Erin Burnet OutFront: Out in the field. In front of the headlines. A courageous and unconventional nightly news program.
Democrats: Trump's conduct is "clearly impeachable"; Pelosi plans to meet with Democratic leaders tonight; Democrats working to finalize articles of impeachment
10/12/2019 Duration: 39minNext steps: Pelosi to meet with top Democrats tonight; Language in articles of impeachment to be finalized; Nadler: Giuliani digging for dirt last week in Ukraine shows Trump is a "continuing risk to the country"; Democrats: Giuliani's Ukraine trip shows urgent need to impeach Trump as Barr reportedly warns Trump about Giuliani; Nadler meeting in Pelosi's office right now; Inspector General report: FBI's launch of Russia probe justified and unbiased; No evidence of "political bias or improper motivation" in launch of Russia probe; Attorney General Barr disputes IG report finding, says FBI opened investigation on "thinnest of suspicions"; Barr contradicts DOJ IG report finding no FBI bias; Trump defends Saudi Arabia as naval base shooting is investigated as a terror attack; Saudi sends high-ranking diplomat and lawyers to U.S. naval base after Saudi killed three Americans via Knit
Pelosi: "No choice" but to move forward with impeachment; vote on articles of impeachment could come next week, Top GOP senator to Trump: don't testify in impeachment trial, Giuliani is back in Ukraine meeting with fringe lawmakers
06/12/2019 Duration: 39minDemocrat warns: don't include Mueller in articles of impeachment, Speaker Pelosi to reporter: "don't mess with me", Top GOP Senator Grassley warns Trump not to testify in possible senate trial if he is impeached by house, McConnell tells White House no way to avoid impeachment trial in senate as Grassley warns Trump not to testify, Giuliani is back in Ukraine meeting with fringe lawmakers; threatens to release dirt on Joe Biden "very soon", Trump: "I don't believe" Pelosi when she says she prays for me, Trump says "do it now, fast" on impeachment, Biden slams voter over question on son: "you're a damn liar", Iowa voter who was likely to support Warren now worries about electability, may back Buttigieg via Knit
Constitutional experts testify Trump abused power as impeachment probe enters new phase; House Judiciary Committee wraps up Trump impeachment hearing; Will hold Second hearing next week with House Intelligence Committee staff; Impeachment witness for Demo
05/12/2019 Duration: 39minLegal experts testify Trump should be impeached as House Judiciary prepares to call more hearings; Three legal experts testify Trump has committed impeachable offenses; One expert disagrees; House Judiciary Committee to hold second impeachment hearing next week; Vote on articles of impeachment also possible; House Judiciary Committee to announce next hearing as soon as tonight; House Democrats moving forward with impeachment hearings as GOP legal witness warns Democrats to slow down; Impeachment witness defends donations to Democrats as "constitutional right" after clash with Republican Representative Gaetz; Impeachment witness to Republican Representative Collins: "I'm insulted" you'd suggest I didn't read transcripts before hearing; In fiery impeachment hearing, Republicans use Chairman Nadler's comments from Clinton impeachment against him; Republicans repeatedly interrupts in effort to derail hearing; Giuliani refuses to deny he's back in Ukraine after New Yor
House Intelligence Committee approves impeachment report; Will be used as basis for articles of impeachment; Nunes dodges questions after being named multiple times in his own committee's impeachment report; House Intelligence details evidence of Trump ob
04/12/2019 Duration: 39minHouse Intelligence Committee votes to approve impeachment report; House Intelligence report on Ukraine probe shows multiple calls between Nunes, Giuliani and Giuliani associate; Nunes dodges reporters after being named in Intelligence report; Democrats: Call logs in impeachment report show how Trump allies coordinated "false narratives"; Impeachment report: Call logs reveal calls between Representative Nunes and indicted Giuliani associate Lev Parnas; House Intelligence report: Pence either knew of or actively participated in Trump push for Ukraine probes; House impeachment report implicates Vice President Pence; Judiciary Committee to hold impeachment heading after new report accused Trump of misconduct, obstruction; Judiciary. Committee to consider multiple articles of impeachment; Trump campaign adviser: Giuliani is growing concern for president: "Rudy has become a liability"; Kamala Harris to Trump after ending campaign: "I'll see you at your trial"; Kamala Harris drops
Intelligence committee's impeachment report released; Democrats to announce witnesses in next public hearing; House Judiciary committee holding mock hearing tomorrow ahead of first public impeachment hearing; GOP ignores witness testimony, issues report
03/12/2019 Duration: 39minHouse Judiciary Committee holding mock hearing tomorrow ahead of first public impeachment hearing; House Democratic leaders officially announce no recess the week before Christmas; Impeachment vote expected; Lawyer: Giuliani associate wants to comply with House subpoena; GOP ignores witness testimony, issues report saying Trump did nothing wrong on Ukraine; Ex-FBI lawyer Lisa Page, a frequent Trump target, breaks her silence: "I decided to take my power back."; Joe Biden: I named my Iowa bus tour "No malarkey because the other guy is all lies."; Jimmy Carter back in the hospital days after being released via Knit
White House faces new deadline on impeachment; Sources: Ukraine officials want to improve standing with Trump, could still announce new investigations; Sources: Attacker who killed two on London bridge was previously jailed on terror offenses
30/11/2019 Duration: 39minHouse Dems give Trump one week to say if his lawyers will take part in impeachment hearings; White House faces new deadline on impeachment; NYT report reveals discord, finger-pointing in Harris campaign; NYT: Staffers detail unraveling inside Harris campaign; Harris aide resigns in scathing letter about campaign; Surprising support for Sanders deep in Trump country via Knit
Trump makes unannounced visit to Afghanistan; NYT: Watchdog to say no evidence FBI spied on Trump campaign; China furious over Trump's bill backing Hong Kong protesters
29/11/2019 Duration: 36minNYT: Giuliani pursued business in Ukraine while pushing for probes; The tightening legal vise around Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani; Teen's beauty video tutorial masks anti-China critique; HK activist calls bill passage "remarkable achievement"; Anti-China Tik-Tok video goes viral; Migrant families sending children to cross into U.S. alone; Border agents intercept about 135 children crossing solo; Children are exempt from Trump's "remain in Mexico" policy; Historic buzzer-beater drives donations to player's family via Knit
Wall Street Journal: Giuliani was in talks to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars from Ukrainian government officials; New York Times: FBI did not try to place spies inside Trump campaign, Justice department inspector general's report expected to find;
28/11/2019 Duration: 39minWall Street Journal: Giuliani was in talks to earn $500K from Ukraine; President Rump starting to distance himself from Giuliani; New York Times: Justice department report expected to undercut Trump's spy claim; Fired Navy secretary slams Trump in scathing op-ed; New York Times: President Trump knew of whistleblower complaint when he released aid to Ukraine; Report: Three women accuse Ambassador Gordon Sondland of sexual misconduct; He denies all allegations; Trump signs legislation supporting pro-Democracy posters in Hong Kong; Major slap to China; 'Rocky' reaction to Trump's photo tweet via Knit
New York Times: President Trump knew of whistleblower complaint when he released aid to Ukraine; Bolton says national security priorities "under attack from within," yet Bolton has not testified; Warren: Bloomberg "plans to bypass human beings," is trying
27/11/2019 Duration: 39minNew York Times: Trump briefed on whistleblower complain before releasing aid; Democrat clarifies support for impeachment after saying "I don't see the value" in removing Trump; Trump claims he would "love" for officials to testify but continues to block witnesses from speaking; Pompeo cryptic when asked whether he will testify in impeachment probe, has dodged questions so far; Bloomberg: "I know what it takes to beat Donald Trump"; Bloomberg hires Trump biographer as campaign adviser; CNN on the ground in Northern Syria after Trump pulled troops from the region; Syrian Kurd on U.S. troop pullout: "America betrayed us"; Bern-ing up the dance floor via Knit
Judge: Ex-White House counsel must testify in impeachment probe; Federal judge on Trump's attempt to prevent former White House counsel from testifying: "Presidents are not kings"; Subpoena indicates federal investigators interested in Rudy Giuliani's bus
26/11/2019 Duration: 39minJudge: McGahn must testify in impeachment probe; Judge: President Trump may not be immune from testifying, says "no one is above the law"; Subpoena indicates prosecutors eyeing Giuliani's business; Fired Navy Chief: Trump interfering in Navy SEAL case sends message that "You can get away with things"; Buttigieg's challenge: Courting Black voters; Black voter on Buttigieg: "He has to find what makes us tick"; Bloomberg entered race because he saw "greater risk" of Trump getting re-elected; Senator Sherrod Brown on 2020: "I think it's a wide open race"; Obama wants 2020 Democrats against "purity tests"; Senator Sherrod Brown: What GOP says privately on impeachment probe is different than what they're saying publicly; Senator Sherrod Brown: Hard to respect GOP colleagues who show "no spine in standing up to" President Trump; Top dog at White House today via Knit
Democrats preparing Trump impeachment report, Democrats considering multiple impeachment articles, Sources: Report expected to say no bias at top of FBI in Russia probe
23/11/2019 Duration: 39minDemocrats looking at multiple articles of impeachment, including abuse of power, obstruction of justice, bribery, Bolton: White House blocked my Twitter account, Intelligence officials warned senators about Russia's push to blame Ukraine for 2016 attack on U.S. election, Trump repeats Ukraine conspiracy theory despite intelligence officials' warning that it is false and benefits Putin, Trump repeatedly lies in FOX interview, ignoring testimonies of multiple officials, DOJ's IG report expected to say Russia probe launched properly despite Trump claims of bias by FBI leaders, Bitter rivals Trump and Romney sit next to each other at White House meeting as possible Senate impeachment trial looms, Trump opens door to Pompeo Senate run as questions grow about his role in Ukraine saga, Trump: Pompeo would "Win in a landslide" if he ran for Senate, Biden takes a jab at rival Deval Patrick for canceling an event due to low attendance, Biden on questions about his fitness: "Watch me",
Democratic sources: Impeachment vote could happen by Christmas, Impeachment witnesses fight back against GOP attacks, Schiff: "We are better" than President who thinks "They are above the law"
22/11/2019 Duration: 39minHill rebukes GOP for believing "Fictional narrative" that Ukraine, not Russia, interfered with 2016 election, Fiona Hill: I told Sondland pursuit of his "Domestic political errand" would "Blow up", GOP lawmakers working with White House to prepare for likely Senate impeachment trial, Diplomat testifies Sondland said "Every time Rudy gets involved he goes and F**S everything up", Holmes: Sondland told me Trump only cared about "Big stuff" that benefits him, like the Biden probe, Schiff: Trump's actions "Beyond anything Nixon did", Trump's former top Russia aide shatters GOP conspiracy theories on Ukraine, Impeachment witnesses destroy GOP talking points via Knit
Source: Trump suggested firing impeachment witnesses as nine more are set to testify publicly this week; GOP lawmakers "shaken" by testimony of aide who overheard Trump ask about Ukraine investigations; Trump's unannounced hospital visit raising questions
19/11/2019 Duration: 39minSource: Trump suggested firing impeachment witnesses; Aides warn this could be perceived as retaliation; Trump attacks Pence aide as "Never Trumper" ahead of testimony; Sources: GOP "shaken" by State department aide's testimony; GOP Lawmakers believe State department aide's testimony was most convincing argument on Trump pressuring Ukraine; Wisconsin Trump voter: Trump has to "work his butt off" to try to win this state back; Conservative Wisconsin voter on impeachment: "I don't think it's a witch hunt... we need to go through this"; Conservative voter on impeachment:" I don't think it's a witch hunt"; Biden on legalizing marijuana: "There's not nearly enough evidence" on whether it's a gateway drug; Biden expresses skepticism on legalizing marijuana; Yang pushes legalization of marijuana after Biden says he needs more evidence it isn't "gateway drug"; Sanders joins Warren in mocking rich critics
Witness: Sondland said Trump didn't care about Ukraine, just "big stuff" like Biden investigation, New witness testimony appears to contradict Trump's claim that he hardly knows Sondland, Ousted U.S. ambassador to Ukraine: Trump's attacks during testimony
16/11/2019 Duration: 38minWitness: EU ambassador told Trump Ukraine's president will do "anything you ask him to", Witness EU ambassador said Trump did not "give a s**t about Ukraine", Witness: Sondland told Trump that Ukraine president Zelensky "loves your ass", Trump tweets attack on former ambassador; democrats may add witness intimidation to impeachment articles, Longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone found guilty; 6th Trump associate convicted, Stone found guilty on all counts via Knit
Pelosi points to possible bribery charge against Trump, White House budget official will testify if subpoenaed, Bill Clinton to Trump: "You got hired to do a job"
15/11/2019 Duration: 39minWhite house braces for day two of public testimony, Animated White House meeting between Trump, Barr, White House counsel, Pelosi: Trump call "Perfectly wrong. It's bribery", Next witnesses in impeachment probe: Former ambassador to Ukraine & aide who overheard Trump-Sondland call, Russia likely heard Sondland's cell phone call with Trump, Ex-counterintelligence officials: Russian spies likely intercepted Sondland's cell phone call with Trump, Bill Clinton to Trump: "You got hired to do a job" and should work with Democrats despite impeachment probe, Former GOP voter: "I'm so disappointed in the Republican party", Independent voter reacts to impeachment hearing: "I'm pretty sure I'm going to vote for him, again.", At least two dead, three injured in California school shooting; Sheriff: Incident took 16 seconds from start to finish, Former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick announces run for President; Says Biden "Misses the momen
Key Witness: Diplomat said Trump cared more about Biden investigationsa than Ukraine, Schiff: Ukraine pressure came "From the President on down", Trump says he's "Too busy" to watch impeachment testimony
14/11/2019 Duration: 47minFirst public hearing further ties Trump to Ukraine pressure, Top diplomat in Ukraine testifies his aide heard Trump on phone asking for update on "Investigations", Taylor aide overheard Trump ask about Ukraine investigations, Trump: "I know nothing about that", Top diplomat in Ukraine details "Unusual" and "Alarming" U.S. policy toward Ukraine, Top diplomat in Ukraine: Trump wanted Ukraine President in a "Public box" by committing to investigations, Top diplomat in Ukraine says he sent cable to Pompeo about Ukraine aid concerns; Never heard back, Sources: White House caught off guard by top diplomats testimony, Trump says he's "Too busy" to watch impeachment hearing despite posting 30+ tweets on testimony, Source: White House inundated GOP members with so many emails, some replied "Stop spamming me", New questions surface for European Union Ambassador about Trump call after damning testimony from top Ukraine diplomat, As GOP hammers wi
New York Times: Trump considered firing Intelligence Inspector General who sent whistleblower's complaint to Congress; Trump frustrated with his chief of staff as White House struggles with infighting over impeachment; Schiff: Bribery among potentially im
13/11/2019 Duration: 44minGOP and Democrats plot strategies on eve of impeachment hearings; New York Times: Trump considered firing Intelligence Inspector General; Hours before public impeachment hearings, White House staff mired in infighting; Trump frustrated with Mulvaney; New Poll: Buttigieg surges 14 points among Iowa voters as Biden drops seven points; Biden escalates attacks on Warren, says "attitude is elitist"; Eight more impeachment witnesses to testify publicly; Democrats propose additional 10 percent tax on some millionaires; Democrats propose new millionaire tax as 2020 candidates feud with rich over wealth taxes; Billionaires say they are being vilified; Biden's response to nearly everything: "C'mon, man!"; "C'mon, man!" Who said it best? Biden or Obama? via Knit
Adviser: Trump administration put missile order for Ukraine on hold; Mulvaney concerned about angering Russia; Ukraine adviser: Bolton warned that Rudy Giuliani "was a key voice with the president on Ukraine"; New poll: Biden holds narrow lead in New Hamp
12/11/2019 Duration: 41minThree impeachment witness transcripts just released; Mulvaney plans to file separate lawsuit over House subpoena, withdraws request to join Kupperman lawsuit; Key witness: Pentagon was concerned about legality of withholding aid in exchange for dirt on Bidens; New York Times: Giuliani associate's lawyer says Ukraine quid pro quo existed; Trump says he'll release transcript of first Zelensky call this week; Biden accuses Warren of "condescending" and "elitist attitude" after she slammed him for not supporting 'Medicare for All'; Biden rejects claims that his attacks on Warren were sexist: "That's not what I intended to do"; Former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick considering White House bid; Bloomberg to skip first four primary contests if he runs; Castro says Iowa and New Hampshire shouldn't be first to vote; Iowa voters react to Bloomberg's plan to skip state; Warren mocks billionaires over wealth tax: "They might have to pay two cents
Witness testimony ties Mulvaney to quid pro quo; chief of staff was a no-show at deposition today, White House official concerned Giuliani's Ukraine work was illegal, Trump today: "I hardly know" Ambassador Sondland Trump last month: Sondland is "a really
09/11/2019 Duration: 42minBolton attorney: he has "relevant" information not yet disclosed, Trump's ex-Russia adviser testifies she was "extremely concerned" Giuliani's work "might not be legal", Ukraine expert for White House testifies Trump's Ukraine call put Giuliani "into kind of an official role", Trump claims witnesses in impeachment probe haven't hurt him, GOP throws Trump aides under bus to protect him, Sources say Trump still in close contact with Giuliani despite growing scrutiny over Ukraine, Michael Bloomberg files for democratic presidential primary, plans to skip first four primary contests, Trump on Bloomberg: "nobody I'd rather run against", anonymous author claims Trump officials weighed mass resignation, calling it a "midnight self-massacre", Warren says she's open to suspending deportations as she courts Latino voters via Knit
Damning testimony reveals Giuliani's influence over Trump; House on track to wrap up impeachment by Christmas; Michael Bloomberg to file for Alabama presidential primary
08/11/2019 Duration: 41minKent testifies Trump wanted to pressure Ukraine to commit to probes of Biden; Key witness: Giuliani's attacks on ambassador "campaign of lies"; Damning testimony reveals Giuliani's influence over Trump; Washington Post: Bolton willing to defy White House and testify in impeachment inquiry if court clears the way; Pence aide: Trump's Ukraine call was political, not normal; Michael Bloomberg laying groundwork for presidential run; Advisers say he's increasingly concerned about current Democratic field; Democratic congressman on impeachment probe: "It's a mistake"; Minnesota voters frustrated with Democratic congressman for voting against impeachment inquiry: "It's a political decision"; Prosecutors highlight the volume of contacts Roger Stone had with Trump and campaign officials throughout 2016; Prosecutors lay out extent of Roger Stone's contacts with Trump in 2016, including 3 calls on day Democratic National Committee was hacked; Threats exple