Mojo For Running

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 46:20:58
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Achieve Your Runner Goals


  • MFR 124: Half Marathon Magic

    26/11/2017 Duration: 15min

    Unless you live in a very remote area, you likely can choose from several half marathon options every month because with every passing year, we see more halves, and that’s not surprising because they are, I think the ideal race distance. In this episode, I explain all the reasons why this race distance continues to […] The post MFR 124: Half Marathon Magic appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 123: Thoughts on Knee Surgery

    24/10/2017 Duration: 15min

    This episode is about knee surgery for runners, the considerations, topics for thought. It will not tell you when you need surgery. I’m not a doctor. It doesn’t bash knee surgery, not at all, but it is food for thought, things to consider, if knee surgery may be in your future, or if a medical […] The post MFR 123: Thoughts on Knee Surgery appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 122: Run Off Road and On the Trails

    07/10/2017 Duration: 17min

    If you haven’t run off road – or on trails – I hope this episode will convince you to give it a try. I explain the many of excellent reasons why you should run trails, and I explain how to get started. I’ve said it many times, I live an hour from Disney World and […] The post MFR 122: Run Off Road and On the Trails appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 121: Three Key changes to Help You Run Faster

    20/09/2017 Duration: 13min

    Most runners want to get faster. Not everyone can afford to hire a coach, and not everyone has time to train for a marathon, but most runners hope to set new PR’s on a regular basis. This is absolutely possible, but you need to know how to direct your time. Most people have full-time jobs. […] The post MFR 121: Three Key changes to Help You Run Faster appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 120: One Foot at a Time

    07/09/2017 Duration: 14min

    It’s the little things that often have the greatest impact, and so it is with the concept of focusing on the fact that when running, you are always, 100 percent of the time, putting the full weight of your body on just one foot or the other. Oddly, you don’t hear much about this, and […] The post MFR 120: One Foot at a Time appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 119: Five Pillars of Intelligent Running

    18/08/2017 Duration: 20min

    We all think of ourselves as intelligent runners, of course, but even the most experienced, veteran runners sometimes lose sight of the wise and effective path to their goals. Why does this happen? I think because we get caught up in the here and now, the ‘today,’ instead of keeping our eyes on the long […] The post MFR 119: Five Pillars of Intelligent Running appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 118: What to Wear for Cold-Weather Running

    25/11/2016 Duration: 23min

    If, where you live, it gets cold in the winter – and I mean cold – then you’re probably just coming into the time of year when you need to make accommodations to be able to run outside, safely and comfortably. No matter how cold it gets, in most cases, if you’re healthy, you can […] The post MFR 118: What to Wear for Running in Cold Weather appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 117: Accountability Hacks for Runners

    13/10/2016 Duration: 13min

    No matter who you are and no matter how long you’ve been running, you have days when you need a reason to get out and run, a reason beyond the fact that you are a runner, you believe in running, you love to run and you know you shoud run. You can know and understand […] The post MFR 117: Accountability Hacks appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 116: How to Hydrate for Long Runs

    05/10/2016 Duration: 30min

    If you’re running a 5k on up to a half marathon, hydration matters, but it’s not terribly tricky. The focus should be on making sure you consume enough fluids to prevent dehydration,but if you’re out there for several hours – or a lot more – you need to be even more concerned about avoiding over […] The post MFR 116: Hydration for Long Runs and The Goldilocks Principle appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 115: Big Cottonwood Marathon Race Weekend

    23/09/2016 Duration: 30min

    The Revel Big Cottonwood race weekend was an adventure I won’t soon forget. Well, who am I kidding, I’ll never forget it. Every destination race is unique, and this one, especially so, because it was mostly downhill and because it was the most beautiful race course I’ve had the good fortune to run, postcard scenes […] The post MFR 115: Big Cottonwood Marathon Race Weekend appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 114: Destination Races

    14/09/2016 Duration: 29min

    Whether you’ve travelled to Podunk or New York City, on a plane or in a car, with four friends or 24, you know that a destination race is the bomb; you know how much fun that can be. If you haven’t travelled to do an out-of-town race with friends, you really, really should. Look at […] The post MFR 114: Destination Races appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 113: Running Families

    07/09/2016 Duration: 24min

    It’s Saturday morning. Katie, your daughter, has a soccer game at 9:00, and your husband has to work. That means you’ll have your 9 year old son, Patrick, with you. You’ve got 8 miles on your schedule, but how will you manage it? Then you think, “I wonder if I could get Patrick to ride […] The post MFR 113: Running Families appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 112: Running in the Rain

    31/08/2016 Duration: 14min

    When you look outside and see that it’s raining, do you reluctantly move on to the next thing on your ‘to do’ list? Do you cheer because now you have an excuse not to run? Do you head for the gym and the dreadmill? Or do you put your shoes on and smile? Rain provides the […] The post MFR 112: Running in the Rain appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 111: Stair-Climbing as Cross-Training for Runners

    24/08/2016 Duration: 23min

    This is the fourth in a series of podcasts about cross-training. If you haven’t already done so, please check out MFR 108, Cross-Training Basics, MFR 109, Swimming as Cross-Training for Runners and MFR 110, Cycling as Cross-Training for Running. You may count your steps every day if you have a fitness tracker, but have you ever […] The post MFR 111: Stair-Climbing as Cross-Training for Runners appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 110: Cycling as Cross-Training

    17/08/2016 Duration: 14min

    Cycling is ideal cross-training for running. Like swimming, it fits into the category of cardio cross-training, but what is unique to biking is that it trains you to move your legs in the perfect pattern for running. No other form of cross-training has this effect, and that’s just one reason I think every running should […] The post MFR 110: Cycling as Cross-Training appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 109: Swimming as Cross-Training for Running

    04/08/2016 Duration: 39min

    Related article: Cross-Training Basics Episode 108 was an overview of cross-training for runners. In that episode, I grouped all cross-training into three categories. In this and the next episode, we’ll look at the two most popular forms from the cardio category of cross-training for runners, swimming, in this episode, and biking will be Episode 110. […] The post MFR 109: Swimming as Cross-Training for Running appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 108: Cross-Training Basics

    22/07/2016 Duration: 21min

    Related article: 8 Reasons to Cross-Train Do you cross-train? And if you do, do you have a plan? Do you think about how each type of cross training impacts your running? Do you think of any exercise other than running as cross-training? In this episode, I break down all cross training into three categories, which […] The post MFR 108: Cross-Training Basics appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 107: Reality Check, or a More Objective Perspective on the Miles You Run

    08/07/2016 Duration: 08min

    One of my favorite quotes is the simple cliche, “Everything is relative.” I express it often because it has such a profound effect on virtually everything, and remembering it, keeping it in mind, has the potential to massively impact our perspective on everything from miles we run to all the rest of our lives. Runners […] The post MFR 107: Reality Check, or a More Objective Perspective on the Miles You Run appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 106: The One-Two Punch of Tart Cherry Juice and Epsom Salt Baths

    30/06/2016 Duration: 18min

    During the weeks before my most recent marathon, I tried two changes to my usual pre-race regimen: Drinking tart cherry juice Soaking in epsom salts Neither was a far out, weird new idea. On the contrary, both were supported by solid research, particularly the cherry juice; however, I’ll add that there were also articles on […] The post MFR 106: The One-Two Punch of Tart Cherry Juice and Epsom Salt Baths appeared first on Mojo for Running.

  • MFR 105: Grandma’s Marathon Race Report

    24/06/2016 Duration: 35min

    Grandma’s Marathon is well known as one of the most popular races in the United States. If you’ve ever done an internet search for the ‘Most Popular Marathons’ or ‘Most Scenic Marathons,’ you would have discovered this one. This Deluth, Minnesota marathon has it all, great crowd support, flawless organization, great weather – most of […] The post MFR 105: Grandma’s Marathon Race Report appeared first on Mojo for Running.

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