Health with a Dose of Humor
Leaky Gut and Autoimmune Disorders w. Tara Grant
01/07/2014 Duration: 01h06minThe link between leaky gut and autoimmune disorders has been proposed by scientists and health providers for decades. The whole idea of a “leaky gut” is one idea behind the natural foods movement in general, and the Paleo Diet and Gaps Diet in particular. I recently wrote about Leaky Gut and some of the supplements... Keep Reading > The post Leaky Gut and Autoimmune Disorders w. Tara Grant appeared first on Gluten Free Paleo Health Advice | Beverly Meyer | Podcast & Resources.
Sarah Fragoso Thai Cuisine: PODCAST
25/06/2014 Duration: 37minSarah Fragoso and family have travelled overseas to learn authentic cuisines (first in Italy) and now in Thailand, sharing their adventures with the rest of us. I talked with Sarah about her newest book, Everyday Paleo Thai Cuisine, which has great food and just-right travel stories. With a mission to learn the special foods and techniques... Keep Reading > The post Sarah Fragoso Thai Cuisine: PODCAST appeared first on Gluten Free Paleo Health Advice | Beverly Meyer | Podcast & Resources.
Paleo Girl: Book Review and Interview with Leslie Klenke
07/06/2014 Duration: 59minWe have Paleo books for men’s issues, women’s issues, exercise and children. What’s missing? Leslie Klenke and her book for the paleo girl. This podcast interview with Klenke delivers a straight-through look at the book. If you think your teen might not read this excellent book, offer them the podcast instead. (See the play link below or... Keep Reading > The post Paleo Girl: Book Review and Interview with Leslie Klenke appeared first on Gluten Free Paleo Health Advice | Beverly Meyer | Podcast & Resources.
Natural Sleep Aids You Can Use Tonight
20/05/2014 Duration: 48minWant to know how to sleep better? Here’s ten natural sleep aids you can use tonight. Listen to my recorded podcast on sleep too if you can. There’s much more in the podcast than I can write here…. The link to this iTunes show is at the bottom of the page. Overcoming sleep deprivation... Keep Reading > The post Natural Sleep Aids You Can Use Tonight appeared first on Gluten Free Paleo Health Advice | Beverly Meyer | Podcast & Resources.
Exercise For Tired, Overweight Women w. Ben Greenfield: PODCAST
03/04/2014 Duration: 01h06minBen Greenfield is a super-athlete and super-coach. He knows about fitness, health, food and fat-burning. And he has great podcasts. I asked him on my Primal Diet – Modern Health podcast to talk to the rest of us: the not-so-super exercisers who need help getting started. The tired and overweight who can’t get a start.... Keep Reading > The post Exercise For Tired, Overweight Women w. Ben Greenfield: PODCAST appeared first on Gluten Free Paleo Health Advice | Beverly Meyer | Podcast & Resources.
“Death By Food Pyramid” Book Review and Interview W. Denise Minger
13/02/2014 Duration: 59minDenise Minger is the force behind the amazing blog RawFoodSOS (Rescuing Good Health from Bad Science). After reading her new book, I was happy to do a Death by Food Pyramid book review and an interview on my Primal Diet – Modern Health podcast. Her detailed reviews of The China Study and the film “Forks Over... Keep Reading > The post “Death By Food Pyramid” Book Review and Interview W. Denise Minger appeared first on Gluten Free Paleo Health Advice | Beverly Meyer | Podcast & Resources.
The Wahls Protocol: Book and Interview
29/01/2014 Duration: 52minLooking for an Interview or the Wahls Protocol review? Here’s my book review and an interview with the author. Dr. Terry Wahls is a physician with MS. Her newest book, The Wahls Protocol, shares how she reversed her MS with a gluten free Paleo Diet, supplements, exercise and E-Stim therapy. It offers guidance for all... Keep Reading > The post The Wahls Protocol: Book and Interview appeared first on Gluten Free Paleo Health Advice | Beverly Meyer | Podcast & Resources.
Adrenal Fatigue: What Does It Take To Get Well?
14/01/2014 Duration: 59minAdam Farrah and I have a lot in common, and maybe you do too. Here’s a fresh take on looking deeply at life and making changes that work. We look at adrenal fatigue as well as bigger issues on health. The question in this podcast is: What does it take to get well? Both Adam... Keep Reading > The post Adrenal Fatigue: What Does It Take To Get Well? appeared first on Gluten Free Paleo Health Advice | Beverly Meyer | Podcast & Resources.
Buteyko Breathing With Patrick McKeown: Interview
19/12/2013 Duration: 01h06minAnxiety, athletic performance, children’s teeth and facial structure, sleep apnea, asthma and happiness are all connected with proper breathing – through the nose, not the mouth. My guest Patrick McKeown is the current world authority on proper breathing… Russian professor Dr. Buteyko treated 1000’s of cases of asthma until the 1990’s. His breakthrough work has... Keep Reading > The post Buteyko Breathing With Patrick McKeown: Interview appeared first on Gluten Free Paleo Health Advice | Beverly Meyer | Podcast & Resources.
Facial Structure, Sleep and Anxiety: “Not Just Paleo” Interviews Beverly
17/12/2013 Duration: 01h12minFacial structure, sleep and anxiety are discussed on this excellent interview today. And we’ve got lots of surprise topics too! Evan Brand at NotJustPaleo asks about my recent TMJ discoveries and the effects of distorted facial and dental structure on our mental and physical health. As predicted and researched by Dr. Weston A. Price in the... Keep Reading > The post Facial Structure, Sleep and Anxiety: “Not Just Paleo” Interviews Beverly appeared first on Gluten Free Paleo Health Advice | Beverly Meyer | Podcast & Resources.
Facial Structure, TMJ, and Whole Body Health: PODCAST
03/12/2013 Duration: 45minThis podcast features some my latest mind-blowing research and discovery on TMJ health issues. The health and structure of the face and jaw can determine the health and structure of the body. As goes the head, so goes the rest of you… My research on poorly shaped jaws, chin, skull, dental arches and bite on... Keep Reading > The post Facial Structure, TMJ, and Whole Body Health: PODCAST appeared first on Gluten Free Paleo Health Advice | Beverly Meyer | Podcast & Resources.
“Grain Brain”: Thumbs Up? Book Review and Interview
02/12/2013 Duration: 40min“Grain Brain” author David Perlmutter is a practicing neurologist, a professor, and a man in a whirlwind of PR. He is committed to the study of Alzheimer’s prevention foods such as coconut oil, and the foods such as Gluten, sugar and starches which he feels may lead to Alzheimer’s. He is a founding member of... Keep Reading > The post “Grain Brain”: Thumbs Up? Book Review and Interview appeared first on Gluten Free Paleo Health Advice | Beverly Meyer | Podcast & Resources.
“The Paleo Primer” Book Review and Interview
24/10/2013 Duration: 57minKeris Marsden and Matt Whitmore are making a spash in London with their Fitter London training facilities and nutrition coaching. And now their happy little book called “The Paleo Primer“. “The Paleo Primer” is compact, entertaining and clear, outlining the what and why of Real Food eating in the first 60 pages. It’s perfect for... Keep Reading > The post “The Paleo Primer” Book Review and Interview appeared first on Gluten Free Paleo Health Advice | Beverly Meyer | Podcast & Resources.
John Durant and “The Paleo Manifesto” Book Review and Interview
17/10/2013 Duration: 01h02minThe Paleo/Ancestral movement has a smart new spokesman who can speak intelligently, with love and humor, and inspire and teach others with no effort at all. John Durant is a new friend we can be proud of, with an excellent book that keeps us reading to the last words; “the future of what we can become”.... Keep Reading > The post John Durant and “The Paleo Manifesto” Book Review and Interview appeared first on Gluten Free Paleo Health Advice | Beverly Meyer | Podcast & Resources.
The Perfect Human Diet Documentary: Interview w. CJ Hunt
03/10/2013 Duration: 53minCJ Hunt had a near-death experience at the age of 24. Sudden cardiac arrest while jogging led him to a decades-long quest for better (heart) health. The result was The Perfect Human Diet documentary. Rated on Amazon as #1 Documentary, and #1 Instant Video Documentary, this film has garnered several other best-selling tributes. Want to... Keep Reading > The post The Perfect Human Diet Documentary: Interview w. CJ Hunt appeared first on Gluten Free Paleo Health Advice | Beverly Meyer | Podcast & Resources.
Understand and Manage Anxiety Without Medication
25/09/2013 Duration: 01h01minAnxiety often goes unrecognized in ourselves and our children. What is anxiety? How do I manage anxiety without medication? How did I get this way and what are anxiety symptoms? Here’s an introduction to my podcast on anxiety. Read this, then click on the podcast link at the bottom of the page for more….. Culturally,... Keep Reading > The post Understand and Manage Anxiety Without Medication appeared first on Gluten Free Paleo Health Advice | Beverly Meyer | Podcast & Resources.
“Primal Cuisine” Cookbook w. Pauli Halstead: Book Review and PODCAST
17/09/2013 Duration: 50minPauli Halstead is a chef, caterer and former restaurant owner. She KNOWS how to make good food, and how to make food LOOK good. “Primal Cuisine” is her second book, but the first in her no-starch, no-sugar, go-Paleo life and lifestyle. Pauli got into Paleo/Primal cooking when she became a patient of best-selling author and... Keep Reading > The post “Primal Cuisine” Cookbook w. Pauli Halstead: Book Review and PODCAST appeared first on Gluten Free Paleo Health Advice | Beverly Meyer | Podcast & Resources.
Irritable Bowel and Colitis: PODCAST
06/09/2013 Duration: 48min50% to 75% of us suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome. What is it, and how can you alleviate it? Listen in to this Irritable Bowel and Colitis Podcast. Gas, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea and constipation are all part of the “no known cause – no known cure” world of IBS and Colitis. I’ve had long... Keep Reading > The post Irritable Bowel and Colitis: PODCAST appeared first on Gluten Free Paleo Health Advice | Beverly Meyer | Podcast & Resources.
Jimmy Moore on Cholesterol Clarity: PODCAST
23/08/2013 Duration: 01h02min“Cholesterol Clarity” is podcaster Jimmy Moore’s latest book and it’s a beautifully written and researched guide to Cholesterol truths and myths. AND a guide to truths about Heart Disease, and why Heart Disease and Cholesterol generally are not connected, despite what we’ve been told. A million times…. In this (highly entertaining) interview, Jimmy and I... Keep Reading > The post Jimmy Moore on Cholesterol Clarity: PODCAST appeared first on Gluten Free Paleo Health Advice | Beverly Meyer | Podcast & Resources.
Dr. Jack Kruse on EMF’s: PODCAST
11/08/2013 Duration: 01h11minPrepare for a mind-altering experience on electromagnetic fields research! Neurosurgeon and Health Researcher Jack Kruse is like no one else. Our talk on Electromagnetic Fields went far beyond the “simple” stuff you’ve heard about EMF’s, and how we need to take them seriously. Really seriously… I’m always excited about getting to the CAUSE of health... Keep Reading > The post Dr. Jack Kruse on EMF’s: PODCAST appeared first on Gluten Free Paleo Health Advice | Beverly Meyer | Podcast & Resources.