Free Teacher PD selects the best webinars from SimpleK12's teacher professional development learning community and provides audio snippets to let you listen to audio webinars on the go. We cover every topic of interest to teachers, administrators and schools, and include topics that range from iPads and mobile learning to bullying, classroom management, and everything in between.
Episode 043: Office 365 for Education, An Overview (2)
20/08/2015 Duration: 14minWelcome to a new episode of Free Teacher PD: Part 2 of Office 365 for Education, An Overview, with Letia Cooper Letia Cooper is a 1998 graduate of South Carolina State University and a 2008 graduate of Grand Canyon University with a M.Ed. in Instructional Technology. She currently works for the Beaufort County School District (South Carolina) as an Instructional Technology Specialist for grades K-12. Letia has presented at various conferences such as SC Edtech, NCTIES, SCEA Common Core, GAETC, FETC, Livebinders and Classroom 2.0. Her motto is that "when technology is integrated into the classroom, all students are motivated to learn.” You can learn more about Letia at her blog at and, when there, remember to download one of her free really clever "website of the month" calendars for teachers and students. Let’s get learning!
Episode 042: Office 365 for Education, An Overview (1)
18/08/2015 Duration: 16minWelcome to a new episode of Free Teacher PD: Part 1 of Office 365 for Education, An Overview, with Letia Cooper Would you like to have access to your Microsoft Office programs and documents from anywhere and with any device? Office 365 for Education allows you to do just that – it gives teachers and students access to the Microsoft Office Suite of programs at any time and from anywhere. And perhaps most importantly, since it is available for Windows PCs and tablets, as well as for Mac, iOS, Android, and Blackberry devices - you can access it using almost any device. In this podcast episode, and Part 2 which follows, join Letia Cooper as she provides an overview of Office 365 for Education. She will discuss some of the options and features it offers and provides, including free email, website building, online document editing, and cloud storage. In addition, Letia will share how you or your students can use the online calendar to keep track of assignments or appointments. She will also cover how you can use
Episode 041: Using QR Codes to Engage Students (2)
13/08/2015 Duration: 16minWelcome to a new episode of Free Teacher PD: Part 2 of Using QR Codes to Engage Students, with Carol Nelson. Carol Nelson describes herself as an Instructional Technologist. She teaches elementary methods courses and the Instructional Media and Technology course for pre-service teachers. In addition, Carol is the Technology Specialist at a private K-12 school. Carol received her Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Wichita State University, along with an Educational Technology Certification. Prior to her post-graduate work, she worked as a 6th-grade middle school teacher and started her teaching career as a 2nd-grade elementary teacher. Her career in education has provided her with experience with all grades, kindergarten through college, as well as experience in both private and public school settings. Carol is passionate about teaching, learning, and technology. Her technology passion is evident as she presents both online and in person. Welcome, Carol Nelson. Let’s get learning!
Episode 040: Using QR Codes to Engage Students (1)
11/08/2015 Duration: 16minWelcome to a new episode of Free Teacher PD: Part 1 of Using QR Codes to Engage Students, with Carol Nelson. Quick Response codes, or QR codes, have sometimes been referred to barcodes on steroids. These small digitized squares are used for storing encoded information into a small, two-dimensional space that can be read by Smartphones and other handheld devices, such as iPads, web cameras, or QR readers. Originally they were used in the automotive industry, but QR codes are not just for car parts anymore. In this and the next podcast episode, you will discover how to create QR codes to use in your classroom. Simple, free QR generators allow you to create codes that can link to YouTube, text, SMS, email, URLs, and more. Learn how this technology can be used to engage students in a variety of learning activities and resources, such as scavenger hunts, checking answers, providing supplemental materials or tutorials, promoting school or class events, and a host of other applications. QR codes are a great way to
Episode 039: Prevent or Defuse Bullying, Strategies for Reining in Bullying (2)
06/08/2015 Duration: 27minWelcome to a new episode of Free Teacher PD: Part 2 of Prevent or Defuse Bullying, Strategies for Reining in Bullying, with Susan Brooks-Young Susan Brooks-Young is an experienced educator, having spent 23 years in education as a classroom teacher (in grades pre-K to eighth) and as an administrator (an assistant principal, principal, and technology specialist). She has written hundreds of articles and several books about using instructional technology in schools. Susan is interested in the use of mobile technologies for teaching and learning, and is currently working on several mobile touch technology projects. Currently she is an educational speaker who offers training both in the U.S. and internationally. Let’s get learning!
Episode 038: Prevent or Defuse Bullying, Strategies for Reining in Bullying (1)
04/08/2015 Duration: 15minWelcome to a new episode of Free Teacher PD: Part 1 of Prevent or Defuse Bullying, Strategies for Reining in Bullying, with Susan Brooks-Young. How many times have you heard a child counseled to ignore being picked on, to toughen up, or to fight back? Many adults often fail to understand the impact bullying has on a child, and some may view it as a rite of passage. Even adults who empathize with a victim tend to shift the responsibility for correcting the situation onto the victim by suggesting that he or she change his or her behavior to make the bullying subside? Please join me in welcoming Susan Brooks-Young as she explores tactics for identifying instances of bullying, challenges adults face when defusing and/or preventing bullying, and common strategies and tactics that can be used to rein in bullying. Let’s get learning!
Episode 037: Facilitate a Writing Workshop Using Google Docs (2)
30/07/2015 Duration: 15minWelcome to a new episode of Free Teacher PD: Part 2 of Facilitate a Writing Workshop Using Google Docs, with Susan Oxnevad. Susan Oxnevad is an educator, EdTech consultant and designer who is passionate about using technology as a tool for learning. Susan has been a classroom teacher and an active instructional technology facilitator in the Chicagoland area for more than two decades. She provides professional development for busy teachers via a variety of online and in-person opportunities. Susan writes about thoughtful ways to incorporate technology as an efficient and effective tool for learning on her own blog, Cool Tools for 21st Century Learners, and as a SmartTeacher on Of course, you can always follow her on Twitter @soxnevad . Let’s get learning!
Episode 036: Facilitate a Writing Workshop Using Google Docs (1)
28/07/2015 Duration: 15minWelcome to a new episode of Free Teacher PD: Part 1 of Facilitate a Writing Workshop Using Google Docs, with Susan Oxnevad. How would you like you like to improve your students' writing skills along with their technology skills? In this podcast episode, and the one which follows, you will learn how to utilize the many features available in Google Docs to facilitate a digital writing workshop and maximize writing instruction in the 24/7 classroom. Please join me to welcome Susan Oxnevad as she covers how to: Use sharing and commenting tools combined with cooperative grouping strategies to provide students with immediate feedback. Help students improve writing skills by teaching them to use the integrated reference and writing tools available. Monitor student progress using the revision history feature. Put the tools together to enjoy the benefits of using these online digital writing tools to support all learners. Let’s get learning!
Episode 035: Improve Creativity and Critical Thinking with Problem-Based Learning (2)
23/07/2015 Duration: 13minWelcome to a new episode of Free Teacher PD: Part 2 of Improve Creativity and Critical Thinking with Problem-Based Learning, with Melissa Edwards As a teacher, gifted education specialist, instructional technologist, blogger and learning facilitator, Melissa Edwards has seen ways in which creative thinking skills can make connections for learning. She believes there is creativity in each of us and we just need to figure out the best ways to let it out! Melissa also believes that for technology to be most effectively used in the classroom there has to be a curriculum reason to support it. Melissa likes to share things that appeal to a multitude of learning styles and which can be used to allow for differentiated instruction at all levels. She also enjoys reaching out and connecting with other educators through various blogs, including her own, "Figuring Out How the Pieces Fit." Let’s get learning!
Episode 034: Improve Creativity and Critical Thinking with Problem-Based Learning (1)
21/07/2015 Duration: 13minWelcome to a new episode of Free Teacher PD: Part 1 of Improve Creativity and Critical Thinking with Problem-Based Learning, with Melissa Edwards. Are you looking for ways to engage all of your students and stretch their thinking? Would you like to cultivate their creativity and reinforce their critical thinking skills? Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is a strategy that plays to the strengths of all students, from gifted to struggling, while still providing the challenges needed for learning to happen. Our speaker today, Melissa Edwards, takes a look at the critical and creative thinking skills that can be addressed using PBL. She also shares some PBL resources and examples of projects that you can use in your classroom. While the examples covered will focus primarily on elementary students, they can be easily adapted and used with students in a variety of subjects and grade levels. Let’s get learning!
Episode 033: Teaching Reading in the Digital Age (2)
16/07/2015 Duration: 15minWelcome to a new episode of Free Teacher PD: Part 2 of Teaching Reading in the Digital Age, with Jayme Linton You already know Jayme quite well, and if you don’t please check out SimpleK12’s Teacher Learning Community, or earlier episodes in this Free Teacher PD podcast series… Jayme’s a popular presenter and speaker, and… best of all, she’s a great teacher trainer. Welcome back, Jayme, and… Let’s get learning!
Episode 032: Teaching Reading in the Digital Age (1)
14/07/2015 Duration: 17minWelcome to a new episode of Free Teacher PD: Part 1 of Teaching Reading in the Digital Age, with Jayme Linton. Have you been looking for practical, user-friendly ways to inject technology into your reading instruction while digging deeper into authentic texts? In this podcast episode, and the one to follow, Jayme Linton will share new strategies, resources, and tools for integrating technology into your daily reading instruction. You will get the chance to explore a variety of Web tools you might use to meet the needs of today's learners Let’s get learning!
Episode 031: iPad Apps for Special Ed, Reading, Math, Social, and Fine Motor Skills (2)
09/07/2015 Duration: 13minWelcome to a new episode of Free Teacher PD: Part 2 of iPad Apps for Special Ed, Reading, Math, Social, and Fine Motor Skills, with Melissa Mann. Melissa Mann is a special education teacher with the Madison County School System, Alabama. She has taught both self-contained and collaborative students in grades Kindergarten through 6th grade. Melissa is dually certified in Elementary Education and Special Education. She also has a Master's in School Counseling and is a certified school counselor. Melissa has presented for the past three years at Alabama's state technology conference and at various local conferences. It’s great to have Melissa on the SimpleK12 Teacher Learning Community presenter team. Let’s get learning!
Episode 030: iPad Apps for Special Ed, Reading, Math, Social, and Fine Motor Skills (1)
07/07/2015 Duration: 13minWelcome to a new episode of Free Teacher PD: Part 1 of iPad Apps for Special Ed, Reading, Math, Social, and Fine Motor Skills, with Melissa Mann. Are you a special education teacher with an iPad, but aren't sure what to do next? Or maybe you been thinking about getting an iPad, but aren't sure how you might use it in your classroom. This podcast episode, and the one to follow, will explore ideas and tips for using your iPad with a whole group, small group, or an individual student. We will share apps that can be used for developing Reading, Math, Social, and Fine Motor skills. Let’s get learning!
Episode 029: Transforming Education with Personalized Learning and Differentiated Instruction (2)
02/07/2015 Duration: 13minWelcome to a new episode of Free Teacher PD: Part 2 of Transforming Education with Personalized Learning and Differentiated Instruction, with Naomi Harm, Naomi Harm is best known as a 21st century educational technology literacy specialist. She welcomes every opportunity to share her expertise and best practices relating to technology-infused teaching and learning environments. Her dynamic career focus includes many cutting edge jobs which include: Intel National Senior Trainer, Google Certified Teacher, 1:1 Mobile Learning Specialist, certified online instructor, and her own "Innovative Educator" consulting corporation. She also has a well-known specialty of delivering motivational international keynote presentations. Naomi is truly passionate about building global relationships with educational technology leaders, while engaging in meaningful and collaborative conversations to meet the needs of today's diverse learners. Let’s get learning!
Episode 028: Transforming Education with Personalized Learning and Differentiated Instruction (1)
30/06/2015 Duration: 17minWelcome to a new episode of Free Teacher PD: Part 1 of Transforming Education with Personalized Learning and Differentiated Instruction, with Naomi Harm. Would you like to be able to deliver a more personalized, relevant learning experience to each of your students? This episode and the next will showcase creative ideas, reflective practices, and various technologies that can transform your teaching. Join Naomi Harm as she shares innovative instructional strategies that will allow for differentiation approaches, educator choice, challenge-based learning, and mobile learning opportunities. Naomi will discuss collaborative teaming and active learning activities along with virtual brainstorming, "bumping" of ideas, and augmented reality mobile learning. Let’s get learning!
Episode 027: Designing and Implementing Formative Assessments, It's Easier than You Think (2)
25/06/2015 Duration: 15minWelcome to a new episode of Free Teacher PD: Part 2 of Designing and Implementing Formative Assessments: It's Easier than You Think, with Dr. Jayme Linton. You will remember Jayme from episodes 6 and 7 on Google Forms and episodes 11 and 12 on Marzano’s instructional strategies. Yes, she’s that popular around the halls of the SimpleK12 Teacher Learning Community. And, with reason… she brings tons of accolades to everything she does… but when you boil it down, Dr. Linton is just one fine teacher-trainer and we’re thrilled and proud to have her as a friend of the Teacher Learning Community. So, I’ll stop my introduction so you can listen to one of the best in the business, Jayme Linton. Let’s get learning!
Episode 026: Designing and Implementing Formative Assessments, It's Easier than You Think (1)
23/06/2015 Duration: 14minWelcome to a new episode of Free Teacher PD: Part 1 of Designing and Implementing Formative Assessments, It's Easier than You Think, with Jayme Linton. It seems like everyone is talking about formative assessment these days, but do you know how to design and implement formative assessments in your school or classroom? This episode and the one following will help you develop a clear understanding of what formative assessments are, how they differ from summative assessments, and what they look like in classrooms. Join Jayme Linton as she shares examples of formative assessments and templates for creating your own. You'll also learn strategies for analyzing formative assessment data and using it to inform your instruction. Let’s get learning!
Episode 025: Virtual Explorations and Field Trips with Google Tools (2)
18/06/2015 Duration: 15minHowdy do, and welcome to a new episode of Free Teacher PD: Part 2 of Virtual Explorations and Field Trips with Google Tools. Jerry Swiatek is our presenter today, and he needs no introduction, so I won’t say another word, after this: Take ‘er away, Mr. Swiatek!
Episode 024: Virtual Explorations and Field Trips with Google Tools (1)
16/06/2015 Duration: 16minWelcome to a new episode of Free Teacher PD: Part 1 of Virtual Explorations and Field Trips with Google Tools, with Jerry Swiatek. While Google is widely known for its search engine, Google Docs, Google Drive, and Gmail, many of its lesser known tools can be just as useful for teachers. This and following podcast episode will cover several of the street-view products that provide a unique, up-close view of everything from art museums to the Great Barrier Reef to the White House and tons more! So, please join one of the Community’s most popular presenters, Jerry Swiatek, as he shares these tools and explores how they can be used in the classroom for almost any subject. Learn how to open your classroom and travel virtually to physical, historical, and cultural locations and landmarks with your students like never before. This will be fun, so… Let’s get learning!