Being hailed as "Sex and the City for Food,"The Food Heals Podcast" brings together experts in the field of nutrition, health and healing to teach you the best-kept natural secrets to being a hotter, healthier, happier YOU! The Food Heals Podcast is hosted by Allison Melody and Suzy Hardy – two self-proclaimed natural chicks who will rock your world and change your beliefs about health! This sexy, savvy duo provides eco-friendly advice on a variety of issues including the healing power of nutrition, living authentically, turning your passion into your career, choosing the best natural health and beauty products, the benefits of a plant-based diet and so much more! The podcast shares stories of people who have changed their lives in incredible and inspiring ways. Guests include some of the most amazing people in the health and healing industry who cover a wide range of topics including alternative medicine, detoxing, beauty tips, healing yourself. Allison, Suzy and their guests will share tips on creating a better life- whether it be how to be your authentic self, how free yourself from toxic emotions, let go of judgements and anything holding you back in life and even how to quit your job and start your own business- living you passion and getting paid for it. The point is to inspire you- That You are in control of your life and whatever is happening today does not have to be happening tomorrow. When you become aware of what’s not working in your life you then have the power to let that go and adopt new habits, new belief systems, and take the action steps to live the life you want to live.
111: Paul Shapiro on how to practice compassion and respect for animals
16/08/2016 Duration: 54minPaul Shapiro is the vice president of farm animal protection for the Humane Society of the United States, which is the world’s largest animal protection organization. Paul directs an effort to convince retailers, food service providers, and universities to end their use of eggs from battery-caged birds, pork from gestation-stalled pigs, and to expand their plant-based options. Paul has played an integral role in numerous successful legislative and corporate campaigns to improve the plight of farm animals. In his role overseeing efforts to pass state laws and corporate policies, he works with lawmakers and major food retailers alike to implement animal welfare reforms in the agricultural industry. Paul founded Compassion Over Killing in 1995 as a club while he was still a high school student and served as its campaigns director until January 2005. While there, he worked as a farm animal cruelty investigator and led initiatives to end misleading advertising on factory farm products. In 2008, Paul was inducte
110: Living a Life of Passion - Entrepreneurship, Parenting and Making Music with Vegan Superhero, Tim Paige
09/08/2016 Duration: 51minThere's never been an easier time to be vegan and Tim Paige has lived it. 13 years ago he made the choice to eat plant based and now he can't imagine eating any other way. He's raising his kids to be vegan and with all the great choices available today, he can even get his kid to eat vegan! There are so many reasons that Tim made the choice, and it easily fell in line with his desire to live a life he is passionate about. He's here today to tell us all about the amazing life he has created for himself! Being hailed as “Sex and the City for Food,” The Food Heals Podcast brings together experts in the field of nutrition, health and healing to teach you the best-kept natural secrets to being a hotter, healthier, happier YOU! The Food Heals Podcast is hosted by Allison Melody and Suzy Hardy – two self-proclaimed natural chicks who will rock your world and change your beliefs about health! This sexy, savvy duo provides eco-friendly advice on a variety of issues including the healing power of nutrition, livin
109: Holistic Fertility Method: The most effective way to get pregnant and have the healthiest baby possible with Dr. Katherine Zagone
06/08/2016 Duration: 57minDr. Katherine Zagone combines the mind of a doctor and the heart of a healer to serve couples and women in their journey to conceive their healthiest baby and build the family of their dreams. After witnessing family members struggle with infertility for years, she felt compelled to find solutions for her patients in similar agonizing situations. She considers each client’s individual needs as she surveys the whole landscape of your life when crafting the perfect fertility formula. She empowers clients to create their healthiest lives to conceive and to create their healthiest child possible. Her holistic approach provides a nurturing experience while addressing medical, functional, environmental, emotional, and energetic causes of infertility. Dr. Zagone graduated top of her class from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine where she completed internships in natural fertility and preconception. She received her Bachelors of Science in Health Science from Benedictine University in IL, where she gradu
108: Veganizing Spain, Animal Activism and How to Be Your Best Self with Kim Sujovolsky
02/08/2016 Duration: 51minKim is a teacher, a certified plant-based cook and the co-founder of and the My Brownble online program, where together with her husband Carlos (a medical doctor, allergy and asthma specialist, and filming and tech enthusiast), they teach people how to cook amazing vegan foods and find balance between having glowing health and still eating the delicious foods you've always loved (all through HD video! After growing up with a very ill parent and developing a difficult relationship with food as a means to deal with turmoil, Kim is now on a mission to help people get back to cooking at home, stop dieting, find balance and improve their relationship with food while developing healthy eating and living habits that can actually last you a lifetime. Today we discuss how to be a vegan in Spain, what the animal activism is like abraod and how to live your healthiest, happiest life! Being hailed as “Sex and the City for Food,” The Food Heals Podcast brings together experts in the field of nutrition, hea
107: Raising Healthy Kids with Documentary Producer Kristie Reeves
24/07/2016 Duration: 01h08minThe Children of the Rainbow is an educational documentary series that provides information about the new generation of children. Interviews with health care professionals, educators, parents and children show what challenges many children are facing nowadays and what we as a society can shift to help. The interviews show solutions on how to support these children to become their magnificent selves. It is time to change the educational, social and support structures of our children. Children are our future and by changing the way we raise them, we can change the world! Kristie Reeves was born in Germany. She is a producer and actress, known for The Children of the Rainbow (2013), Two Oranges and a Lemon (2014) and In the Meantime(2015). Being hailed as “Sex and the City for Food,” The Food Heals Podcast brings together experts in the field of nutrition, health and healing to teach you the best-kept natural secrets to being a hotter, healthier, happier YOU! The Food Heals Podcast is hosted by Allison Melody
106: A candid conversation with Vince Lia on healing, vegan recipes and revamping his brand
16/07/2016 Duration: 01h04minVince Lia grew up in an Italian family, surrounded by different cheeses, deli meats and desserts he felt he couldn’t live without. But after being diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis, Vince embarked on a journey to heal himself. After being prescribed pill after pill, and trying various other diets unsuccessfully, Vince began incorporating green juices into his life and began to notice a significant improvement in his health. After going completely vegan, Vince feels healthier than ever and created a business out of his passion for veganism and helping others get healthy. It’s an amazingly inspiring story so back and listen to Episode 2 to hear how he overcame his condition. You can also check out Episode 18 where Vince shared his tips on doing what you love and becoming an eco-entrepreneur. And if that’s not enough, go back to Episode 29 where you can listen to Vince co-hosting an episode on the science of veganism with Matt Ruscigno. Vince joins us today to talk about rebranding and tells us about his new
105: How Michael lost 105 lbs & reversed disease through mental, emotional, & spiritual breakthroughs
10/07/2016 Duration: 58minMichael Tamez was morbidly obese, had severe obstructive sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and advanced gum disease. Not only did he lose 105 pounds (47kg) and reverse all of those lifestyle related health conditions, he also transformed the dysfunctional relationship he had with food, his lifestyle, and his true self. This 13 year health transformation experience was intensified when he lost five family members within eighteen months. Because of the tremendous impact of these losses, Michael was forced to have major mental, emotional, and spiritual breakthroughs in some the most difficult times of his life. After experiencing all of these life transforming deaths, he was highly inspired to write an empowering book about life. In Michael’s debut book, Transformative Nutrition: The Ultimate Guide to Healthy and Balanced Living, he describes his influential health journey in detail. Having been on the other side of balance, Michael can relate very closely to what people deal with when it comes to weight relate
104: Screw the 9 to 5 & build your dream life with Jill Stanton
05/07/2016 Duration: 58minJill Stanton is the co-founder of Screw the Nine to Five—her and her husband, Josh's slice of the internet where they teach unsatisfied webpreneurs how to take their business to the next level and make more money, without working more hours. She's got an inappropriate love for trashy TV, has the mouth of a sailor and isn't afraid of a tall glass of gin. Being hailed as “Sex and the City for Food,” The Food Heals Podcast brings together experts in the field of nutrition, health and healing to teach you the best-kept natural secrets to being a hotter, healthier, happier YOU! The Food Heals Podcast is hosted by Allison Melody and Suzy Hardy – two self-proclaimed natural chicks who will rock your world and change your beliefs about health! This sexy, savvy duo provides eco-friendly advice on a variety of issues including the healing power of nutrition, living authentically, turning your passion into your career, choosing the best natural health and beauty products, the benefits of a plant-based diet and so much
103: Healing PCOS, Leaky Gut Syndrome, insulin resistance and hypothyroidism naturally
28/06/2016 Duration: 50minFood & Travel writer Kate Kordsmeier, foundered of Root + Revel after healing herself naturally of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), Leaky Gut Syndrome, insulin resistance and hypothyroidism. Kate takes us back to basics: infusing beauty, flavor and celebration into everyday life! Today, you can find Kate's work in over 100 magazines, newspapers and websites, including USA Today, Travel + Leisure, Wine Enthusiast, Real Simple and Cooking Light. Root + Revel is a site for people who care about the quality of their food, where it comes from, how it tastes and, ultimately, how it makes you, and the planet, feel. It’s a site that promotes real, whole foods that are as delicious as they are nutritious, foods that are always short on chemicals and artificial ingredients, but never on flavor. It’s a site connecting people to the resources they need to create a safe, beautiful home, full of memories and traditions, sans toxic chemicals and harmful products. It’s a site bursting with advice for people ready to cel
102: How to be a Lean Green Dad & overcome disease with Cory Warren
25/06/2016 Duration: 51minCory is a husband, father of three, and whole food, vegan athlete. His blog, Lean Green DAD is a blog about food, family and fun that helps passionate people, mostly parents, who have over-scheduled, busy lives to maintain a healthy balance of nutrition, fitness and overall wellness. Visit the blog or subscribe for tips on plant-based eating, fun family activities and other great ways to support each other to get the most out of life! Cory’s focus on wellness started because he had a personal experience with dis-ease and he decided to change his approach. Just before he got married, his wife was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. After being diagnosed, they were both left with fear, misinformation and uncertainty but instead of just accepting it, they decided to look at how they ate to see if that could make her feel better. Not only was his wife able to taper off her medications, but as a competitive athlete, Cory saw a difference in his own performance. Now as a healthy family of five, Cory and his famil
101: Healing Crohn’s disease, overcoming eating disorders and how to detox
21/06/2016 Duration: 45minJill Gordon and Karen Tenenbaum are the founders of the official health coach detox. Jill became certified as a Digestive Health Specialist and Certified Holistic Health Coach after discovering the power of food to heal her daughter from an autoimmune disease. Karen Tenenbaum, Digestive Health Specialist, Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Professional, is the owner of Guiding Hand Nutrition. Through Karen’s passion and training, her clients and family have experienced life-changing results with the power of healing foods. Being hailed as “Sex and the City for Food,” The Food Heals Podcast brings together experts in the field of nutrition, health and healing to teach you the best-kept natural secrets to being a hotter, healthier, happier YOU! The Food Heals Podcast is hosted by Allison Melody and Suzy Hardy – two self-proclaimed natural chicks who will rock your world and change your beliefs about health! This sexy, savvy duo provides eco-friendly advice on a variety of issues including the healing power
100th Episode Party - Celebrating your life-changing stories
18/06/2016 Duration: 01h05sPour the organic champagne! Today we are having a party and you are invited! We are celebrating 100 episodes by sharing your life-changing stories. #BestEpisodeYet! Being hailed as “Sex and the City for Food,” The Food Heals Podcast brings together experts in the field of nutrition, health and healing to teach you the best-kept natural secrets to being a hotter, healthier, happier YOU! The Food Heals Podcast is hosted by Allison Melody and Suzy Hardy – two self-proclaimed natural chicks who will rock your world and change your beliefs about health! This sexy, savvy duo provides eco-friendly advice on a variety of issues including the healing power of nutrition, living authentically, turning your passion into your career, choosing the best natural health and beauty products, the benefits of a plant-based diet and so much more! To learn more go to
99: Emotional healing & how to improve your relationships with Tracy Crossley
14/06/2016 Duration: 01h02minTracy Crossley is a Master Intuitive who always has us in stitches with her wealth of information and light-hearted approach to life. In this episode we discuss attachment styles, relationships and how to heal yourself! Tracy's blend of intuition, business acumen, psychology, Reiki, spirituality and subconscious pattern breaking helps people identify their real obstacles and connect emotionally. Her straightforward approach has attracted CEOs, people in work/life transition and other Type A individuals who think intellectualizing problems is the key to solving them (Hint: it isn’t). Tracy studied neuropsychology and received her BA from Charter Oak State College. She is a Reiki Master and blogger for publications such as Huffington Post and elephant journal. She is an empathic; clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient, in other words…she really utilizes her sixth sense. Being hailed as “Sex and the City for Food,” The Food Heals Podcast brings together experts in the field of nutrition, health and heal
98: Fat-burning work-outs, healing yourself & entrepreneurship with Yuri Elklaim
11/06/2016 Duration: 01h04minYuri Elkaim is a New York Times Bestseller, former professional soccer player and a top fitness and health expert who has helped over 500,000 people worldwide! After his own health challenges made him feel shameful about his appearance, losing his hair to allopecia and having exceme all over his hands, Yuri decided to take back his health through a holistic diet. When he noticed his symptoms getting better through the “new” information that diet does matter (his doctors never mentioned this,) he decided to spread the good news to the world. Yuri is now a dedicated health and fitness coach, with millions of views on his youtube channel and his goal is to empower 100 million people by 2040 with the knowledge and means to live a healthy life. Yuri has appeared on the Dr. Oz show, Yahoo News and is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author with his book, The All Day Energy Diet. Being hailed as “Sex and the City for Food,” The Food Heals Podcast brings together experts in the fi
97: How to be a sexy, fit vegan with Ella Magers
10/06/2016 Duration: 56minLiving a life she loves, full of fun, while keeping true to her values of a fit body and compassion toward all animals is Ella's driving force. The desire to share her journey led to the creation of where her mission is to help you on your path to feeling full of life and energy, recharged from the inside out, and loving what you see in the mirror. In other words, how to be a sexy fit vegan! Being hailed as “Sex and the City for Food,” The Food Heals Podcast brings together experts in the field of nutrition, health and healing to teach you the best-kept natural secrets to being a hotter, healthier, happier YOU! The Food Heals Podcast is hosted by Allison Melody and Suzy Hardy – two self-proclaimed natural chicks who will rock your world and change your beliefs about health! This sexy, savvy duo provides eco-friendly advice on a variety of issues including the healing power of nutrition, living authentically, turning your passion into your career, choosing the best natural health and beauty
96: Leslie Durso Part 2 - The vegan diet, animal activism and entrepreneurship
04/06/2016 Duration: 48minA vegan chef and healthy living educator, Leslie Durso is the glowing face of a fresher plant-based movement that refuses to compromise style for sustainability. Walking the plant-based talk since the age of eight, this Southern California native has always been well ahead of the times with her meatless mindset, but the greater populace is now embracing her teachings more than ever. She currently broadcasts her farm fresh recipes and warmhearted sensibilities to an extensive audience spanning more than 130 countries via After establishing herself as a private chef for the NYC and Hollywood elite, Leslie emerged as a public persona, hosting cooking segments on television and healthy living content online. Determined to inspire beneficial life-long eating habits for everyone, she has appeared on The Food Network, The Discovery Channel, The Hallmark Channel, Everyday Health and Mother Nature Network and written for MindBodyGreen, VegNews,, Redbook, Glamour, Maxim, and dozens more, evang
95: Leslie Durso on Meatless Mindset for Easy Sophistication
31/05/2016 Duration: 58minA vegan chef and healthy living educator, Leslie Durso is the glowing face of a fresher plant-based movement that refuses to compromise style for sustainability. Walking the plant-based talk since the age of eight, this Southern California native has always been well ahead of the times with her meatless mindset, but the greater populace is now embracing her teachings more than ever. She currently broadcasts her farm fresh recipes and warmhearted sensibilities to an extensive audience spanning more than 130 countries via After establishing herself as a private chef for the NYC and Hollywood elite, Leslie emerged as a public persona, hosting cooking segments on television and healthy living content online. Determined to inspire beneficial life-long eating habits for everyone, she has appeared on The Food Network, The Discovery Channel, The Hallmark Channel, Everyday Health and Mother Nature Network and written for MindBodyGreen, VegNews,, Redbook, Glamour, Maxim, and dozens more, evang
94: Jasmin Singer on juicing, veganism, animal rights and losing 100lbs
28/05/2016 Duration: 59minJasmin Singer is the Executive Director of Our Hen House, a NYC-based nonprofit creating independent media to change the world for animals. She is the co-host of the Our Hen House podcast, now in its sixth year, and the Our Hen House TV show, a co-production with Brooklyn Independent Media. Jasmin's new book, Always Too Much And Never Enough is her memoir of her journey to find herself through juicing, veganism, and love, as she went from fat to thin and from feeding her emotions to feeding her soul. Jasmin has appeared on The Dr. Oz Show, HuffPo Live, and can be seen in the award-winning documentaries Vegucated and The Ghosts in Our Machine. She is the former campaigns manager for Farm Sanctuary, and a former writer for VegNews Magazine, a publication that named her one of twenty standout stars of the animal rights movement. Her workshops have been presented at conferences around the globe, and she has been featured in media outlets such as CNN and The Atlantic. Prior to her animal activist career, Jasmin w
93: Directors Kip & Keegan on the film that environmental organizations don't want you to see!
24/05/2016 Duration: 58minCowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret is a groundbreaking feature-length environmental documentary following intrepid filmmaker Kip Andersen as he uncovers the most destructive industry facing the planet today – and investigates why the world’s leading environmental organizations are too afraid to talk about it. Executive produced by Leonardo DiCaprio, Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret follows intrepid filmmaker Kip Andersen as he uncovers the most destructive industry facing the planet today – and investigates why the world’s leading environmental organizations are too afraid to talk about it. Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, water consumption and pollution, is responsible for more greenhouse gases than the transportation industry, and is a primary driver of rainforest destruction, species extinction, habitat loss, topsoil erosion, ocean “dead zones,” and virtually every other environmental ill. Yet it goes on, almost entirely unchallenged. As Andersen approaches leaders in th
92: Healing Lyme Disease, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Hypothyroidism, Adrenal Fatigue & Leaky Gut
21/05/2016 Duration: 54minAmie Valpone, HHC, AADP is the Editor-in-Chief of; she is a Manhattan Celebrity Chef, Culinary Nutritionist, Professional Recipe Developer, Food Photographer, Writer and Motivational Speaker specializing in simple gluten-free, soy-free and dairy-free ‘Clean Eating’ recipes. Amie recently healed herself from a decade of chronic pain including Lyme Disease, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Hypothyroidism, Adrenal Fatigue, Leaky Gut, Heavy Metals and much more exhausting thousands of doctors in the country and Mayo Clinic; she shares her story of how Clean Eating and Detox saved her life and inspires you to clean up your food, too. Amie lives in Manhattan, NYC where she cooks for a variety of clients including celebrities and people with busy lifestyles who enjoy healthy, organic, whole foods. Amie's work appears on Martha Stewart, ABC News, Fox News Health, WebMD, The Huffington Post, The Food Network, Glamour Magazine, Clean Eating Magazine, SELF Magazine, Prevention Magazine, PBS and man