Doctor NerdLove is here to help you get your dating life in order with the best dating advice and positive masculine self-improvement on the Internet. Doctor NerdLove is not really a doctor
#137 — How To Have A Great Social Life During COVID-19
01/04/2020 Duration: 51minLoneliness is one of the unspoken side-effects of sheltering in place. And yet, we need our social connections more than ever. How can you build and maintain a social life when social distancing is the rule? In my latest live, free seminar, I talk about how to build and maintain those important social connections, meet new people and strengthen the friendships you already have. Want to take part? The next seminar is on 4/7 at 3 PM CST. Join me at and join NerdLove Academy at DOCTOR'S NOTE: So since I did this over Facebook Live, there's a little funkiness with the audio. I've done my best to clean it up but some of it is baked into the episode itself. Sorry 'bout that, we're seeing what can be done for next time. ▶︎ SIGN UP FOR THE DATING ACCELERATOR PROGRAM: ▶︎ 1 ON 1 COACHING: Don’t forget to subscribe and review us on iTunes, Stitcher and
#136 — DR NERDLOVE LIVE: Managing Your Emotional Health During COVID-19
27/03/2020 Duration: 57minHow do you manage anxiety in the middle of a pandemic? How is living under quarantine affecting you? In my first LIVE teleseminar, I talk about how to manage stress and maintain your emotional health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Want to take part? The next seminar is on 3/31 at 3 PM CST. Join me at the Dr. NerdLove Facebook Page and be sure to join the NerdLove Academy group! DOCTOR’S NOTE: So since I did this over Facebook Live, there’s a little funkiness with the audio. I’ve done my best to clean it up but some of it is baked into the episode itself. Sorry ’bout that, we’re seeing what can be done for next time.
Ask Dr. NerdLove: How To Make A Long Distance Relationship Work
18/03/2020 Duration: 16minI’m answering your most important dating questions! If you have a question about love, sex or dating, then be sure to leave a comment. Maybe the next question I answer will be yours! This week: he and his girlfriend have been stuck in a long-distance relationship because of the COVID-19 pandemic. How can they keep their relationship alive while they're apart? Book a private coaching session with Dr. NerdLove Virtual Museum Tours Virtual National Park Tours Free Metropolitan Opera Live Streams 15 Broadway Musicals and Plays You Can Watch At Home Don’t forget to subscribe and review us on iTunes , Stitcher and on YouTube. Like the podcast? Become a Dr. NerdLove patron at Want more dating advice? Check out my books at
#135 — The 5 Things You Need To Get Over A Breakup
11/03/2020 Duration: 19minThe reason why you have such a hard time getting over your ex is because most folks have the wrong idea about breakups. The pain of a break-up is equal parts mental and physical. When you’re struggling with how to get over your breakup, you’re almost never handling BOTH halves of the equation. Getting over your ex quickly and successfully requires that you address both sides of the breakup. So today I want to give you the 5 things you MUST do in order to get over your breakup and move forward. SHOW HIGHLIGHTS: How focusing on the wrong parts of a breakup only prolongs the pain and the heartbreak Why it's important to let yourself feel the pain and frustration of breaking up with someone How breaking up changes who you are Why staying in contact with your ex is a mistake The secret to getting over the loss of your relationship... quickly ... and so much more. RELATED LINKS: How To Survive Being Dumped — The (Positive) Value of Anger — https://www.doctorner
What Letterkenny Can Teach Us About Positive Masculinity
04/03/2020 Duration: 15minI’m answering your most important dating questions! If you have a question about love, sex or dating, then be sure to leave a comment. Maybe the next question I answer will be yours! This week: With all the talk about toxic masculinity, what does POSITIVE masculinity look like? Here's what we can learn about being better men from the hicks, jocks and skids of Letterkenny. What Does Positive Masculinity Look Like? Book a private coaching session with Dr. NerdLove Listen Here Download Here Transcript available at
#133 — You Are Your Own Worst Enemy
26/02/2020 Duration: 22minThe reason why so many people struggle with dating isn't because of their looks, their height, their genes or their hairline. It's because they are caught in a cycle of bad habits and practices that destroy your confidence and sabotages your ability to improve. Here's how you can break out of this negative cycle and build the habits that will improve your willpower, your self-esteem and help you find the dating success you deserve. SHOW HIGHLIGHTS: How self-limiting beliefs cause you to fail before you've even begun Why negativity is so powerful and seductive How the training secrets of US Navy SEALS can improve your social life Why dreaming about a better life keeps you from achieving your goals How Brad Pitt and George Clooney developed their famous charisma ...and so much more RELATED LINKS: This is Why Your Life Won't Get Better (And How To Fix It) Getting Out of Your Own Way Starting From Zero Build Your Emotional Resilience You're Ok, I Promise Transcript available at Don’t forget
ASK DR. NERDLOVE: How Do You Handle Being "Just Friends"?
19/02/2020 Duration: 16minI’m answering your most important dating questions! If you have a question about love, sex or dating, then be sure to leave a comment. Maybe the next question I answer will be yours! This week: Everyone's heard the "let's just be friends" speech from someone they've been attracted to. But how do you make a friendship work with someone you're attracted to? How do you keep sex from getting in the way of your friendship? Book a private coaching session with Dr. NerdLove The Secret to Being "Just Friends" Why "Men and Women Can Never Be Friends" is BULLSH*T Transcript available at Don’t forget to subscribe and review us on iTunes , Stitcher and on YouTube. Like the podcast? Become a Dr. NerdLove patron at Want more dating advice? Check out my books at
#133 - What Makes a Man Sexy To Women?
12/02/2020 Duration: 20minDo you know what women find sexy in a man? Not attractive, not aesthetically pleasing but what makes a woman want to peel a man’s clothing off with her teeth. A lot of guys… don’t. In fact, a lot of guys have the absolute WRONG ideas about what turns women on. If you want to be sexier than other guys, then you should know what draws a woman to a guy... and why she says YES to sleeping with one guy and no to the rest. SHOW HIGHLIGHTS: What men DON'T understand about desire and arousal in women Why physical looks aren't the same thing as being sexy What your presentation says about your desirability Why women don't actually LIKE "alpha males" What all the great seducers have in common ...and so much more. RELATED LINKS: How To Be Sexier Why Women Say Yes To Sex The Science of Nice Guys The Truth About Casual Sex (And How To Get It) - The Secret to Getting Laid (Without Losing Your Soul) Transcript available at Don’t forget to subscribe and review us on iTunes , Stitcher and on YouTube
ASK DR. NERDLOVE: How Can You Learn To Love Being Single?
05/02/2020 Duration: 18minI’m answering your most important dating questions! If you have a question about love, sex or dating, then be sure to leave a comment. Maybe the next question I answer will be yours! This week: Valentine's Day is coming, and it's stressing people out. How can you learn to be happy when you’re single, especially when it seems like the universe is determined to remind you that everyone else is coupled up and you’re not? Book A Private Coaching Session With Dr. NerdLove The Secret to Being Successful With Women How To Get Over Your Fear Of Rejection How To Survive Valentine's Day (When You're Single) Don’t forget to subscribe and review us on iTunes , Stitcher and on YouTube. Like the podcast? Become a Dr. NerdLove patron at Want more dating advice? Check out my books at
#132 — The Secret to Being Successful With Women
29/01/2020 Duration: 18minHere's something nobody will tell you about being successful with women: nobody is "naturally" good with women. Nobody is born with an instinctual ability to get dates. Everyone — people who seem to be naturally gifted and people who learned later in life — all developed their skills the same way. That's why all the people who are successful with women have the same things in common. If you want to learn how to have the love life you deserve, then you want to master the four key components to developing the skill to meet, connect with and date amazing women. SHOW HIGHLIGHTS: Why "naturals" don't really exist How people learned the right — and wrong — lessons about how to be good with women Why confidence is a vital part of success with women — but not for the reasons you'd expect Why most people fail when they try to get better at dating What makes the difference between someone who succeeds at dating, and someone who will never improve ...and so much more. RELATED LINKS: Become Someone Worth Dating - https
ASK DR. NERDLOVE: How Do You Keep The Spark In Your Relationship?
22/01/2020 Duration: 13minI'm answering your most important dating questions! If you have a question about love, sex or dating, then be sure to leave a comment. Maybe the next question I answer will be yours! This week: How do you keep your relationship from fading into boredom? What's the secret to keeping the spark making your long-term relationship feel as fresh and hot and alive as when you first met? Book A Private Coaching Session With Dr. NerdLove Transcript available at Don’t forget to subscribe and review us on iTunes , Stitcher and on YouTube. Like the podcast? Become a Dr. NerdLove patron at Want more dating advice? Check out my books at
#131 - How To Flirt With Women on Social Media
15/01/2020 Duration: 20minWe live more and more of our lives online, and that means that more of our relationships start there too. But most guys don't know how to flirt effectively on Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat. If you want to be the guy that women like to talk to and enjoy hearing from, not just another thirsty dude trying to slide into her DMs, then you want to follow these rules for flirting with women on social media. SHOW HIGHLIGHTS: The three deadly sins of flirting on social media How to get women to want to respond to YOU Why what you say will affect how she sees you How to be attractive on Facebook and Instagram The right way to get slide into her DMs ...and so much more. RELATED LINKS: How To Talk To Women on Social Media 5 Secrets To Make People Like You Make The Right First Impression 5 Common Texting Mistakes Men Make This Is Why You're Creepy (And How To Stop It) Transcript available at Don’t forget to subscribe and review us on iTunes , Stitcher and on YouTube. Like the podcast? Become a Dr.
Ask Dr. NerdLove: How To Take The Perfect Tinder Photo
08/01/2020 Duration: 12minI’m answering your most important dating questions! If you have a question about love, sex or dating, then be sure to leave a comment. Maybe the next question I answer will be yours! This week: What are the best pictures for dating apps like Tinder, Hinge, Bumble and OKCupid? And how can guys look more photogenic and get more matches? Book A Private Coaching Session With Dr. NerdLove Transcript available at Don’t forget to subscribe and review us on iTunes , Stitcher and on YouTube. Like the podcast? Become a Dr. NerdLove patron at Want more dating advice? Check out my books at
#130 — How To Find The PERFECT Girlfriend
01/01/2020 Duration: 18minHow do you find someone who's the RIGHT girlfriend for you... and how do you make sure that YOU are the guy that SHE'S looking for? We're going to talk about what you can do to turn 2020 into the year you meet someone who is your perfect match, and how to be the exact right man for her as well. SHOW HIGHLIGHTS: Why online dating is the WRONG approach for trying to find the perfect girlfriend How men sabotage their own success when they go out to meet women Why even successful, socially skilled men meet the WRONG women How to let go of the self-limiting beliefs that are keeping you from unlocking your true potential How understanding exactly what and who you're looking for will help you meet the right woman for you. ... and so much more RELATED LINKS: How To Find The Right Woman For You How To Get Women To Approach You 5 Questions You Should Ask Before Starting A Relationship What To Look For In A Girlfriend Is She Right For You? Transcript available at Don’t forget to subscribe and rev
#129 - 3 Tips For Flirting Like A Master
18/12/2019 Duration: 20minDR. NERDLOVE MERCHANDISE: One of the biggest reasons why people have a hard time flirting successfully is that they don’t understand how flirting is supposed to work. But when you understand the overall philosophy of flirting, you’re in a much better position to fine tune your flirting style to one that works for you and lets you adapt to whomever you’re trying to flirt with. These three unusual tips will teach you how to flirt like a master. SHOW HIGHLIGHTS: What guys get wrong about how to flirt with someone they like Why social calibration is THE most important part of flirting How to read someone so you can flirt with them the RIGHT way Why understanding how to set the pace makes you more attractive Why you should think like a cat to flirt more effectively ...and so much more RELATED LINKS: The Art of Social Calibration How To Use Humor In Your Flirting Five Different Ways To Boost Your Charisma What Is Chemistry Pt. 2: Emotional Engagement Fix Your Flirting Transcri
ASK DR. NERDLOVE: How Do You Meet More Women?
11/12/2019 Duration: 13minI'm answering your most important dating questions! If you have a question about love, sex or dating, then be sure to leave a comment. Maybe the next question I answer will be yours! This week: How can you meet more women when you live in a small town? And how do you stop having a fear of missing out on the "perfect" relationship? Book a Private Coaching Session With Dr. NerdLove Transcript available at Don’t forget to subscribe and review us on iTunes , Stitcher and on YouTube. Like the podcast? Become a Dr. NerdLove patron at Want more dating advice? Check out my books at
#128 — How To Get Over Your Fear of Rejection
04/12/2019 Duration: 20minWhat would you do if you weren't afraid of being rejected? How would your life change if you could approach people you were attracted to without the fear of rejection? Eliminating your fear of rejection could create a profound transformation in your life. You can do this. You can learn to be absolutely fearless when it comes to meeting new people. It’s just a matter of making a very simple change in your life. SHOW HIGHLIGHTS: Why a fear of rejection is about a fear of loss How a scarcity mindset leads to being terrified of being rejected What the most successful, rejection-proof men all have in common How embracing the Friend Zone can make you fearless with women How having more people in your life can destroy your fear of rejection ...and so much more. RELATED LINKS: Leveling Up - Developing an Abundance Mentality How To Get Women To Approach You Finding True Confidence Facing Your Dating Fears 5 Ways To Develop Your Social Skills... Quickly Transcript available at Don’t forget to su
Ask Dr. NerdLove: Should You Tell Your Date That You're A Virgin?
27/11/2019 Duration: 13minI'm answering your most important dating questions! If you have a question about love, sex or dating, then be sure to leave a comment. Maybe the next question I answer will be yours! This week: Should you tell women that you're a virgin, or is it better to keep it a secret. And is dating your co-worker a good idea? The Virgin's Guide to Great Sex Book a Private Coaching Session With Dr. NerdLove Transcript available at Don’t forget to subscribe and review us on iTunes , Stitcher and on YouTube. Like the podcast? Become a Dr. NerdLove patron at Want more dating advice? Check out my books at
#127 - Why Women Won't Text You Back (And What You Should Do)
20/11/2019 Duration: 17minWhy did she stop replying to your texts? Why won't she text you back? Is time to panic? When when stop responding to your texts, it can feel like she doesn't like you any more. But that's not always the case. If your text conversations are drying up before you can get her out on a date, then you may be having one of these common issues. Here's why women won’t text you back… and what you can do about it. SHOW HIGHLIGHTS: Why most reason why women won't text a guy back — it's not what you think. How you end up telling women not to bother replying to your texts What to say to keep a conversation flowing effortlessly via text Why guys who know this one texting secret go on more dates and have more sex than the guys who don't The text that is GUARANTEED to get a response, even from someone who hasn't responded in days or weeks. ... and so much more. RELATED LINKS: 5 Common Texting Mistakes Men Make How To Talk To Women On Social Media How To Use Humor in Your Flirting How to Be Instantly Magnetic To Women Ho
Ask Dr. NerdLove: What Do You Do If She Gives You A Fake Number?
13/11/2019 Duration: 08minI'm answering your most important dating questions! If you have a question about love, sex or dating, then be sure to leave a comment. Maybe next week the question I'll answer will be yours! This week: Why do so many women have empty online dating profiles? And what do you do when a woman's given you a fake number? Transcript available at Don’t forget to subscribe and review us on iTunes , Stitcher and on YouTube. Like the podcast? Become a Dr. NerdLove patron at Get one-on-one coaching with Dr. NerdLove: Want more dating advice? Check out my books at