Intelligence Squared

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 1186:31:08
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Intelligence Squared is the world’s leading forum for debate and intelligent discussion. Live and online we take you to the heart of the issues that matter, in the company of some of the world’s sharpest minds and most exciting orators. Join the debate at and download our weekly podcast every Friday.


  • The Power of the Scrum, with JJ Sutherland and Hugo Lindgren

    04/02/2020 Duration: 37min

    In this episode, we are joined by JJ Sutherland, the business expert and author of The Scrum Fieldbook. In conversation with the journalist Hugo Lindgren, he explores his ideas for how the world of business can be transformed through a set of practices known as Scrum, which focuses on rapid innovation and quick-fire decision-making, and has immediate relevance for every organisation on Earth. Support this show See for privacy and opt-out information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Debate: There’s Not Much Great About Britain

    31/01/2020 Duration: 01h06min

    In this episode, our panel of top speakers battle it out over whether Brits should be proud or ashamed of their country. Is the phrase 'Great Britain' an oxymoron, or is Britain one of the world's most free, open and tolerant societies, therefore making it the best place to live in the world? Listen to this debate, hear the arguments and make up your mind. Arguing in favour of the motion There's Not Much Great About Britain were Peter Hitchens, columnist for the Mail on Sunday, author and broadcaster; and Will Self, novelist, broadcaster and literary critic. Arguing against the motion were Kate Hoey, former Labour MP for Vauxhall; and Sayeeda Warsi, Conservative member of the House of Lords. The debate was chaired by Anthony Seldon, historian and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buckingham. Support this show See for privacy and opt-out information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • The 'Desk Killers' of History, with Dan Gretton and Ros Urwin

    28/01/2020 Duration: 01h04min

    In this episode we are joined by Dan Gretton, the author of I You We Them: Journeys Beyond Evil: The Desk Killer in History and Today. In an interview with Ros Urwin of The Sunday Times, he explores the psychology behind some of the least visible perpetrators of crimes against humanity in history — the banal and bureaucratic ‘desk killers’ who ordered and directed some of the worst atrocities of the last two hundred years. In the second half of the episode Dan Gretton makes reference to a map of the Auschwitz chemical plant, which can be seen here: Support this show See for privacy and opt-out information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • BJ Fogg on Redesigning Habits and Human Behaviour

    24/01/2020 Duration: 53min

    BJ Fogg is a pioneering research psychologist and founder of the iconic Behavior Design Lab at Stanford which has taught everyone from the founders of Instagram to the leading technology ethicist Tristan Harris. In this episode Fogg speaks to Carl Miller about his new book Tiny Habits, how he cracked the code of habit formation and the potential dangers of unleashing behaviour design on the world. See more about the book here: Support this show See for privacy and opt-out information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • The Philosophy of Polar Exploration, with Erling Kagge and Razia Iqbal

    21/01/2020 Duration: 43min

    Erling Kagge, author of Philosophy for Polar Explorers, was the first man in history to reach all of the Earth's poles by foot – the North, the South, and the summit of Everest. In this interview with the BBC’s Razia Iqbal, he brings together the wisdom and expertise he has gained from the expeditions that have taken him to the limits of the earth and to the limits of human endurance.  Support this show See for privacy and opt-out information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • There Is No Planet B, with Mike Berners-Lee and Matthew Taylor

    17/01/2020 Duration: 48min

    In this episode we were joined by Mike Berners-Lee, the climate change expert and author of There Is No Planet B: A Handbook For The Make Or Break Years. He was interviewed by Matthew Taylor of the RSA in a discussion on the real, concrete steps that we can all take to reduce our contributions to climate change and the destruction of the planet. This episode was recored on the 17th of January 2020 — We’d love to hear your feedback and what you think we should talk about next, who we should have on and what our future debates should be.  Send us an email or voice note with your thoughts to or Tweet us @intelligence2.  And if you’d like to support our mission to foster honest debate and compelling conversations, as well as ad-free podcasts, exclusive bonus content, early access and much more, become a supporter of Intelligence Squared today. Just visit to find out more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Former UK Labour Deputy Leader Tom Watson Discusses How He Beat Obesity, and the Long Road Ahead for Labour

    14/01/2020 Duration: 47min

    In this episode we were joined by Tom Watson, the Deputy Leader of the UK Labour Party who only recently stood down at last year's general election. He is now the author of a new book Downsizing: How I Lost 8 Stone, Reversed My Diabetes and Regained My Health, and in this wide-ranging interview with Ros Urwin he talks about his successful battle against obesity and diabetes, what this might mean for the global obesity epidemic, and how Labour might become electable again.  Support this show See for privacy and opt-out information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • The Wonders of Nanotechnology, with Sonia Contera and Tom Whipple

    10/01/2020 Duration: 47min

    In this episode we were joined by Sonia Contera, Professor of Biological Physics at the University of Oxford and the author of Nano Comes to Life: How Nanotechnology Is Transforming Medicine and the Future of Biology. In a wide-ranging conversation with Tom Whipple, the science editor at The Times, she explored the rapidly evolving nanotechnologies that are allowing us to manipulate the very building blocks of life, giving us radical control over our own biology.  Support this show See for privacy and opt-out information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Fighting Back Against Big Tech, with Rana Foroohar and Ros Urwin

    07/01/2020 Duration: 40min

    In this episode we were joined by Rana Foroohar, FT global business columnist and author of Don't Be Evil: The Case Against Big Tech, alongside Ros Urwin of the Sunday Times. According to Foroohar, Silicon Valley has lost its soul, and the tech behemoths like Google, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon are monetising both our data and our attention without us seeing a penny of those exorbitant profits. These companies have become rapacious monopolies with the power to corrupt our elections, co-opt all our data, and control the largest single chunk of corporate wealth — while evading all semblance of regulation and taxes. And in Foroohar's view, they must be held to account. Support this show See for privacy and opt-out information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Old World vs New World: The Great Wine Debate, with Oz Clarke and Jancis Robinson

    03/01/2020 Duration: 01h03min

    France, Italy, Spain, Germany: these are the ancient Old World wine-growing regions of Europe, where continuity and history reign supreme. California, Australia, South Africa and Chile: these are some of the New World areas, where technology and science trump tradition. Old World wines tend to be light-bodied, with herbal, mineral and floral components. New World wines, thanks to warmer climates, are generally full-bodied, fruity and higher in alcohol. But which wines are the greater? To battle it out, Intelligence Squared brought together two of the UK’s most celebrated wine experts for this major debate. Fighting for the tradition and terroir of the Old World was Jancis Robinson, wine correspondent of the Financial Times and the first person outside the wine trade to qualify as a Master of Wine. Fighting for the modernising spirit of the New World was Oz Clarke, the last winner of the World Wine Tasting Championship, and the youngest ever British Wine Taster of the Year. The debate was chaired by Amelia Sin

  • Privacy in an Age of Surveillance, with James Bennet and Jamie Bartlett

    31/12/2019 Duration: 01h01min

    In this episode we were joined by The New York Times' editorial page editor James Bennet, to discuss the The New York Times' fascinating new editorial project, The Privacy Project. James was interviewed on the project by tech journalist Jamie Bartlett. Support this show See for privacy and opt-out information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • The Education of an Idealist, with Samantha Power and Helen Lewis

    27/12/2019 Duration: 56min

    In this episode we were joined by Samantha Power, the former United States Ambassador to the United Nations under President Obama from 2013 to 2017 and author of a new book The Education of an Idealist. She was interviewed on her fascinating career in American diplomacy by Helen Lewis. Support this show See for privacy and opt-out information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • The West Should Make Amends With Putin

    24/12/2019 Duration: 57min

    Is it high time for a rapprochement with Putin? As the transatlantic alliance flounders and Britain wallows in Brexit psychodrama, Europe can no longer afford to keep Russian relations strained. In fact, a detente is now a geopolitical necessity. Containment policies may have made sense under Obama, but with an erratic Trump in the White House, rapidly ceding influence to Putin in the Middle East, Russia is now a major global actor – and a vital European partner. The Kremlin has steered the Syrian war and co-opted Turkey and Iran in the process. Its cooperation is paramount in establishing stability in the region, and in quashing ISIS. To maintain sanctions and froideur against Russia threatens our own security — as well as crucial infrastructure projects like Nordstream 2. And with an ascendant China eyeing up its neighbour, it’s clearly in Europe’s interest to follow Macron’s lead and try to pivot Putin back towards the West. Hang on, say Putin’s critics. Have we forgotten whom we’re dealing with? This is t

  • HOLIDAY BONUS: The Year in Review

    20/12/2019 Duration: 01h35min

    As 2019 comes to a close, the Intelligence Squared team look back at some of their highlights from the year, both on the Intelligence Squared stage and on the podcast. They feature clips from big in conversation events with the likes of Thomas Friedman and Salman Rushdie to debating whether the West should cut ties with Saudi Arabia, to cultural events exploring letters that changed the world. Join us for this holiday special and let us know what you think by rating and reviewing us on Apple Podcasts. We are particularly keen to know what your highlights of Intelligence Squared in 2019 have been - and what you would be interested in us covering in 2020. Happy holidays from the Intelligence Squared team! Support this show See for privacy and opt-out information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Chris Wylie on Whistleblowing the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal

    17/12/2019 Duration: 49min

    This episode features an interview from How I Found My Voice, another podcast by Intelligence Squared. Presented by the prominent BBC journalist Samira Ahmed, the podcast explores how some of the world's greatest artists and thinkers became such compelling – and unique – communicators. In this episode Samira speaks to the Cambridge Analytica whistleblower, Chris Wylie, about data micro-targeting, leaking documents that led to the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica data scandal and the part he played in developing technologies that can help shape election results. Subscribe to How I Found My Voice and listen to more episodes here: Season 2 of How I Found My Voice is proudly supported by THE OUT, innovative car rental powered by Jaguar Land Rover. Support this show See for privacy and opt-out information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Learning to Speak Machine, with John Maeda and Ros Urwin

    10/12/2019 Duration: 43min

    John Maeda is one of the world's preeminent interdisciplinary thinkers on technology and design, and the author of How to Speak Machine. In this episode of the Intelligence Squared podcast, in conversation with Ros Urwin he explores a set of simple laws and guidelines that govern not only the computers of today, but the unimaginable machines of the future. Support this show See for privacy and opt-out information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Conquerors and Liberators: War Leaders Who Shaped Our World

    06/12/2019 Duration: 01h01min

    Managing a successful Premier League football team or a major company takes extraordinary fortitude and foresight. But try leading a nation of millions – and then persuading them to follow you into war, with all the pain and sacrifice that entails. That’s real leadership. So what makes for a wartime leader? This question has fascinated historian Andrew Roberts for decades and prompted him to write his latest book Leadership in War. In November 2019 Roberts was joined by Jeremy Paxman for a fascinating discussion about the qualities demonstrated by wartime generals and heads of state throughout history. All were driven by a sense of mission and an unconquerable self-belief, whether, as in Winston Churchill’s case, it stemmed from an upbringing that emphasised his right to lead and rule, or, as with Margaret Thatcher, it was the realisation that she could lead in a way that the men around her seemed incapable of doing. We tend to think of leadership as an inherently good thing, but, as the examples of Hitler an

  • Ken Clarke: The Big Beast of British Politics

    03/12/2019 Duration: 01h27min

    After 49 years as a Conservative MP, Ken Clarke will be stepping down at the UK general election on December 12. In this episode of the Intelligence Squared podcast – staged just ten days before the election – Clarke came to the Intelligence Squared stage where, in conversation with John Humphrys, who recently stepped down as presenter of Radio 4’s Today programme, he reflected on his many years in politics and the twists and turns of the Brexit saga that have brought him to the curious position he is in today. Support this show See for privacy and opt-out information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Yanis Varoufakis and Brian Eno on Money, Power and a Call for Radical Change

    29/11/2019 Duration: 01h07min

    The liberal order is under threat. Increasing inequality, the rise of far-right nationalism and the climate emergency pose unprecedented challenges. It’s time for some radical thinking. In November 2019 Intelligence Squared brought to its stage two of the world’s great radicals – Yanis Varoufakis, the former Greek finance minister known for his trademark leather jacket, motorbike and self-described erratic Marxism, and legendary music producer Brian Eno, known for his progressive politics and human rights activism. The evening was chaired by BBC journalist and broadcaster Ritula Shah. Support this show See for privacy and opt-out information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Richard Branson: How I Found My Voice

    26/11/2019 Duration: 47min

    This is an episode from the second series of How I Found My Voice, a podcast from Intelligence Squared. Presented by the prominent BBC journalist Samira Ahmed, the podcast explores how some of the world's greatest artists and thinkers became such compelling – and unique – communicators. In this episode Samira speaks to business mogul Sir Richard Branson about becoming a serial entrepreneur developing the Virgin brand, signing some of the biggest names in music and the next frontiers of space travel. Subscribe to How I Found My Voice and listen to more episodes here: Season 2 of How I Found My Voice is proudly supported by THE OUT, innovative car rental powered by Jaguar Land Rover. Photo credit: Visual Eye. Support this show See for privacy and opt-out information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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