique” (singular) to selling that is more important than the “techniques” used to sell. We don’t like the idea of “sales techniques” – it becomes rather manipulative. So listen in today and get some good “technique” advice.
What to Do When the Wheels Fall Off the Deal
30/07/2009 Duration: 18minIn this episode, Bryan and Bill dissect a deal from an actual client phone call. The issue is what do you do in the 11th hour of a deal when everything that you thought was true—was untrue? You’ll hear both hosts weigh in on the situation, then hear the advice that Bill actually gave.
When Your Solution Isn't Quite Right
23/07/2009 Duration: 10minThis week on the Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan talk about the ethical consideration that keeps you from moving forward. What to do? What to do? Intent (a core principle on the ASP) comes to the forefront in this discussion. You are invited to weigh in by emailing Bill and Bryan at
How Do You Handle Pressure By Your Manager?
16/07/2009 Duration: 10minThis is not a new topic for us at ASP, but we did have another letter from a listener whose manager asked her to "stop selling small stuff and start selling big stuff." Our advice may surprise you—and it may be useful to you if you find yourself in the pressure cooker that is today's modern sales environment. Bill and Bryan also talk about a listener who took our advice, built a blog, and now has a success story you should hear. If you have a question to put into the mix, go to
How a Podcast Listener Landed a Big Deal
09/07/2009 Duration: 20minThis is a special treat this week because we have a client who just landed a large deal with a new customer. And much of what he usedhe learned right here at The Advanced Selling Podcast. In this episode,Jeff spends 15 minutes telling you exactly what sales strategies and tactics he used and how he executed the sales process to land the deal.
Are Your Clients Really Loyal?
02/07/2009 Duration: 14minIn Bryan Neale’s absence this week, I enlisted Phil Bounsall of Walker Information to talk about the issue of client loyalty. As sales professionals, a loyal client is a referring client. And since most of us count on referrals to grow our business, keeping your eye on loyalty is a MUST DO. Phil has excellent insight and tips on how to improve client loyalty.
Ask Bill and Bryan
25/06/2009 Duration: 17minIn this episode, Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale address a question from an audience member on how to prospect when you're already busy. And Bryan reveals a communication technique that helps as you're explaining to a prospect what you do.
First Call Protocal
11/06/2009 Duration: 10minIn this week’s podcast, Bill is going “solo” and talks about the first call “protocol.” We’ve received a lot of mail recently on “filling the sales funnel,” but the first discussion you have with a prospect is still vital. You have to set the tone in the right way. And to do that, you MUST have the right frame of mind going in.
Bold Moves in the Sales Process
04/06/2009 Duration: 12minSometimes we just need to have bold, bad sales moves. In this podcast, Bill and Bryan talk about two bold moves you can make as you pursue the sale.These moves are not intended to get someone to buy—that’s not cool. They ARE intended to move the sale along—or move it out.
Sales Philosophies - Part II
28/05/2009 Duration: 10minIn Bryan’s absence this week, Bill reviews three more of the core sales philosophies that govern sales success. He addresses money and budget, how to find out early where the prospect’s mind is, and how to reframe who your competition is. As always, you can email us at to ask a question or make a comment.
Operating from the Right Mental Platform
21/05/2009 Duration: 15minDue to the holiday week, Bryan is taking some much deserved time off and Bill chose this week to share live audio from one of our MasterMinds programs. (MasterMinds is a peer group of high achieving sales professionals.) Bill and the group address the issue: What mental platform do you need to operate from? Happy Memorial Day!
Does Who You Call On Determine What You Say?
14/05/2009 Duration: 13minIn this week’s podcast, Bill and Bryan address a common question they get, “Does my message change depending upon who I call on in the organization?” The answer is YES. But hear some of their counsel on how to think differently when you’re in front of different people.
Mailbag-How To Sell Something I Don't Believe In
08/05/2009 Duration: 16minWell it's been a while since we posted a Mailbag episode. We're getting so much mail--and so many questions--that we take three of them today. The most important was from a young lady who feels her product might be inferior to her competition--and she isn't totally sold on it. This is a powerful topic. Bill and Bryan delve into the inner game of this--and give you some counsel if this is happening to you. They also answer the question of 'how do you handle it if your sales manager isn't aware of the "podcast teachings?"'If you have a question, go to and post it there. We'll get to it as we can.
Rules Tools and Attitudes of Funnel Filling
30/04/2009 Duration: 17minIt’s not the sales funnel that’s important…it’s all the stuff “above” the funnel. So what action can you take to the suspects that are orbiting the funnel? In this episode, Bill and Bryan walk through the Top 5 Techniques (you can email us for the other 5 at –subject line: FUNNEL).So if you don’t have enough in your sales funnel, you may not be practicing the right Rules, Tools and Attitudes to fill it up.
Is Your Value Really That Special? (Part II)
23/04/2009 Duration: 14minIn this economic time, how you communicate your value—and WHAT it is—will be very important. Here, Bill and Bryan pick up on a topic they began a few months ago—what is your personal value to your customers and how does it show itself in the sales process? All sorts of goodies here.