Our Goals to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 174 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, law of attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include John Gray, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Our goal is to leave you an ear-to-ear grin and an actionable plan to achieve your goals! Get ready to live your greatest life and to Shine Bright!!!
HOW TO GO FROM OVERWHELM TO CALM – FAST!!! CJ Liu | Inspiration | Spirituality | Meditation | Career | Self-Help | Inspire
04/08/2016 Duration: 57minIf you’ve ever felt stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, then do we have the calm inducing show for you. Today we’ll be talking about all things calm, how to relax, feel better, keep from getting overwhelmed, and stay out of that fight or flight state, that turns our brains to mud. That plus we’ll talk about the power of water, the shock of shipping, calendar mavens, kitty exercise, the beauty of hammocks, what in the world is Bear Time, exotic deserts, and cat-o-nine-tails and Kermit, the frog that is. Calm Inducing Self-Help and Self-Improvement Topics Include: Why overwhelm can require an A game of self-care What consciousness has to do with overwhelm What stress and fear of the unknown has to do with calmness What it means for energy to get stuck What it means to be meditating and noticing in your meditation you’re not meditating What we can learn from Clark Elliott, author of The Ghost in My Brain Why we want to challenge ourselves by looking at the world in different ways How to turn things into a ‘test’
YOUR SECRET WEAPON AT HOME, WORK & LIFE – COMPASSION! Inspiration | Spirituality | Health | Fitness | Self-Help | Inspire
03/08/2016 Duration: 01h09minIf you’ve ever wanted greater happiness, peace, or better relationships in your life, then do we have the compassionate show for you! Today we’ll be talking about compassion, what it is, how to cultivate it, why in the world you want more of it, and why it’s so powerful for ourselves. That plus we’ll talk about car horn compassion, kitty compassion, family compassion customer service compassion, and even compassion at your department of motor vehicles. Compassionate Self-Help and Self-Improvement Topics Include: What is Kitty Compassion Why have a show on compassion? Who is AI researcher Clark Elliot, author of The Ghost in My Brain Why there are so many more people with head injuries than we can imagine Why people who are struggling in line, or look strange, may actually have a head-injury Why it’s important to have compassion with people acting oddly What happens when we get to a place of overwhelm, and why we want to treat everyone in overwhelm with compassion Why you want to have compassion for someone,
02/08/2016 Duration: 01h17minIf you’ve ever had a head injury, concussion, learning disability such as ADHD, or no someone who does, then do we have the concussive show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Clark Elliott, PhD, brilliant artificial intelligence researcher and professor, and the author of an incredibly powerful book, and perhaps one of my most important reads of the last year, maybe of ever…The Ghost in My Brain, How a concussion stole my life, and how the new science of brain plasticity helped me get it back. And that’s just what we’ll talk about today, about head injuries and what that really means, and how we can get our lives back, or our minds back, after we’ve suffered one…even many years or misdiagnosis later. That plus we’ll talk about the dangers of follow mode, the importance of knowing you don’t have a dog, why a toddler’s first words may have been do it myself, do it myself, Clark is the man who never gives up, ever, ever, ever, ever, the danger of scanner beeps, and when you should never ever ride a roller coast
HOW TO ACCELERATE YOUR SUCCESS THRU THE SCIENCE OF HAPPINESS! + Meditation! Emma Seppala PhD | Career | Self-Help | Inspire
01/08/2016 Duration: 01h04minIf you’ve ever wanted less stress, greater happiness, and MORE success in your life, no matter what that looks like, then do we have the happiness producing show for you. Today we’ll be talking with Dr. Emma Sepalla, Associate Director of the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education Center at Stanford University, founder of Fulfillment Daily, a TEDx talk speaker who’s work has been featured in the Documentary Free The Mind and the author of a fascinating new look at the science of Happiness, The Happiness Track. And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, how to apply the science of happiness, to accelerate your success! That plus we’ll talk about the danger of strengths, morning morality, the Stanford Duck syndrome, successaholics, the power of a hug, why we might want to stop paying attention, and start daydreaming, and why taking a take a 2 day silent retreat before surgery, just may be the greatest gift in the world. Self-Improvement and Self-Help Happiness Topics Include: How di
31/07/2016 Duration: 01h12minIf you’ve ever wondered if there’s more to your dreams than meets the eye, and if you could wake up and explore your dream world to benefit your days, then do we have the lucid dreaming show for you. Today we’ll be talking with Andrew Holecek, author of The Power and the Pain, Preparing to Die, Meditation in the iGeneration, and an incredible book I think will make a huge difference in our lives, Dream Yoga. And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, how to wake up in your dreams and illuminate your life through lucid dreaming and the Tibetan Yogas of sleep. That plus we’ll talk about and what in the world is an onighronaut, learning to sleep sitting up and what you can learn when taking your dog to the dog park, why you might want to fly in your dreams, and put your hands through walls, and the spiritual benefit to giving yourself the finger? Self-Improvement and Self-Help Lucid Dreaming Topics Include: What happened with Andrew that changed his perspective on dreams, and life How large quantities o
HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR VISION & ELIMINATE GLASSES - NATURALLY!!! Meir Schneider | Health | Fitness | Self-Help | Inspire
30/07/2016 Duration: 01h25minIf you’ve ever wanted better vision, less eye-strain, no need for reading glasses, or to keep your kids OUT of glasses and contacts forever, then do we have the eye-opening show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Meir Schneider, PhD, a brilliant visionary when it comes to the eyes, once legally blind himself, and now glasses free. So today we’ll talk about improving your vision and strengthening your eyes, no matter the condition, the severity or what you’ve been told by the pro’s, whther you’re near-sighted, far-sighted, have cataracts, glaucoma, astigmitism, or anything else, plus how to reduce eye fatigue, at your computer, when you read, and for your kids as well! That plus we’ll talk about the danger of sunglasses, looking at the sun, waving your hands in your face…or to the sides for that matter, funky pinhole glasses, the benefits of walking in the dark, and why you don’t want to go into a bank, while doing the Melissa exercise? Self-Improvement and Self-Help Health Topics Include: What Meir means in
ATTRACT HEALTH & ABUNDANCE WITH FLOWER POWER!!! + Meditation! Robert Reeves | Inspiration | Fitness | Self-Help | Inspire
29/07/2016 Duration: 01h27minIf you’ve ever wanted to feel better, have more happiness joy, and inspiration in your life, then do we have the flower-power show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Robert Reeves, best-selling author and naturopath who holds a strong connection to angels and the natural world. And along with Doreen Virtue he’s the co-author of flower therapy oracle cards and a beautiful book on flowers, Flower Therapy. And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, how flowers can help us feel better, overcome challenges, heal from illness, and even be law of attraction magnets for our desires. That plus we’ll talk about roses, eucalyptus, the power of sweet pea, why you want to be careful with grevillia, what in the world is pig face, why we all want to try aura stroking…no, it’s not what you think. Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include: Robert Reeves and Doreen Virtue Flower Therapy and Flower Cards What’s going on with the weather down-under right now. How the fairies and angels help him with our gardening
HOW TO SLEEP BETTER & FEEL MORE RESTED! CJ Liu | Inspirational | Spiritual | Fitness | Running | Health | Self-Help | Inspire
28/07/2016 Duration: 01h01minIf you’ve ever struggled with sleep, getting enough sleep, falling asleep, or the incredible desire to sleep, anytime of the day, then do we have the slumbery show for you. Today we’ll talk about all things sleep, how to get more of it, how to get higher quality sleep, and habits you want to include to help you wake up more refreshed and ready to go in the mornings. That plus we’ll talk about lake towns, the power of peaceful beaches, synching with the art, and one very good reason you might run like hell, if you’re in the Adirondacks. Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: What it means to have a career that you love How difficult it is to do sales when it’s not you’re calling What do you do when something is not quite in alignment for yourself? Why we want balloons and flowers in the study Why it’s important to shake things up and get out of our comfort zones Joe Dispenza – why you want to get out of the ordinary into the extra-ordinary What it means to die before you die Why it’s important to expe
HOW TO POSITIVELY SHIFT YOUR LIFE THRU LITTLE DECISIONS! Jessica Lee | Inspirational | Spirituality | Self-Help | Inspire
27/07/2016 Duration: 58minIf you’ve ever wanted more happiness, satisfaction, and contentment in your life, not to mention greater health, then do we have the decision-making show for you! Today we’ll be talking about the decisions in your life, not the big decisions, such as where you’re moving, something Jessica and I have been playing with, but the day to day decisions that make you who you are, help you get out of a rut, and to help you get living, and find happiness and success. That plus we’ll talk about kayaking Beverly Hills, jumping into lakes, going raspberry crazy, and why a kitty sanctuary, is probably not where we should go tomorrow. Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: When asking for help is so important What’s the importance of vulnerability What’s the importance of knowing when your wiring is sending you down the wrong path How EFT/Tapping works and how it can help you think more clearly How little small decisions can make a big difference in your life How each small decision really involves courage Why eve
HOW ONE WOMAN SAVED THE LIVES OF THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN! Sally Becker | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Help | Inspire
26/07/2016 Duration: 01h22minIf you’ve ever thought one person couldn’t make a difference, or that you can’t make a difference in the world around you, then do we have the difference-making show for you! Today I’ll be talking with one of the most heroic people I’ve ever met, even if she wouldn’t call herself one. Her name’s Sally Becker, aka the Angel of Mostar also occasionally known as ‘The Daughter of Mother Theresa’. She’s a true hero of the Balkan conflicts and kids of war everywhere and has rescued and saved the lives of hundreds if not thousands of childen and victims of the tragic wars. She’s also the author of an amazing book, Sunflowers and Snipers:Saving Children in the Balkan War Today we’ll talk about what it means to step forward, take chances, and to work to make a difference. That plus we’ll talk about the plight of children in warzones, and what we can do to help. That plus we’ll talk about Selma and Mizra, Maja Kajazic, Elmir and Lela, Marigona, Why if you think your are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with
Find Greater Energy, Happiness & Wellbeing! + Meditation! Dr Deborah Zucker | Inspirational | Spiritual | Self-Help | Inspire
25/07/2016 Duration: 01h06minIf you’ve ever wanted to feel better, stronger, happier, more empowered by life, and with vital force flowing through you, then do we have the vitality producing show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Deborah Zuhcker, naturopath, transformational health coach, and author of a fantastic book on transforming your health, happiness and our life, The Vitality Map. Today we’ll talk about deep health, joyful self-care, and resilient well-being so you can live an authentic, meaningful life! That plus we’ll talk about your inner mama bear, gardening yourself, bodhissatva syndrome, the dreaded D- word, the power of somatic therapy groups, what a stuffy nose, and dairy may have in common, and why an orgasm a day just may keep the doctor away. Self-Improvement and Self-Help Vitality Producing Show (Questions and comments Include): How Dr. Zucker went into a downward spiral. How the wildnerness was part of Dr. Deborah Zucker’s path. What’s the concept of a woundedhealer. What’s the bodhisattva syndrome? What is pe
HOW TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATIONS & TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE! Paul Selig | Spirituality | Inspiration | Spiritual | Self-Help | Inspire
24/07/2016 Duration: 57minIf you’ve ever wondered why we’re here, what we’re supposed to do, if it’s a special time for humanity, and why in the world there’s suffering if there’s a God, then do we have a special show for you! Today we’ll be talking with Paul Selig, he’s an intuitive, a channeller, a clairvoyant, and earlier in his life graduated with his masters from Yale, and served on the faculty of NYU for 25 years. Today we’re going to talk about a channeled work of his, the Book of Mastery, and what we can all learn from the words on it’s pages. I’ve found the book quite profound, and one I’ll want to read again and again and again. For in its pages is a simplicity and a wisdom I’ve rarely encountered, and want to be reminded of over and over again. So today we’ll talk about what we’re here for, where we’re going, what it all means, and why in the world “evil” in quotes even exists. Plus we’ll talk about what it means to be a channel and clairvoyant, and to do work that one never signed up for, or maybe one did. Questions and To
WHY YOUR HEALTHY DIET MAY BE HURTING YOU & WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT! T Colin Campbell | Nutrition | Fitness | Self-Help | Inspire
23/07/2016 Duration: 01h20minIf you’ve wondered why we’re getting sicker and unhealthier, despite the latest in medicine, pharmaceuticals, nutracueticals, DNA testing, diets and supplements, then do we have the show for you! Today we’ll be talking With T. Colin Campbell, PhD Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University and coauthor of the bestselling book, The China Study and his latest book WHOLE. His legacy, the China-Cornell-Oxford Project, has been acknowledged as the most comprehensive study of health and nutrition ever conducted. He’s also authored more than 300 peer-reviewed research papers. Today I want to talk about why the emperor has no clothes, or why the studies, the science, and the medicine we’ve come to love and trust, may not be quite what we think they are, especially when it comes to nutrition. But then I want to empower us, and talk about what works, why, and what we can do to live happier, healthier, and quite possibly long lives, and even return to perfect health, despite having disease, or e
What Animals Think & Feel and What We Can Learn from Them! Carl Safina, PhD | Ted Talk | Inspirational | Self-Help | Inspire
22/07/2016 Duration: 01h11minIf you ever thought there was more to animals than meets the eyes, or that there’s more going on with your kitty or poochie, then their meow-meow’s and woofs, then do we have the eye-opening, beyond words show for you! Today we’ll be talking with Dr. Carl Safina, PhD, award winning author and ecology researcher, and the author of the one book I’d take with me on a trip if I traveled, Beyond Words…one of the most beautiful, heart-wrenching and important books I’ve ever read. Today we’ll talk about animals, what they think, what they feel, and about WHO they are…yes, we’ll ask the big question today, not what are you, but WHO are you…of the wolf, the elephant, and even the killer whale. That plus we’ll talk about the octopus and consciousness, ottoline and oprah, dolphins, bubbles and vortexes, elephants acting silly, killer whales and sex parties. and what we can all learn from Jude and Chula. Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: What we can learn from Brooklyn Homing Pigeons What Carl learned from
HOW TO BE MORE CONFIDENT & SUCCEED AT ANYTHING! CJ Liu | Inspirational | Spirituality | Self-Help | Inspire
21/07/2016 Duration: 01h02minIf you’ve ever wanted more confidence to step out on a limb, take a giant leap, or even put one toe forward toward your dreams, then do we have the confidence building show for you. Today we’ll be talking about finding confidence, gaining confidence, and how to step forward, even when the confidence is stuck in your throat. That plus we’ll talk about adobe audition, making videos, finding dory, the Jessie Owens movie, keeping up with Jessica, and what we can all learn from Eddie the Eagle. Self-Help and Self-Improvement Topics Include: Why Michael may never watch Breaking Bad What CJ Liu is doing with behavioral assessment work in Dedham Massachusetts. What kind of boot camp CJ Liu is taking presently The importance of honesty and authenticity when it comes to confidence Why a career hirer through half of all resumes in the trash Why it’s so much easier to do something when your back’s against the wall Why one value or driver can help boost your self-confidence so much What Seth Godin says about sales and na
HOW TO GET SOCIAL MEDIA SAVVY! Jeremy Goldman | Inspiration | Business | Career | Entrepreneur | Self-Help | Inspire
20/07/2016 Duration: 01h02minIf you’ve ever wanted a better jobs, more opportunities, or to reach more people, then do we have the social media building show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Jeremy Goldman, social media guru, founder and CEO of Firebrand, a regular contributor to the Harvard Business Review, considered one of the top 25 influential Ad execs on twitter and has the #1 best-selling social media book Going Social and his latest, Getting to Like. Today we’ll talk about social media and you the individual. What it means to build your brand, why you need to do it, and how to do it, without going from like, to seriously dislike. That plust we’ll talk about why Kanye’s not an idiot, how DadaRocks, why you want to write drunk and edit sober, why you you don’t want to flirt on Linked In, when it’s time to say when, when eating your second super-sized sandwhich at Melt, why Venezuela deserves a big thanks, how to get your cat puckles to fetch your sandals, and why snowshoe and clover, are sporting new do’s… Jeffrey Goldman – Get
HOW TO FEEL BETTER, STAND TALLER & HAVE MORE CONFIDENCE! Jessica Lee! Inspiration | Fitness | Running | Self-Help | Inspire
19/07/2016 Duration: 01h10minIf you’ve ever wanted to get in shape, get fit, or get your body going again, then do we have the fitness making show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Jessica Lee about getting your body going again. What it takes, where you want to go, what you don’t want to do, and why you in the world you might not want a boot camp to get you there. That plus we’ll talk about posture, yoga, sprinting trails, using foam rolls, the magic of tennis balls, and why a fantastic massage, might just be the greatest gift in the world! Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: How small changes in movement make big differences in the body Why you don’t want to start with 35 push-ups! What to do when your shoulders get tight Why you get strange aches and pains that aren’t from what you think How are seated position What’s wrong with walking with your feet turned out Why the tennis ball and foam roll are your friend What’s the importance of learning about your body Why our posture is wrecking our necks Why standing at the co
Learn Amazing Time Management Skills to Manage Your Day-to-Day! Jocelyn Glei | Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Self-Help
18/07/2016 Duration: 01h06minIf you’ve ever struggled to find the time to get the things done you want to get done, or to finish your day feeling you’ve been productive and on-task, then do we have the time management show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Jocelyn K. Glei, formerly editor-in-chief and director of and the editor of a new favorite book on organization I wish I’d had years ago, Manage Your Day-to-Day. Today we’ll be talking about just that managing your day to day and Building Routines, finding your focus and sharpening your creative mind. That plus we’ll talk about the ultradian rhythm, the best use for a post-it, why we all want to get lonely, the dangers of email apnea, and what in the world is a technology Shabbat. Self-Help and Self-Improvement Questions & Topics Include: How Jocelyn Glei got good at time management What’s the importance of a routine? What Steven King says about routines? What’s the importance of front-loading (doing creative work first, reactive work second) How do we train people th
HOW TO ATTRACT WEALTH & ABUNDANCE INTO YOUR LIFE! + Meditation! Emmanuel Dagher | Law of Attraction | Self-Help | Inspire
17/07/2016 Duration: 01h03minDo you struggle with money, to make enough, key enough, keep the bills at bay, or finally have the prosperity you deserve and have worked hard for your entire life. Well if this sounds like you, then no matter your job, income, or education level, history, or life circumstances, then do we have the show for you! Today we’ll be talking with transformational specialist and best-selling author Emmanuel Dagger, author of the brand new book Easy Breezy Prosperity. But Easy Breezy Prosperity, isn’t just about making money, it’s a healthier, more connected, more balanced way to live. So today’ we’ll talk about bridging the gap between spirituality and abundance, and bringing more prosperity and wealth into your life, the easy breezy way. We’ll look at your relationship with money, how to heal it, how to circulate it, and bring even more back to you. That plus we’ll look at the importance of kindness, smiling, playing like a kid again, and the gratitude dance. Questions and Topics Include: How Emmanuel overcame incr
HOW TO GET HEALTHY & BEAT STRESS THRU EPIGENETICS! Dr. Dawson Church | Health | Fitness | Spirituality | Self-Help | Inspire
16/07/2016 Duration: 01h26minIf you’ve ever struggled with illness, injury, disease or a mental condition and thought, or been told it’s in your genes, or it’s in your family, or your mom and dad had it, so so will you… and there’s nothing you can do about it, then do we have the do-about-it show for you! Today we’ll be talking with energy-psychology expert, Dr. Dawson Church, the award-winning best-selling author, of The Genie In Your Genes, A breakthrough book on the link between between emotions and genetics. He founded the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare ( to study and implement promising evidence-based psychological and medical techniques. Today we’ll talk about what is epigenetics, why it matters, and how we can change the way our genes work, or express themselves during our lifetime. We’ll look at how our genes are supposed to work, why they’re a bit off-track today, and what we can do help our genes work with us, rather than against us. That plus we’ll look at how to design the brain we want, the medica