Erin Burnet OutFront: Out in the field. In front of the headlines. A courageous and unconventional nightly news program.
Democrats plot new phase in impeachment as lawmakers prep new subpoenas, may abandon voluntary interviews; Trump claims he'll cooperate with impeachment inquiry if "rules are fair" and Republicans "get a fair shake"; Pence, Pompeo defend their roles in Uk
10/10/2019 Duration: 41minTrump lashes out at whistleblower and impeachment probe; falsely claims complaint "wasn't close at all" to transcript; Sources: confusion inside the White House over who is leading the impeachment strategy; Democrats prepare flurry of subpoenas in face of White House stonewalling; Growing pressure for Pelosi to call vote on impeachment inquiry; Trump rails against impeachment probe as White House stonewalls Democrats; Trump hedges on whether he would cooperate with impeachment probe if House votes to authorize it; Pence: "I never discussed" Biden with Ukrainian president; Pompeo defends Trump's call with Ukraine that he was on: "Wholly appropriate" to try to stop corruption; Senator Graham plans to ask Senate GOP to sign letter to Pelosi saying Ukraine call is not impeachable offense; Trey Gowdy officially joins Trump's legal team; Sanders: I "misspoke" when I said I'd scale back campaigning; Sanders says he "misspoke" one day after saying
White House declares war on impeachment, sends letter to Pelosi calling investigation unconstitutional; Schiff slams White House for calling impeachment inquiry "illegitimate"; Sources tell CNN ex-GOP Representative Gowdy accepted offer to be outside coun
09/10/2019 Duration: 44minWhistleblower memo: White House official who listened to Ukraine call was "shaken" by it, described it as "crazy" and "frightening"; White House tells Pelosi Trump won't cooperate with "illegitimate" impeachment process; White House letter: Trump won't participate in impeachment inquiry; Schiff on White House calling impeachment inquiry "illegitimate": White House is trying to argue "The President is above the law"; White House letter calls impeachment inquiry "baseless" and "unconstitutional"; says it violates Trump's due process; Democrats subpoena Sondland after White House orders him to testify; Trump confidant: impeachment a "mortal threat" to his presidency; Bernie Sanders scaling back campaign schedule after heart attack; Sanders says he is "changing the nature" of his campaign after suffering a heart attack; Kamala Harris betting big on Iowa; aiming to finish in top three; Kamala Harris r
Sources: Extreme measures being considered to protect whistleblower's identity if he or she talks to Congress; Ex-Trump lawyer representing Giuliani associates claims Democrats trying to "harass, intimidate and embarrass" his clients; Trump defends pullin
08/10/2019 Duration: 39minDemocrats' far-reaching impeachment inquiry now involves White House, Pentagon, Office of Management and Budget, and State Department; Ex-Trump lawyer accuses House Democrats of harassment, intimidation; Source: House Democrats prepared to subpoena Giuliani associates; Trump refuses to answer if he was serious about asking China to investigate the Bidens; President Trump defends pulling U.S. troops from Syria as top Republicans slam the decision; GOP Senators slam Trump's decision to pull troops from Syria after defending him against impeachment inquiry; Trump door at center of Ukraine scandal to testify tomorrow; U.S. Ambassador named by whistleblower and who texted there was "no quid pro quo" with Ukraine to testify tomorrow; Biden supporters, aides worry about Trump attacks; After suffering a heart attack, Sanders says he hopes to get back on the trail "soon"; Sanders on his hear attack recovery: "I feel very good"; Im-peach-ment emoji: sign of the times; via Knit
White House subpoenaed as Dems escalate impeachment inquiry; House Dems demand docs from Pence in impeachment inquiry; White House subpoenaed as few Republicans slam Trump
05/10/2019 Duration: 41minWhite House subpoenaed by House Democrats, say President's actions left them "no choice"; Pompeo, Giuliani face subpoena deadline tonight; Romney, Hurd slam Trump for asking China to investigate Biden; Doctors: Bernie Sanders suffered a heart attack; 2020 candidate released from hospital earlier today; Biden defends son: "No indication of any conflict of interest from Ukraine or anywhere else. Period"; Trump's children make international deals while the President accuses Biden of being "corrupt" because his son did same thing; Caught in the middle of a Trump tirade via Knit
Reports: Top U.S. Diplomat in Ukraine texted "It's crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign"; Pelosi: Trump violated his oath of office by asking Ukraine and China to investigate Bidens
04/10/2019 Duration: 46minTrump now says both China and Ukraine should investigate Bidens as Ex-envoy testifies before Congress in impeachment probe; CNN Exclusive: Trump raised Biden with Xi in June call; White House record of call moved to highly-secure server; Volker warned Ukrainians not to interfere in U.S. politics after Trump call; Pelosi: Trump violated his oath of office by asking Ukraine and China to investigate Bidens; NYT: U.S. Diplomats drafted statement for Ukraine's leader to commit investigations of Trump's rivals; Pence repeats Trump's debunked Biden conspiracies; Washington Post: Whistleblower claims treasury political appointee may have interfered with audit of Trump or Pence; New Poll: 45% of Americans support impeachment; Michigan Trump Voter: Democrats only want to "Try to impeach" Trump; Beto O'Rourke, Buttigieg clash on mandatory gun buybacks via Knit
Trump erupts over impeachment, ramps up attacks on Intel Chairman Schiff and blasts probe as "bullshit"; Washington Post: Trump repeatedly involved Pence in efforts to pressure Ukraine's president amid bid to find Biden dirt; Trump, without evidence, clai
03/10/2019 Duration: 41minTrump refuses to answer reporter's question about what he wanted Ukraine's President to do about Bidens; Trump won't say what he wanted Ukraine to do about Bidens; Trump loses temper as impeachment pressure grows; Trump lashes in out in public meltdown over impeachment investigation, the Whistleblower and his call to Ukraine; Schiff: White House attempts to "stonewall" investigation will be considered evidence of obstruction; Trump claims without evidence Schiff helped write complaint; State Department watchdog delivers mysterious packet to key House panels during "urgent" briefing; Bernie Sanders takes indefinite break from campaign trail after having two stents inserted for artery blockage; Bernie Sanders hospitalized, had 2 stents inserted in artery; Yang raises $10 million in third quarter, dwarfs previous hauls; Harris calls on Twitter CEO to suspend Trump's account; Snakes, Gators, Spikes and a "moot" via Knit
Sources: State Department Inspector General requests "urgent" Hill briefing tomorrow afternoon on Ukraine documents; comes after Pompeo stonewalls Democrats; Top GOP Senator Grassley breaks with Trump, says whistleblower should be "heard out and protected
02/10/2019 Duration: 40minHouse deposition with ex-U.S. Ambassador delayed as Inspector General requests "urgent" briefing over Ukraine documents; Pompeo, Democrats accuse each other of witness intimidation as Secretary of State stalls letting officials talk to Congress; GOP's Grassley rebukes Trump over whistleblower attacks; Poll: Only 40% of Republicans believe Trump talked to Ukraine about Biden despite Trump admitting doing so; Poll: only 40% of GOP think Trump mentioned Biden on call; Senator Graham now calls impeachment a joke, but during Clinton era he said it restored integrity to White House; 2020 Democrat Fundraising: Sanders' numbers jump, Buttigieg slips; Trump and RNC raise $125 million in Third Quarter, have $156 million in cash; Rodent runs amok at the White House via Knit
House Democrats subpoena Giuliani for Ukraine documents; Sources: Advisers warn Trump it's likely he'll be impeached; some annoyed he won't give up 2016 conspiracy theory; Washington Post: Barr personally asked foreign governments to aid inquiry into CIA,
01/10/2019 Duration: 40minGiuliani subpoenaed for Ukraine documents in impeachment inquiry; Trump: "trying to find out" whistleblower's identity; Giuliani responds to subpoena in impeachment inquiry, says it "raises significant issues"; Sources: Allies concerned he doesn't understand gravity of situation; Pompeo was on Trump's Ukraine call; Washington Post: Barr traveling overseas, asking foreign government to aid in Justice Department inquiry of Russia probe; Trump administration imposes sanctions on key Putin ally; Bolton rebukes Trump on North Korea; Says Kim Jong Un "will never give uptake nuclear weapons voluntarily"; New CNN Poll: 47 percent of Americans support impeaching Trump; Poll: Republican support for impeachment grows; Former Senator Flake urges GOP not to support Trump in 2020; House Democrat defends not yet backing impeachment; House Democrats torn over backing impeachment inquiry; Perfection... in the eyes of President Trump; via Knit
Sources: White House restricted access to Trump's phone calls with Vladimir Putin and Saudi Crown Prince, Sources: U.S. Special Envoy to Ukraine has resigned
28/09/2019 Duration: 44minSecretary of State Mike Pompeo subpoenaed by three House Committees for Ukraine documents in Trump impeachment probe, Pelosi: Attorney General Bill Barr has "Gone rogue", Trump's Ukraine envoy named in whistleblower complaint resigns one day after complaint is made public, Warren: "I do" worry for the whistleblower's safety, Warren: "I don't know: if Senate GOP will vote to convict Trump, No one is above the law," Congress needs to bring impeachment proceedings to hold Trump accountable, Warren: Impeachment inquiry should focus on Ukraine "Because it is such a clear violation of the law", Warren: "I hope" impeachment inquiry is wrapped up by February, "This Is Life with Lisa Ling" premieres Sunday at 10pm ET/PT, Lisa Ling investigates the dangers of online pornography via Knit
Whistleblower: Trump tried to get Ukraine to interfere in 2020 election, and White House tried to cover it up; Burr vows Senate Intel will get answers in whistleblower probe; Acting DNI Chief defers to White House on Guiliani questions, says he doesn't kn
27/09/2019 Duration: 46minWhistleblower: White House tried to cover up Trump's abuse of power; Whistleblower: White House officials said White House lawyers "directed" them to remove electronic transcript of Ukraine call; Whistleblower: White House officials moved Trump's call transcript to codeword-level system; "Not the first time"; Acting DNI Chief: I defer to White House on questions about Guiliani; Acting DNI Chief defers to White House on Guiliani's role; says only knowledge of him is from TV and news media; Guiliani defends digging for dirt on Bidens in Ukraine, insists that "When this is over, I will be the hero"; GOP Representative Turner to Trump: Ukraine phone call "Not ok"; Representative Hurd joins list of Republicans raising concerns, says "a lot in the whistleblower complaint that is concerning"; Trump accuses Biden of misconduct, despite no evidence; Trump accuses Vice President Biden of misconduct in firing of Ukrainian prosecutor; no evidence of any wro
Lawmakers receive whistleblower complaint as transcript shows Trump pushed Ukraine's president to investigate Biden, Pelosi: Whistleblower complaint "has been classified by the president", GOP senators Romney, Thune, Sasse among few raising concerns about
26/09/2019 Duration: 42minWhistleblower complaint about Trump sent to congress; Rep. Schiff: individual "has exposed serious wrongdoing", GOP senator on whistleblower complaint: "a lot that's very troubling", small cracks in GOP ranks as rough transcript shows Trump pushed Ukraine's president to investigate Biden, several Republicans publicly raise concerns with Trump's Ukraine call, Biden: Ukraine call transcript is "very revealing", Booker: Trump was "abusing" his office to pressure Ukraine, Booker on impeachment: "I think that we will find more and more damning evidence as we go forward", acting DNI to testify tomorrow about whistleblower complaint, more than 200 house Dems backing impeachment inquiry, 212 house Dems back impeachment inquiry but voters still divided via Knit
Pelosi announces formal impeachment inquiry of Trump; says "Must be held accountable, no one is above the law"
25/09/2019 Duration: 51minSources: White House preparing to release whistleblower complaint via Knit
Three House Committees now threatening subpoenas after Trump admits talking to Ukraine about Biden; Trump outrageously claims republicans would get "electric chair" if they did what he wrongly claims Biden did; GOP largely silent after Trump admits talkin
24/09/2019 Duration: 40minNew House Democrat calls to impeach as Trump confirms he discussed Biden with Ukraine; Trump admits he discussed Biden with Ukraine's President; Democrats: Impeachment at "tipping point" after whistleblower complaint; Trump's story keeps changing about whether he pushed Ukraine on Biden; Trump: "It would probably, possibly have been ok" if I pressured Ukraine's president to probe Biden and his son; Source who talks to Trump: "He's not bothered; he's not worried" about fallout over Ukraine call about Biden; Source: Trump "not worried" about pushing Ukraine to probe Biden; Trump claims he will be unfairly snubbed for Nobel Peace Prize; Republicans cover for Trump over phone call with Ukraine's President; Booker: I need $1.7 Million to stay in race; CNN poll: Warren surges among Iowa voters, neck-and-neck with Biden ahead of Democratic caucuses; DNC raises thresholds for November debate; several candidates likely to be cut from stage; U.S. Arm
Source: Trump pressured Ukraine's president in July phone call to investigate Joe Biden's son, 2020 Dems descend on Iowa for major campaign event, U.S. to send troops to Saudi Arabia after oil strike
21/09/2019 Duration: 39minWall Street Journal: Trump urged Ukraine's president about eight times to work with Giuliani to investigate Biden's son, Trump claims whistleblower is a "political person" but admits he doesn't know who the person is, Biden boosts Iowa ground game as polls show close race, Biden to Medicare for all supporter in Iowa: "Tell Elizabeth to tell it's going to cost a lot of money", millions march demanding action on climate change, scientist: climate change putting food supply in jeopardy, crying for attention on the campaign trail via Knit
Sources: Intel Inspector suggests whistleblower concerned about multiple acts amid reports complaint involves Trump; Trump denies making improper promise on call with foreign leader, claims he knows others are listening; Buttigieg, Klobuchar slam Warren a
20/09/2019 Duration: 39minWhite House and Department of Justice advised DNI to withhold whistleblower complaint; Washington Post: Trump's "promise" to foreign leader sparked alarm; Trump tries to blow off "credible and urgent" complaint by whistleblower; House Judiciary Committee weighs holding Lewandowski in contempt; Democratic stronghold in Minnesota turning to Trump; Trump hopes to turn Minnesota red for first time since Nixon; lost state by less than 2% in 2016; Iran vows "all-out war" if U.S. or Saudis launch military strike; Trump's national security team meets to plot plans for Iran after alleged attack on key Saudi oil facility; Oxycontin maker wants to pay out millions in bonuses; Purdue Pharma wants to pay $34 million in employee bonuses; Oxycontin maker facing multiple lawsuits, bankruptcy; Study: bird population has dropped by 3 billion since 1970 via Knit
Inspector General to brief lawmakers tomorrow on whistleblower complaint, Democrats question strategy after chaotic impeachment hearing, Trump says "Dummy Beto" is making gun deal harder
19/09/2019 Duration: 39minInspector General to brief lawmakers tomorrow on "Credible and urgent" whistleblower complaint, DNI has refused to share whistleblower complaint, Sources: Pelosi told Democrats beating Trump in 2020 is more important than impeachment, Growing tensions among House Democrats over impeachment push, Nearly 50,00 auto workers strike for third day, Booker introduces plan for workers as UAW strike reaches day 3, Booker: Black community doesn't feel better under Trump, despite unemployment numbers, Trump raises $15 million despite war with California officials, Trump revokes California's authority to set emissions standards, Trump administration escalates battle with California over emissions, Trump slams homeless crisis in California during trip to state, Trump: Hispanic supporter "Looks more like a WASP than I do", Pompeo blames Iran for Saudi Arabia oil attack, calls it an "Act of War", Trump: "One phone call" and we can go into Iran, Trump slams Fed after rate cut
Ex-Trump campaign manager stonewalls Democrats; Nadler warns Lewandowski could be held in contempt; Lewandowski invokes executive privilege in House testimony despite never working in White House; 2020 Democratic Julian Castro slams Trump's comments about
18/09/2019 Duration: 39minLewandowski, Democrats clash during contentious impeachment hearing; Lewandowski says he didn't deliver message to Sessions from Trump on Mueller probe, because he was on vacation; Democrats grill Lewandowski on timeline of order from Trump; Lewandowski teases Senate run during testimony; DNI faces deadline tonight to turn over info on whistleblower; 2020 Democratic Julian Castro slams Trump's comments about Hispanics: "We won't be scared of his racist rhetoric"; Trump: Hispanic supporter "looks more like a W.A.S.P than I do"; Trump tries to woo Hispanic voters: "We love our Hispanics"; New poll: Biden leads, Warren's support grows; Trump administration to escalate battle with California over emissions; California leads charge against Trump; state has nearly 60 lawsuits against administration; Sources: EPA to revoke California authority to set vehicle standards; Netanyahu in danger of losing re-election after touting close relationship with Trump during campai
Iran dismisses Trump's threat of "locked and loaded"; Six 2020 Democrats call for Justice Kavanaugh's impeachment; Pelosi, Schumer speak with Trump on gun control
17/09/2019 Duration: 40minTrump dials back tough talk on Iran after "locked and loaded" tweet; Trump: "we'd certainly like to avoid" war with Iran; Nadler: "Personally, I think the President ought to be impeached," but the American public has to be on board; Representative Omar teams up with Senator Booker on bill that guarantees a job for everyone who wants one; Trump: NYT reporting on Kavanaugh "a false accusation"; CNN: letter to FBI flagged info on Kavanaugh alleged misconduct before confirmation; Trump questions whether Democrats will "move the goalposts" on gun talks after call with Pelosi and Schumer; GOP Congressman backs assault weapons ban; daughter was across street from mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio; Trump questions whether talks are "plot to take your guns away" after O'Rourke backs mandatory gun buyback; Former Trump aides expected to defy House subpoena under White House orders; impeachment hearing tomorrow; Oxycontin maker Purdue Pharma files for ban
Trump suffers setback: Ethics lawsuit reinstated, Biden says "I could have done better" in debate, O'Rourke: "Hell yes" we're taking your assault weapons
14/09/2019 Duration: 40minSetback for Trump: Lawsuit against President revived by Federal Appeals Court after earlier decision to dismiss it, Trump facing new scrutiny after appeals court revives foreign corruption lawsuit alleging Trump profiting off presidency, Biden says "I could have done better" in debate as his campaign calls attack on him a "Cheap shot" and "Low blow", Biden shrugs off attack, says Castro "Got his facts wrong", Democrats frustrated after O'Rourke says at debate: "Hell yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47", GOP slams Beto O'Rourke's mandatory gun buyback plan, Texas state Representative to Beto O'Rourke: "My AR is ready for you", Ocasio-Cortez condemns ad that aired during Democratic debate; Ad showed a picture of her being set on fire, Bahamas facing another storm just days after Dorian, Tropical storm warning issued for the Bahamas; Storm could become category 1 hurricane, turn toward Bermuda, Bahamas bracing for an
Biden, Warren to share debate state tonight for first time; Trump on NSA role: "It's easy, because I make all the decisions"; Democrats vote to ramp up Trump impeachment inquiry
13/09/2019 Duration: 41minCampaign aide: Biden will target Warren, argue "it's not just about plans; it's about getting things done for the people"; Biden releases video praising Obama hours before debate; Biden advisers: Biden's plan of attack is to criticize Warren's plans and tie himself to former President Obama; 2020 Democratic candidates to take stage for third debate tonight; Trump downplays NSA role after firing John Bolton: "It's easy, because I make all the decisions. They don't have to work"; Trump responds to report that Israel planted surveillance devices near White House: "I really would find that hard to believe"; House Judiciary moves ahead with impeachment inquiry; Nadler says it will "Go well beyond" Mueller Report; Pelosi avoids using the word "impeachment" as Judiciary Democrats approve impeachment investigation guidelines; Man who Trump called "my African American" in 2016 says he no longer supports Trump and has left GOP; Ma