Your hosts Chris and Eady mostly talk about the Netrunner card game. Come in and stay a while. We hope you like it
Episode 88: Worlds 2017
13/11/2017 Duration: 01h05minIn this episode our heroes are joined by Dave Saiya and Catherine to talk all things Worlds 2017. Fresh from their trip to the Fantasy Flight Games Center in Minnesota they are here to regale us with stories of derring-do involving cards and stuff. What was the meta like? What cards did they pack? And a third question!
Episode 87: MWL and Core 2.0 w/ Michael Boggs
26/10/2017 Duration: 01h16minIn this episode our heroes are joined by the lead designer of Netrunner, Michael Boggs, to discuss the plethora of recent announcements from Fantasy Flight. Including but not limited to Core 2.0; the MWL 2.0 and the upcoming Kitara cycle. Why change to a ban list? What can we expect from future cards? When did he find out about core 2.0?
Episode 86: MWL 2.0 - From the Sublime to the Restricted List
09/10/2017 Duration: 01h11minIn this episode our heroes are joined by friend Lane to talk about the new MWL. Some cards are gone from the game and we should probably talk about it. Chris’s private decks were hacked so we should probably talk about that as well. Eady rode some bikes and apparently we have to talk about that too.
Episode 85: Core 2.0 Deck Building
25/09/2017 Duration: 01h42minIn this episode our heroes are joined by friend Lane to talk about how Core 2.0 will affect the meta. We go over the new deck building challenges brought about by the Revised Core and what we think will be strong, fun or both in this brave new world. This new podcast is heralded by some as “sort of relevant” until a new MWL (or ban list) comes into effect.
Episode 84: Free Dust
18/09/2017 Duration: 01h25minIn this episode our heroes are joined by friend Lane to discuss the last two data packs Free Mars and Crimson Dust. We recorded this before the Core 2.0 announcement. Oh dear! But we only mention Account Siphon and Parasite a few times. Hurray! Core 2.0 show coming soon but in the meantime this will be worth a few chuckles.
Episode 83 part 2: Rotation Wake (Corp)
11/09/2017 Duration: 01h18minIn this episode our heroes continue to be joined by Catherine and Lane to finish lamenting the passing of their favourite cards of the first two cycles for the second part of our fabulous and innovative No-tation series. What Corp cards will we miss the most from the Genesis and Spin cycles? Listen or ask someone who has listened to find out!
Episode 83 part 1: Rotation Wake (Runner)
28/08/2017 Duration: 01h04minIn this episode our heroes are joined by Catherine and Lane to lament the passing of their favourite cards of the first two cycles. This week we go through the runner cards of the Genesis and Spin cycles and discuss what we will miss most when rotation hits. And we end with an exciting cliff-hanger at the end just like the Game of Thrones.
Episode 82: Blood and Water
18/07/2017 Duration: 01h04minIn this episode our heroes are joined by friend Lane to talk about Blood and Water. The first data pack to be name after two liquids. To see if blood really is thicker than water I have adopted Eady and Lane to test how it affects the podcast. Levels of affection; favouritism and nepotism in this episode have been measured and sent to a CERN for analysis.
Live Panel: UK Games Expo 2017
10/07/2017 Duration: 01h02minThis is a live show we recorded at the UK Games Expo 2017 with numerous special guest. Among other things we chat about Euros and take some questions from the audience. Audio quality is not the best but hope you still enjoy it!
Episode 81: Earth's Scion
26/06/2017 Duration: 01h10minIn this episode our heroes are joined by friend Lane to talk about the Earth's Scion data pack. Spoilers! There are new Netrunner cards inside. Also London was in the middle of a heat wave during this recording. And we are three warm bodied men in a room with all the doors and windows closed. Prepare for the hottest of takes!
Episode 80: Quality Times
12/06/2017 Duration: 01h21minIn this episode our heroes are joined by a plethora of guests! Chris Dyer (World Champion), Joey (Dead Channel podcast), Dave Saiya (top 16 at Worlds) and Seamus (Theophilius Bagpiper podcast) all share with us their favourite cards and decks.
Episode 79: Terminal Directive
29/05/2017 Duration: 01h51minIn this episode our heroes are joined by friend Lane to talk Terminal Directive and the episode is long as, mate. Get the washing up or a long train journey ready as we chat about the campaign and our thoughts on the lovely new cards. Spoilers between 8:35 - 28:10.
Episode 78: Pack Notes
08/05/2017 Duration: 01h03minIn this episode our heroes are joined by Alex White and Don Bowden to discuss life, love and the pursuit of happiness vis-à-vis Netrunner. We chat about post MWL tournaments; some quick thoughts on the new Terminal Directive cards and the benefits of playing with your friends... who like you enough to call you stupid.
Episode 77: MWL 1.2 w/ Michael Boggs
01/05/2017 Duration: 53minIn this episode our heroes are joined by the new Lead Designer of Netrunner Michael Boggs to talk about the recently released MWL. Also discussed are bikes, shoes, favourite dinosaurs, how many ping pong balls we all own and how descriptions of podcasts aren’t always accurate.
Episode 76: MWL and Station One
17/04/2017 Duration: 01h07minIn this episode our heroes are joined by friend Lane to discuss the Station One data pack as well as the latest updates to the MWL. For those pressed for time here is the objective summary of the episode: some cards were added to the MWL, some cards were taken off and the new data pack has cards that are playable in the game of Netrunner.
Episode 75: The State of Weyland and Criminal - Part 2
03/04/2017 Duration: 01h19minIn this episode our heroes are joined by Seamus and Dave "Get in the Bin" Hoyland for the follow up to July 2016's smash hit Episode 61: The State of Weyland and Criminal - Part 1. At the beginning of the Flashpoint Cycle both players wrote down a list of five things they wanted to see for the cycle to improve their respective factions. Now we crack the wax on the sealed envelope and go through those lists.
Episode 74: Daedalus Complex
20/03/2017 Duration: 01h05minIn this episode our heroes are joined by friend Lane to discuss the cards and that in Daedalus Complex. And that's all the description you need or probably require. I don't know why I think these things need long descriptions. It's a bit of a waste of everyone's time really. And time is precious. It will be night soon and you could be out, setting up nets to catch those thieves that stole from the king!
Episode 73: On Game Design w/ Damon Stone
07/03/2017 Duration: 01h27minIn this episode our heroes are joined by former lead designer of Netrunner Damon Stone. We chat about his thoughts on games design, how he approached the Flashpoint cycle, as well as what he thinks makes a well made card. TLDR: We talk about design and that.
Episode 72: Building a Better Deck
20/02/2017 Duration: 01h07minIn this episode our heroes are joined by Ben Ni (Worlds number 2) for a cool and sexy look at deck building. All the hithertos and whyfores you could ever need on the subject. Should you spend your influence sensibly? Yes! Can ICE be a good include in a deck? Of course! Can you swap out card sleeves for jam and the cards for bread? Yes but that is just a big sandwich.
Episode 71: Quorum
06/02/2017 Duration: 01h26minIn this episode our heroes are joined by friend Lane to talk about the exciting conclusion to the Flashpoint cycle, Quorum. As with all season finales we're expecting conclusions to story lines such as: Was Omar right all along? Were the rumours true about Jackson Howard? Will Smoke win enough money with vape tricks to save the rec centre? Maybe we should just hope for the cliffhanger to not be too suspenseful.