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Knowing Your Why AND Why Not
27/10/2023 Duration: 14minKnowing Your Why AND Why Not Getting what you want in life will be two things… It will be easier than you can imagine or harder than you ever thought possible. The journey will be exciting and scary. Looking back, you will be glad you did it, yet wonder if you will ever do it again. That's why WHY is so important. You must know WHY you are doing anything to sustain your efforts. And it must be YOUR why, not somebody else's. You must own your WHY, understand your WHY, and live your WHY. Many folks are not clear on WHY, or they do it for others or other reasons. Sometimes, you might put up with one thing, hoping you'll get something else. I’m sure that you’ve found that's not the way it works. Remember, what you focus on expands. That means you’ll get more of putting up with stuff if that's what you focus on. It's true. Knowing WHY you don't want to do something is as essential as knowing WHY you want something. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Leveraging Life Cycles
26/10/2023 Duration: 12minLeveraging Life Cycles My friend Louis Gates introduced me to his Life Cycle theory years ago. I’m in an inspiring year. Where are you? Cycles begin at birth and advances every nine years like this: Year 1: You decide what you want and start asking for it. Year 2: As the pieces come together, you narrow your focus. Year 3: The resources you need begin to arrive. Year 4: You find yourself moving toward your purpose in life. Year 5: Re-evaluation begins. Toss out what you don’t need and keep what works. Year 6: Your focus intensifies, and you work with the resources you’ve decided will benefit you. Year 7: You take stock of things that no longer serve you. Year 8: Clearing the clutter begins. It’s almost time to start the next cycle. Year 9: You explore and decide what you want to do in the next cycle. Look back on your life and notice how your Life Lifecycle is always in play. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Life-Changing Success Habits
25/10/2023 Duration: 14minLife-Changing Success Habits Whatever results you want in your life will be produced by your thoughts, actions, and daily habits. Most people work hard every day to make their world better. But, no matter how hard you work, life will get in the way. That’s life. That’s life’s job. That will always be life’s job. No matter how much you try, life will get in the way - and you may have noticed - you can’t think your way out of it. But what if you didn’t have to? What if you could stop life from getting in the way of what you want? In a survey of 233 self-made millionaires, there was a huge difference in what they do daily vs lower-income earners - and they do it automatically. They use the power of habit—figure out what they want and how to get it, and keep repeating until they get what you want. Set it and forget it. Right now, you might be sleeping in, reading occasionally, and going with the flow instead of focusing on your flow. Successful folks get up early, read a lot, and spend 15-30 minutes daily on
Focusing ON Focus
24/10/2023 Duration: 14minFocusing ON Focus Here we are, entering the most distraction-filled time of the year. How can you keep moving toward your goals when everything else is in the way? With Singular Focus. Singular means extraordinary, remarkable, and exceptional. Focus is a central point of attraction, attention, or activity. It’s time to focus on one activity that will move you forward. You simply won’t have time for everything else. How do you get Singular Focus? 1) Reduce your things-to-do Universe. Choose an essential item and get it done during the upcoming busy season. 2) Remember. You can have everything, but not at the same time. 3) Reduce as much interference as possible. With all the buzz coming, plan small amounts of time to work on your goal. It’s a simple truth - When you are busy with life, too many extras will bog you down. Apply Singular Focus to your most important goal. Save the others until next year. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9 Success Principles You Need
23/10/2023 Duration: 13min9 Success Principles You Need You may have heard that you will elevate your station in life to the degree that you elevate yourself. Since you are reading this today, consider yourself elevated. Even more so if you do these: 1) Acknowledge that all emotions come from within you. 2) Seek out someone you respect. Let them keep you honest. 3) Recognize there is life after failure. 4) Read purposefully. Apply your knowledge. 5) Challenge yourself to be brutally honest in everything you do. 6) Reflect on what you spend the most time on. 7) Remind yourself that you weren’t meant to procrastinate. 8) Put the phone away. Be present. 9) Time is your most precious resource. Fact. Can you imagine how much you can change in your life when you live by those principles? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Waking Up With Gratitude
20/10/2023 Duration: 14minWaking Up With Gratitude I woke up this morning with an incredible zest to expand my feeling of gratefulness. Well, there is not so much to expand as to recognize all the things I am grateful for but haven’t thought about lately. That’s the thing about living in a fast-paced world where our daily activities, big and small, fly by and are quickly forgotten. It’s always been that way. There is nothing new in the world. That got me thinking about one of my favorite quotes — “Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” —Robert Brault As a no-regrets guy, I admit to sometimes not living in gratitude. Thankfully, the wisdom of others is always making sure I remember what is important— Here are a few of my favorites. “If a fellow isn’t thankful for what he’s got, he isn’t likely to be thankful for what he’s going to get.”—Frank A. Clark “Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” —Eckhart Tolle “Who does not thank
You Will Change When You Wear Yourself Out
19/10/2023 Duration: 13minYou Will Change When You Wear Yourself Out Many have said, "Life is a marathon, not a sprint." But what happens when you find yourself doing both at the same time? If you've been living on this planet for any time, you've figured out life is a long game made of day-to-day sprints. You make small deposits over time if you want a big bank balance. If you want to lose weight, you make small reductions over time. If you want to get a promotion at your job, you do well every day. The challenge happens when you have not defined the marathon you are running. A lack of a specific goal can only lead to daily activity that may or may not get you to your destination. If that happens to you, you may feel worn out, frustrated, and wondering when things will turn around. There's good news. That kind of thinking means you are on the right track to success. Certain stamina is required to reach any goal. And society today celebrates your ability to put in the hard work no matter what. There's only one problem. If it's
Why You Should Set Impossible Goals
18/10/2023 Duration: 12minWhy You Should Set Impossible Goals I recently attended a conference where I enjoyed a presentation by Psychologist Dr. Benjamin Hardy. Honestly, I’ve been a fan of his work for a couple of years and am familiar with most of his working concepts. This time… one stood out. In my day-to-day work, it’s not uncommon for clients to struggle with narrowing a goal to one with enough meaning to propel them into action. In most cases, it’s a struggle between the important and the impossible. A goal must be important enough to excite you, but that can also make it seem impossible and scare you. But that’s what you want and need. According to Dr. Hardy, when you limit your goals to only the most important and almost impossible from where you are today, you are forced to use a very tight filter to figure out how to make it happen. In other words, taking random action will not help you reach an impossible goal. Only a highly filtered, very disciplined, and nearly surgical approach will make it happen. If you are doing
How Purpose and Passion Make a Better Life
17/10/2023 Duration: 12minHow Purpose and Passion Make a Better Life From the time I was very young, I've been drawn to living a passionate life - no matter what gets in the way. I've also had a solid purpose to impact people's lives while living a passionate life positively. Something can be challenging to archive 100% of the time. But isn't that the point of Passion and Purpose? Isn't it something that you just DO? Amazingly, for all the focus on living a purposeful and passion-filled life, there has been very little research. A solid definition has only been agreed upon in the last few years - and it says a lot. I'll let it speak for itself. Passion is defined as a strong inclination toward an activity that people like, find important, and in which they invest time and energy. Purpose is defined as a stable and generalized intention to accomplish something personally meaningful and, at the same time, leads to productive engagement with some aspect of the world beyond the self. As I've always said, "If you don't know your purpose,
Start With Definiteness of Purpose
16/10/2023 Duration: 12minStart With Definiteness of Purpose The more days that I leave footsteps on this planet, the more I realize that everything we need to know to become a better version of ourselves has already been invented. Not only that, but everything that you could use to improve yourself has been tested by millions over thousands of years. It has either proven to be effective… or not. Napoleon Hill’s The Law of Success is one of those that works. While it is filled with action steps to achieve whatever success you desire, my personal experience, and that from working with others, has convinced me that if you get the first one right, everything else falls into place. Definiteness of Purpose. Specify EXACTLY what you want. Specify EXACTLY when you want it. Specify EXACTLY what you are willing to do. Specify EXACTLY why you want it. Yes. It can be confusing and frustrating to figure out your Definiteness of Purpose. But when you do, your life changes. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Unleash Your Potential with Anticipation
13/10/2023 Duration: 12minUnleash Your Potential with Anticipation I love how kids live in the moment while also getting excited about the next fun thing coming. Maybe it’s time we all begin acting like kids again. Since you were young, special events excited you enough that sheer anticipation would drive you all day and keep you up at night. Would you like that back in your life? The trick to harness the power of anticipation is to keep a steady stream of exciting moments in your future. I call this the Anticipation Engine. There are two things to keep in mind: 1) Your energy is dependent on getting excited about your future. Keep your list long. 2) Once an event passes, your excitement will disappear. Enjoy the current moment. Don’t rush ahead, but always have something fun coming next. Living a life of anticipation always gives a natural energy boost. If your life is bland - schedule something fun and get excited again. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Embrace the Power of Goals and Live with Purpose
12/10/2023 Duration: 11minEmbrace the Power of Goals and Live with Purpose Are you feeling excited to be alive today? It might be an excellent opportunity to become an intentional goal-setter. Goals are the heartbeat of your life. They are tangible expressions of your Values. There's nothing more satisfying. You will always enjoy pursuing goals that align with the most significant Values. Goals are also automatic. Others will set them for you if you don't set them for yourself. You haven't set meaningful goals if you're not enjoying your life. It's simple. Decide what you want. Set a Goal. Create a plan. Set a deadline. Get to work. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Invisibility to Prominence By Tooting Your Own Horn
11/10/2023 Duration: 11minInvisibility to Prominence By Tooting Your Own Horn When I was a teenager, I was a weekend moviegoer. It was the age of Rocky and Star Wars, after all. While the experience was fun, something has stuck with me. The movie theatre always ran a commercial during the previews before the film. They wanted local business owners to buy an ad before every show. It went - "What happens when you don't advertise? NOTHING!" Yes, that's a great lesson for business owners. But what about YOU? If you want something more in your life, you need to toot your own horn so others can help you get it. That's how you manufacture endless opportunities in your life. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
You Should be Unapologetically Unreasonable
10/10/2023 Duration: 10minYou Should be Unapologetically Unreasonable Are you a reasonable person? Maybe it is time for you to change. A reasonable person settles for the mundane and says, "It IS what it IS!" An unreasonable person says, "That's fine, but I don't like it that way, and I don't accept it!" They change people's perception of what is. They create a different reality. They don't accept the norms. Someone once told an off-color joke at a dinner party being held by Maya Angelou. She stopped the party and said, "I don't have that in my house. You will have to leave. Even after an apology, she stood her ground. "That's fine, that's for another time, but for today, you have to leave." Some people are so afraid to offend that they are willing to be reasonable. Be UNREASONABLE about your beliefs. Take a stand and become known for it! The world wants you to be reasonable and fit in. Don't do it. Be unreasonable! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Proven Methods for Maximum Productivity
09/10/2023 Duration: 11minProven Methods for Maximum Productivity With only so many hours in the day, let’s start the week with a few ideas for being more productive. 1) Avoid meetings if possible. If you must, keep them short and sweet. 2) Incoming communication is nothing more than somebody else’s to-do list. Do your stuff first. 3) Organize your daily interruptions. They will never go away. You might as reasonably expect them. 4) Never schedule more than 50% of your day. That way, you can finish what you started. 5) No more multi-tasking. Finish one task before the next. BAM! You just added 50% more productive time to your day. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
An Uncomplicated Life The Easy Way
06/10/2023 Duration: 13minAn Uncomplicated Life The Easy Way Do you ever wish you had a uncomplicated your life? If you are a normal person and are NOT flying an airplane or performing brain surgery right now, there’s a good chance that you are are overcomplicating everything. These rules will help: Rule #1: Practice the rule of "Good Enough." Perfectionism is overrated. Rule #2: Say No. Repeat it. Say NO a lot! Rule #3 - When you find yourself so busy that you can't keep up, resolve to complete what you are doing, and NEVER do it again. Yes. It’s possible. Leonardo da Vinci said, "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." Why not show everybody how sophisticated you are today? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
How to Accept Your True Purpose
05/10/2023 Duration: 12minHow to Accept Your True Purpose Today, I predict that there is a question floating deep within your mind that’s going to pop up and demand your attention very soon. What’s the question? Is this all there is? Isn’t my life supposed to be more? Am I destined for something bigger than myself? Okay. That’s three questions… and you may be hearing all of them. Always remember - Discovering YOU is not so much a search. It's more of an acceptance. It's about accepting WHO you are by being honest about your past actions. It's accepting WHAT you do when you're doing you. It's not a thing; it's a feeling. It's accepting WHEN you want to be true to yourself. Discovering your true self doesn't require a life-long search. It's a matter of accepting your daily actions as your choice. If you don't like them - change them. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are You Causing Your Own Challenges?
04/10/2023 Duration: 12minAre You Causing Your Own Challenges? Are you the kind of person who is always running around putting out fires - fires you set? I think it is time that we take away your matches and lighter fluid. Keep these tips in mind: 1) If your life is non-stop drama, stress, and craziness, there is a good chance that YOU are the cause. There is also a good chance you won’t see it that way. 2) Living with your hair on fire will keep you so busy and you will spend years wondering why you can’t get what you want. 3) When you STOP doing anything that results in more craziness knocking at your door, you will find that life is pretty quiet - and quiet is where all good stuff happens. It’s a Universal truth. You are 100% in charge of any action you choose. Choose good ones. It makes life more fun. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Why Learning is Holding You Back
03/10/2023 Duration: 11minWhy Learning is Holding You Back Have you ever felt as if something is holding you back? Maybe you are spending too much time learning. The challenge begins when your mind gets confused and you start searching for answers. The problem is that learning feels like doing. Your mind can't distinguish between perception and reality. Yes, you may be getting more intelligent, but you're not moving forward. Here are some simple truths: 1) Learning new skills is fun and required for a better life. 2) Learning alone will not produce results the results you desire. 3) You don't have to learn everything. You already know enough to get started. You will make massive progress when you transform your knowledge into physical action and fast and consistently as possible. It’s time to take massive imperfect action! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
How To Help Others
02/10/2023 Duration: 12minHow To Help Others Have you ever felt the desire to help others? Do you want to help them figure things out? Make more money? Recover from a bad experience? Maybe you want to make a difference in the world yourself. I’ve always believed that our power to help others is a side benefit of being ourselves - and having a structure to follow - 1) A person in need desires an outcome. It makes no sense to offer advice until we know what they seek. That puts us on the same page. 2) Next, find out their problems, actions, and results. Then, relate them to what you have found works. 3) Now that you’ve heard their struggle, you can make specific recommendations to move their life positively. Helping others is a lot like being a Doctor. Listen. Examine. Prescribe. Take action. Follow up. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit