Doctor NerdLove is here to help you get your dating life in order with the best dating advice and positive masculine self-improvement on the Internet. Doctor NerdLove is not really a doctor
#108 - The Virgin's Guide To Great Sex
28/02/2019 Duration: 17minMany virgin men-- especially older virgins -- believe that no woman’s going to want to sleep with a guy who has no experience… but they can't they get that experience without having sex. So let’s ruin any chance of this episode being monetized and talk about what anyone — even a virgin — can do that will make them an amazing lover. SHOW HIGHLIGHTS: What women REALLY think of male virgins Why understanding YOUR needs can help you fulfill HERS The one thing men DON'T do (but they SHOULD) before their first time Why you need to use your tongue (but not like that) How to avoid being a "one minute man" in bed ... and so much more. RELATED LINKS: Sex For Beginners Busting The Fear of Virginity Be The Greatest Lover She's Ever Known F*ck Like A Gentleman (pt.1) The Virginity Paradox Transcripts available at Don’t forget to subscribe and review us on iTunes , Stitcher and on YouTube. Like the podcast? Become a Dr. NerdLove patron at Want more dating advice? Check ou
#107 - Who REALLY Holds The Power In Dating?
14/02/2019 Duration: 19minThe power dynamics of dating directly affect your dating success. But who REALLY holds the power when it comes to dating? Why do so many people get the power dynamic of dating wrong and what's the REAL power when it comes to love, sex and romance? Show Highlights How many of the "rules" about dating are self-limiting beliefs in disguise What we're REALLY talking about when we ask who has the power in dating Why women DON'T have it easier than men... and how that helps YOU How to control the interaction How understanding the power dynamics of an approach can bring you greater dating success. Related Links: ▶︎ The Economics of Sex ▶︎ Why Do Women Have All The Advantages In Dating? ▶︎ Why Women Don't Approach ▶︎ How To Get Women To Approach You ▶︎ Yes, It's STILL Creepy When Brad Pitt Does It Transcripts available at Don’t forget to subscribe and review us on iTunes , Stitcher and on YouTube. Like the podcast? Become a Dr. NerdLove patron at Want more datin
#106 - Did #MeToo RUIN Flirting?
31/01/2019 Duration: 13minDid the #MeToo movement change flirting forever? Can men no longer approach women? What makes the difference between flirting and harassment in this day and age? SHOW HIGHLIGHTS: The two types of complaints about #MeToo The goal behind the meme that men can't flirt anymore How men are getting the point of #MeToo wrong The MOST important part of flirting How to avoid being yet another creeper RELATED LINKS: What Does It Take To Be A Good Man? Perpetuating a Toxic Culture The Difference Between Flirting and Harassment Henry Cavill and Flirting in The #MeToo Era Treating Men Like Idiots Is The Wrong Way To Stop Sexual Harassment Transcripts available at Don’t forget to subscribe and review us on iTunes , Stitcher and on YouTube. Like the podcast? Become a Dr. NerdLove patron at Want more dating advice? Check out my books at
#105 - Is Masculinity A Mental Illness?
17/01/2019 Duration: 15minDon’t forget: I’m taking your questions for the NerdLoveLine special! Call (512) 522-6513 and leave a voicemail with your question! The American Psychological Association updated it's guidelines for the treatment of boys and men to say that toxic masculine ideologies are bad for men. Does this mean that masculinity is now a mental illness? Or is this an acknowledgement of the difficulties that men and boys face in modern society? SHOW HIGHLIGHTS: How being a man leads to unique mental and physical health issues Why men have a difficult time receiving effective mental health care What the new APA guidelines say... and what they DON'T say about men How understanding toxic masculine ideas affects men and boys alike How MRAs hurt the men they supposedly want to help ... and so much more. RELATED LINKS: ▶︎ What Is Toxic Masculinity ▶︎ Captain America and the power of Positive Masculinity ▶︎ Why It's So Hard To Be A Good Man ▶︎ The Broken Masculinity of The Punisher ▶︎ Reclaiming Manhood Don’t forget to su
#104 - How To Keep Going (Even When It Feels Pointless)
03/01/2019 Duration: 19minDon't forget: I'm taking your questions for the NerdLoveLine special! Call (512) 522-6513 and leave a voicemail with your question! Tell me if this has ever happened to you: you’ve started off trying to make some major change your life. You want to get better at dating, be more social, learn how to approach women, flirt a bit more... but once you’ve gotten started, nothing seems to be improving. Maybe you’ve made some minor progress, but the major changes, those big, life-changing moments, just aren’t happening. While any journey is easy at the start, when the going gets rough, most don’t don’t keep going. Here are six tips on how to stay motivated, to find the strength to get up and keep moving forward... even when it feels like there's no point. SHOW HIGHLIGHTS: Why New Years Resolutions are mostly useless Why most people fail to make lasting, positive changes in their lives Why expecting trouble makes it easier to make changes How you are your own worst enemy Why journaling can help keep you on track ..
#103 - Offset, Cardi B. and The Wrong Way To Win Back Your Ex
20/12/2018 Duration: 14minThere are the right ways of getting back with your ex. And then there are the wrong ways. And then there’s what Offset did to Cardi B., which is one of the most astoundingly stupid ways of trying to get your ex back. Here's why those "grand romantic gestures" aren't romantic at all. SHOW HIGHLIGHTS Why it's so hard to let go of an ex Why "Grand Romantic Gestures" are actually creepy How public proposals backfire What Offset's "apology" says about him Why grand gestures are the WRONG way to win someone back ...and so much more. RELATED LINKS: The Wrong Way To Get Your Ex Back The Trouble With Romance (According to The Movies) The Problem With Nice Guys 5 Signs Your Relationship Is Over Why It's So Hard To Leave (Even When You Need To) Don’t forget to subscribe and review us on iTunes , Stitcher and on YouTube. Like the podcast? Become a Dr. NerdLove patron at Want more dating advice? Check out my books at
#102 - Is Masturbation Bad For You? Understanding The NoFap Movement
06/12/2018 Duration: 20minTo fap or not to fap... that is the question. Are there health benefits to giving up masturbation? Is porn addiction a real thing? And just what is the NoFap movement, anyway? It’s time talk about sex with someone you love… yourself. Show Highlights: Why the “dangers” of masturbation haven’t changed in hundreds of years The connection between testosterone and masturbation Why NoFap gives "super powers" Why stigmatizing masturbation can be dangerous Why the real problem is shame, not masturbation …and so much more. Important News: I'm taking answering your questions on the air! Call in with your dating questions at (512) 522-6513 and leave a voice mail or you can record it send the audio file to and put “For YouTube” in the subject. Related Links What Men Should Have Learned In Sex Ed - The "Problem" With Male Virginity - Did Porn Ruin Our Sex Life? Porn and The Real World What We Get Wrong About Sex Don’t forget to subscribe and review us on iTunes , Stitcher and on YouTube.
#101 - This is Why You Can't Get Over Her
29/11/2018 Duration: 16minFriends, do you suffer from uncontrollable longing for someone who barely knows you’re alive? Are you unable to get over that break up, even after months or years? Do you have the sinking feeling that nobody in the world could be as right for you or mean as much as she does? Are you afraid that this was your last chance for true love? Then you may suffer from a disease known as Oneitis. Symptoms include heart palpitations, hopelessness, anxiety, terminal loneliness, embarrassing Spotify playlists, failed romantic relationships and a tendency to seek out pornstars that look like your ex. But there is hope! Stay tuned for a special offer that’s guaranteed to cure your oneitis… Today! Show Highlights: Why it's so hard to get over an ex What we get wrong about Oneitis How to understand why you can't get over her Why you need to practice some radical forgiveness How learning to get over your ex can make your relationships better ... and so much more. Related Links: Eliminating Neediness How To Develop An Abu
#100 - Is She Flirting Or Just Being Friendly?
22/11/2018 Duration: 13minHow do you tell the difference between when someone's flirting with you and just being polite? And why are we so bad at telling the two apart in the first place? SHOW HIGHLIGHTS: How men and women both misjudge flirting behavior in others Why "Straight Dude Thinking" gets in the way of flirting success Why we mistake politeness and friendliness for interest How to recognize the signs that someone is flirting with you The number one key to recognizing that someone is interested... and not just being friendly. RELATED LINKS: Ask Dr. NerdLove: What’s the Difference Between Flirting and Just Being Friendly? Read Her Signs (Without Reading The Tea Leaves) Fix Your Flirting How To Get Women To Approach You 5 Signs Women Want You To Approach Them Don’t forget to subscribe and review us on iTunes , Stitcher and on YouTube. Like the podcast? Become a Dr. NerdLove patron at Want more dating advice? Check out my books at
#99 - Let's Talk About Toxic Femininity
15/11/2018 Duration: 18minOne of the subjects I come back to fairly often is the idea of toxic masculinity. It’s something that I personally feel is important to talk about because of how much it directly affects men and makes our lives that much harder and that much worse. However, whenever we talk about masculinity in any form, there is such a regular response from people, in the comments and on twitter and elsewhere, that you can practically set your watch by it: “when are you going to talk about toxic femininity?” And you know what? Fine. Buckle up folks, 'cuz we're doing this. Show Highlights: Why nobody can agree on a definition of "toxic femininity" What we don't understand about toxic masculinity... and how that affects how we see femininity Who gets to define what is or isn't toxic behavior What are the differences between "toxic" forms of manhood vs. womenhood What is the source of toxic femininity ...and so much more. Related Links: The Selling of Masculinity What is Toxic Masculinity? How Men Make Women Feel Unsafe
#98 - How To Build A Lifestyle That Attracts Amazing Women
08/11/2018 Duration: 15minWhen we talk about being more attractive to women, we tend to focus on the surface. We talk about how to dress, what to say, how to act. But that’s the polish, the sizzle, not the substance. It may get people's attention, but without any substance to back it up, it won't keep it. Your lifestyle is what makes you more interesting and more desirable to women. When you have built the right lifestyle, it will bring women into your life without effort. Show Highlights: Why your looks, your job, your bank account or your style isn't what attracts women What we get wrong about attractive lifestyles Why most men live empty, boring lives How authenticity attracts more attention than "cool" How living an attractive lifestyle brings the right women into your life ...and so much more. Related Links: Five Reasons Your Life Isn't Going To Get Better No More Magic Feathers: The Secret to Real Self Improvement Developing Your Lifestyle Five Simple Ways To Jumpstart Your Life How To Meet Women, Effortlessly Don’t fo
#97 - How To Develop a Mindset For Relationship Success
01/11/2018 Duration: 16minSuccess, whether in life or in relationships, doesn't come from having the perfect plan or never making a mistake. It comes a mindset that strips away the things that hold you back and keeps you focused on what matters. You learn to avoid all of the ways you sabotage yourself and develop the emotional strength it takes to get up and win. Whether you're looking for love or chasing your dreams, if you change your mindset, you change your life. Show Highlights: Why success is born out of your attitude, not your actions How a self-limiting beliefs trap us in a cycle of failure Why we let the things we can't control ruin our chances for success Why an abundance mindset makes it easier to succeed in relationships How the way we choose to see the world can change our future ... and so much more. Related Links: Your Attitude Controls Your Dating Success Developing an Abundance Mentality Redefining Failure Overcome Your Fear of Rejection How To Build A Mindset for Success Don’t forget to subscribe and review u
#96 - This Is Why You Fail
25/10/2018 Duration: 17minHow often has the frustration of being single gotten to you? How many times have you asked yourself: why aren’t you going to get any better? Why do other people find love and you don't? Why aren’t you able to build the life that you want to live and be the man you dream about being? It's time to talk about the reason why so many guys won't find a girlfriend or lover... and what you can do to avoid their mistake. Show Highlights: What is the Negativity Bias and why does it ruin your social success? Why so many men choose pain over love Why we believe that truth has to hurt How men's anxieities cause them to self-destruct How to build the strength you need to keep going ...and so much more. Related Links: What Is Toxic Masculinity? - Build Your Emotional Resilience - Your Attitude Controls Your Dating Success - The Only
#95 - What Men Get Wrong About Women
18/10/2018 Duration: 15minIf you’re looking for advice on dating women, then you're going to find many, many self-proclaimed experts in the female mind. The problem is that most of them are almost entirely wrong. Worse, they set men up for failure by insisting on an outlook that puts men and women in conflict. It's time to talk about WHY men often have a hard time understanding and relating to women... and why it's so important, if you want to be socially successful. Show Highlights: Why so much "advice" about women causes conflict instead of helping to resolve it How we convince ourselves that we know more than we actually do How the "Men Are From Mars/ Women Are From Venus" dichotomy gets it wrong The REAL reason men and women don't understand each other What the most successful lovers have in common ...and so much more. Related Links: The Myth of What Women Want 5 Simple Ways to Jumpstart Your Life Detoxifying Masculinity Understanding The Dangers of Dating How To Understand Women Don’t forget to subscribe and review u
#94 - How To Be A Better Man
11/10/2018 Duration: 14minOver the last month, the nation has had one of many conversations about sexual assault and the affect it has on survivors. And as more women speak up, sharing their stories, sharing their pain and their rage, there are guys — guys who don’t want to be part of the problem, who want to be good men — who want to know what they can do to make things better. And the answer is simple: men need to step up. We need to learn to be the men we were always meant to be and the men the world needs right now. We need to learn how to be better. Show Highlights: Why men need to do the work to make the world better How the system we live in keeps men from seeing the realities women live with Why it's important to simply listen to women What #believewomen actually means Why we need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable ...and so much more Related Links: Nerds and Male Privilege What Does It Take To Be A Better Man? Reclaiming Manhood: Detoxifying Toxic Masculinity Why It's So Hard To Be A Good Man Captain America and
#93 - Flirting Mistakes That Women Hate
12/09/2018 Duration: 13minThere's a lot of bad advice out there when it comes to flirting. Advice that not only does it not work, but is actually a masterclass in how to creep women out and occasionally piss them off. Meeting women can be hard enough without making flirting mistakes that’re going to backfire, messily and all over the place. The last thing you want to do is ruin your chances with a woman by making the wrong move. Women want to like you and for you to like them too. So don't screw it up. Learn how to avoid these common flirting mistakes that men make and women HATE. Show Highlights: Why your attitude controls your dating success How flirting the wrong way just wastes your time The common mindset that drives women away How many guys ruin the attraction they've built with women Why status isn't the attraction switch guys think it is and so much more... Related Links: Five Signs Women Want You To Approach Them The Mistakes Men Make WHen Approaching Women Privilege, Entitlement and Dating How To Not Being Creepy The
#92 - How To Upgrade Your Style, Instantly
06/09/2018 Duration: 16minLearning how to dress well is one of the quickest and easiest ways to be more attractive. When you start dressing up sharp, you look amazing... and most people don't. But it takes very little to stand out and be sharpest dressed, most stylish guy in the room… and without spending a small fortune in the process. You just have to know the rules. Show Highlights: The one style rule that matters above all others The celebrity secret to looking incredible all the time How clothes are SUPPOSED to fit The secret to upgrading your wardrobe for cheap How to use Hollywood's secrets to improve your style and so much more... Related Links: Discover Your Style 5 (Cheap) Ways To Look Better How To Stand Out (The Right Way) Find Your Archetype The Subtle Things That Make Men More Attractive Don’t forget to subscribe and review us on iTunes , Stitcher and on YouTube. Like the podcast? Become a Dr. NerdLove patron at Want more dating advice? Check out my books at
#91 - How To Plan The Perfect First Date
30/08/2018 Duration: 14minHow many times have you had a first date that you thought was amazing... but never lead to a second date? First dates can be tricky and frustrating. A lot of guys are good at getting a first date, but can never turn it into a second or third date. No matter what they seem to do, they’re left with a series of first dates to nowhere with nothing to show for it. And the problem is that most first dates are just bad. If you want to get that second date, then you need to understand just what makes one first date boring and another date incredible. Show Highlights: What guys get wrong about first dates Why women don't want to see you again What to talk about on a first date Why traditional first date ideas are bad How to plan a memorable and unique first date ... and so much more. Related Links: Make The Right First Impression Solve Your Dating Emergencies How To Survive a Bad Date Get That Second Date (By Acing The First) How To Be An Amazing Kisser Don’t forget to subscribe and review us on iTunes , Stitch
#90 - How To Be More Attractive... Instantly!
23/08/2018 Duration: 17minWhen we talk about being attractive, we tend to think of it in terms of being physically good looking. But there’s a difference between being good looking and being attractive. People can be stunningly beautiful but have all the sex appeal of a block of wood. Meanwhile there can be people who are ugly as sin and yet have an almost mystical level of sex-appeal. Being attractive isn’t about whether you have abs like whoah or cheekbones that you could cut cheese with. It’s not about your skull or your jawline; it’s about the way you present yourself and the effort you put in. Attractiveness is about the holistic person and the little changes that make you go from "nice" to "...niiiiiice". Show Highlights: Why physical looks are only a small part of attraction The simplest and quickest way to change how you look One simple tip for an amazing haircut The number one way men kill attraction Why most men will never actually improve ...and so much more Related Links: The Subtle Things That Make Men More Attractive
#89 - How To Improve Your Social Skills... Quickly
16/08/2018 Duration: 14minOne of the mistakes a lot of people make is that they assume that social success is a binary. Either you’re good with girls or you aren’t and there’s nothing you can do about it. But the good news is: that’s not true. Dating, being more successful with women, even just being more socially fluent is a skill that you can practice, and if you can practice it, you CAN get better at it. And you can learn to improve those skills quickly by breaking things down and practicing those skills individually… and integrating that practice into your day to day life. Show Highlights: How to make practicing social skills faster and more efficient How to master making strong eye-contact The secret to learning better non-verbal communication Why practicing awareness leads to stronger social skills The secret to beating approach anxiety ...and so much more. Related Links: How To Level Up Your Dating Starting From Zero How To Make Small Talk (For People Who Hate Small Talk) 5 Simple Ways To Strengthen Your Social Skills