Welcome to Erotic Awakening, an informative and entertaining exploration of all things erotic. From sacred sexuality to fetishes, Power Exchange and polyamoary, BDSM to erotic spirituality, non standard relationships to alternative love styles, as well as simply fun kink.
EA064 - Sadism
21/05/2010 Duration: 39minOn this weeks show, we talk with national presenters and event producers Barak & Sheba about sadism! We also reveal that we are running in a contest, and share about an upcoming toy party with Sarah Sloane (and how you can come).You can find out more about Barak & Sheba and the organization Adventures in Sexuality at
EA063 - Masochism
16/05/2010 Duration: 38minOn this episode of Erotic Awakening, we talk to Crystal about being a Masochist! Also, Sarah Sloane helps us ride the waves of transcendence by teaching us some breathing techniques. We share about Kinko de Mayo and then the Adventures in Sexuality Submissive Round Table. Also, House Metta welcomes a new member. We also talk about a new event, Fires of Venus, where temples and bdsm equipment give people a chance to reflect on our capacity to give and receive pleasure over a three day period! Finally, Archimedes the cat tries to help us podcast. And he isn't half bad.
EA062 - Sex Toys
07/05/2010 Duration: 40minOn this show, we interview Sarah Sloane ( as she tells us about an educational and fun way to bring sex toys into your home! We also talk about a $2000 dildo, a double headed monster, and some other toys we have laying around. We also talk about an edgy review we received, Master Steven tells us about Boot Camp, a sale on podcast equipment, sex rituals we accidently did, and book suggestions we should have taken. And we finally have a facebook page! Find out more about Sarah at and more about Boot Camp at
EA061 - Creativity instead of Compromise
28/04/2010 Duration: 37minThis week we have a great chat with Ms couple and educators Auburn Landry and Devon DeLandry. They share a view of creating creativity instead of compromise in a power exchange relationship. Find out more about them at And we introduce a brand new segment on this show, "69 Seconds with Sarah Sloane"! She talks about one of our recent topics,'labels', and gives us a new perspecitve on it. We are thrilled to have this well known, experienced, and ethical sex educator and presenter sharing some sex positive education with us! Find out more about Sarah at And is dawn really going to strike out on her show? And did Dan really say that people who were new to spanking are brand spanking new?
EA060 - The Next Generation
22/04/2010 Duration: 26minThis week, slave jem joins us to discuss the challenges that younger kinky people face as they enter the lifestyle. We also discuss if Dan is a sexy elder statesman, a kinky old fart, or somewhere in the middle.
EA059 - Labels in the Community
14/04/2010 Duration: 56minDo we need to catagorize each other? We speak with Master and slave 2009 title holders Master Kristina, Fink, and Esteban on labels in the community. We talk about how it can help us stay on a path...or limit us. They also call Dan a hippy freak! Is wife/slut/slave/clergy a lable? How do we get beyond labels? And they talk blowjobs that transend labels... We also talk with Princess Kali, who tells us about Kink Acedemy, an educational website that allows people to see educators and presenters from a variety of backgrounds. Plus, Leather Leadership conference, our own site Frolicon reporter, a new contest, a burning man in Ohio, AND our new logo unveiled!
EA058 - Q&A pt 3
08/04/2010 Duration: 36minOn today's show, Questions and Answers! We discuss various Ms and Ds dynamics, how often dawn and I have sex, where to find formal training, and if relationships should really be so hard.
EA057 - What does poly look like
31/03/2010 Duration: 37minThis week, we speak to Mim Chapman about poly styles in modern relatonships. She talks about the five models of polyamory and more. We also chat about dawns field research into swinging, dawn going to an event as a participant, dawn sleeping with a famous podcaster and presenter, and dawn's boyfriend. Was Dan on this episode?
EA056 - Fire
24/03/2010 Duration: 25minOn this weeks show, Xtraspecial Tom talks about the art of fireplay. Also, we talk about a small ethical dilema, Amanda goes to Frolicon, more sex coming up, listener comment of the day, dawn wears a collar at Wally World?, a Japanese collaring, and is a handjob on the podcast too slutty?
EA055 - Chatting with slaves
20/03/2010 Duration: 50minThis week we sit with a number of Ms lifestyle slaves and talk about some of the fantasy vs reality aspects of being a real time slave. We talk about the 'naked slave girl' fantasy many of them shared and ask them if they would still do it, if they have out grown it, or if they feel like a failure if they don't want it anymore. We also have an interview from slave retreat, an event dawn attended some time back with Castle Griffin. You can hear dawn sounding sad when she says it is time to go home. But they talk about the goal of a slave retreat at Castle Griffin. We also thank our new technical crew (even if they don't know we recruited them).
EA054 - Lifestyle
16/03/2010 Duration: 01h07minIn the last few weeks, we brought you Sacred Kink, then Sex is Fun, so now we add the question of "Is this is a lifestyle?". And we also sit down and chat with the fantastic Sarah Sloan ( and Mollena Williams ( from our time at Dark Odyssey to the sounds of slap and tickle and moans in the back ground. We discuss another aspect of the lifestyle - recovery in the lifestyle. But wait, there is more - a quick conversation with Jsin, of Beat Me In St Louis, on that upcoming event. Great event, and time is running out to decide if this is what you make this one! And! I describe a scene with dawn in graphic details. *Rarr* And use her moans as a segway. We wrap all that up with a "shout out" to all those great Chicago people. And coffee.
EA053 - Sex is fun
04/03/2010 Duration: 31minOn this weeks show, we talk to Kidder Kaper from the Sex is Fun podcast and discuss how fun sex can be - and how to make it fun. Kidder talks about saying no ("I've never enjoyed saying no") and monogamous group sex. We also talk about our recent trip to Washington DC and wonder what kind of sex involves baloons and needles...
EA052 - Sacred Kink with Lee Harrington, part 2
25/02/2010 Duration: 27minOn this weeks show, we present part two of our conversation with Lee Harrington and Sacred Kink: The Eightfold Paths of BDSM and Beyond
EA051 - Sacred Kink w Lee Harrington
22/02/2010 Duration: 48minOn this weeks show, we chat with eclectic artist, spiritual and erotic educator, gender adventurer and published author on human sexuality and spiritual experience, Lee Harrington. We talk about his new book, Sacred Kink: The Eightfold Paths of BDSM and Beyond. We also mention a great event for first timers and get all excited about our upcoming trip to Dark Odyssey - A Journey of Sexual Adventure So, what is sacred kink to you?
EA050 - Q&A Part 2
10/02/2010 Duration: 22minYou got questions, we got answers! Well, some answers. Listener questions on the best event for a newcomer to go to; when two doms meet, who spanks who?; whats to like about poly; what people seem to misunderstand about BDSM; and more!
EA049 - Gender
30/01/2010 Duration: 41minOn this episode, we speak to the sex educator Mary Kay on all things related to gender. And we have a new "pussy" on the episode! Coming next week, Q&A Show 2 - send in your questions! Find out more about Mary Kay at
EA048 - BDSM in Second Life
22/01/2010 Duration: 33minslave jem joins us in studio as we talk with Eva, who currently runs a 2000+ member organization called 'The Dominion Femdom' - a BDSM group within the realm of Second Life - as well as publishes FEMDOM Magazine, an online publication that covers the Femdom scene in Second Life. We also chat about a Haiti relief effort by Dark Odyssey, a really cool event in Atlanta, a new group in our home area...and we discuss a cock sock! Find out more about the Dominion Femdom (blogs, videos, and photos) at
EA047 - Negotiations
18/01/2010 Duration: 50minThis week we talk about negotiations. We speak with our friend and show supporter Daphne about how to set up and negotiate that wonderful scene you've always wanted. We also welcome two new members to House Metta! ~
EA046 - Kinky Monogamy
06/01/2010 Duration: 47minThis week we talk about walking a path of monogamy in a kinky world. We speak with our friends John and Beth and talk about the issues that monogamous couples face in kink events, community, and within their relationship. Dan also talks about his experience with the Orgasmic Mastery course and we head toward PA! ~ ~
EA045 - Kink Magic
30/12/2009 Duration: 51minOn this show, we speak with Taylor Elwood and Lupa about Kink Magic. They share their thougths and explorations with us about "a spiritual force and form that allows you to connect to others" and a set of practical technicals that will help you connect deeper to your partners and to other people. We also talk about our last group chat in central Ohio, upcoming workshops, and why we never have sex on the 4rth Tuesday of the month. You can find out more about Taylor and Lupa at ~ ~ ~