Your hosts Chris and Eady mostly talk about the Netrunner card game. Come in and stay a while. We hope you like it
Run Last Crimbo: Merry Netrunner
22/12/2014 Duration: 18minIn this episode our heroes go off-piste with a story for Christmas. That's right! This year we are giving the gift of terrible am-dram. No Netrunner talk this week but we will be back in the new year with a normal show. Thank you everyone for the support you have given us this year and hope you have a splendid Christmas.
Episode 22: All That Remains
08/12/2014 Duration: 54minIn this episode our heroes discuss the latest data pack All That Remain. Will they talk about the cards you like? Will they provide an in depth tournament level analysis? Or will they get side tracked and talk about hill for a bit? Find out for yourself through the magic of ears. Also the winner of the Custom Biotics competition is announced. Oh my goodness!
Episode 21: Deck Building
24/11/2014 Duration: 01h02minIn this episode our heroes are joined by the lovely Martin from the Ice Analyzer podcast (the other Netrunner podcast with the accents). We have deck building as our main topic. Where to start, what to consider and why you should focus on one or two ideas per deck. Also we have our first competition with a prize. You could totally win a plain orange playmat. We are the podcast that makes dreams come true.
Episode 20: Up and Over our Heads
11/11/2014 Duration: 53minIn this episode our heroes discuss the newest data pack Up and Over. Released into the wild, how do these cards fare? Will they flourish or will they be wolfed down like an old Twix by a rabid Foxfire? All our opinions available to you now in handy pod form. How handy.
Episode 19: Extra Credits
27/10/2014 Duration: 53minIn this episode our heroes talk about subjects that will hopefully help newer players. Click efficiency; scoring windows; is my horse psychic and what's that smell? All this and more discussed with our lovely friends Tom Lane. We hope you like it. If not, it was all Eady's idea.
Episode 18: Quandaries and Answers
13/10/2014 Duration: 01h01minIn this episode our heroes answer the questions posed by you, the lovely listeners. Joining in the fun with opinions from his very own mind is the indomitable Quintin Smith from Shut Up & Sit Down. Together they stride forward with a song in their hearts and the answers to your questions on their lips.
Episode 17: First Contact
29/09/2014 Duration: 01h07minIn this episode our heroes discuss the new and exciting data pack First Contact. It’s another great pack full of space adventures. All hail Crisium Grid. Shed a tear for Shattered Remains. Do something to a Wendigo then come party on the moon with us!
Episode 16: Hit the Clicks
15/09/2014 Duration: 01h02minIn this episode our heroes return with stories to tell from a tournament in Reading. Eady did well and Chris was there too. We also find out what achievements you lovely listeners sent in. Get it while it's hot!
Episode 15: Space Between Our Ears
01/09/2014 Duration: 01h11minIn this episode our heroes examine the newest data pack: The Space Between. Currents are here but are they a thing? And if they are a thing how much of a thing are they? These things and more discussed within. Will the world ever be the same again? Probably!
Episode 14: Feeling Supermodernism
18/08/2014 Duration: 58minIn this episode Chris has to fend for himself as Eady is on holiday. Laying a trail of ingenious placed sweets he has tricked Tim and Ian back into the studio. This week we chat about the first Deck Club, Supermodernism! How we all found playing the deck and what listeners thought about it too.
Episode 13: Livin' it Upstalk
04/08/2014 Duration: 01h02minIn this episode our heroes discuss the newly released Upstalk. Eady gets very excited about the new NBN identity and very unexcited about a certain tag removal card. Also we both go into how we would make a Nasir deck. It’s better than severe chest pains. Guaranteed!
Episode 12: Deutschland Reversal
21/07/2014 Duration: 59minIn this episode our heroes are are reunited once again in this landmark dozenth episode. Eady regales us with his Deutschland Netrunner exploits. Who he met and what he did to them. Also decks are discussed; listener's e-mails are read and we announce our new 'Deck Club' feature.
Episode 11: Kitted Out
07/07/2014 Duration: 57minIn this episode there is a change to your regularly scheduled programming as Eady is on holiday, (please don't worry Eady fans as he'll be back next week). Joining Chris is the lovely Tim who brings his perspective on the game. Why Kit is the best and why Force of Nature may be the worst. We don't shy away from controversy in this one.
Episode 10: Lost in Translations
23/06/2014 Duration: 59minIn this episode our heroes are joined by special guest Ian. Ian's special skills include crossbows, blunt weapons and Japanese translations. So the first half of the show is the normal nonsense but in the second half we delve into the meanings of the Jinteki cards. Also we learn some Japanese phrases to use while playing.
Episode 9: Book Wyrm
06/06/2014 Duration: 54minIn this episode our heroes discuss how their new decks are treating them. In the second half of the episode Eady talks about the latest Netrunner book he has read, Golem. Then they both delve into cyberpunk books they have both read and enjoyed. If you don't like books, stay clear of this one.
Episode 8: Regional R&D Lock
22/05/2014 Duration: 01h01minIn this episode our heroes return battered and bruised from the London regionals with many a story to tell. Spoilers: Eady does quite well and Chris tries his best. Special guests past Eady and Chris via recording taken on the day. Plus we end on a fluff section about cloning.
Episode 7: HP Sauce
13/05/2014 Duration: 01h44minIn this episode our heroes discuss the second deluxe expansion, Honour and Profit. We have made a deluxe episode to celebrate. It is a beast of a thing and it's all Honour and Profit all the time! You have been warned. Also new intro music by the lovely Ben Jones.
Episode 6: Ice Picks
13/05/2014 Duration: 01h19minIn this episode our heroes are joined by the lovely Quintin Smith from to talk about Ice. Ice we love; Ice we hate and Ice we used to date but now only like as a friend. Also there is a fluff section about mining on the moon.
Episode 5: Double Troubles
13/05/2014 Duration: 01h05minIn this episode our heroes discuss the Double Time data pack and completely forget to talk about one of the best cards. See if you can guess which one. Also Eady has finished reading his first Netrunner book, Free Fall. Hear his thoughts and what nuggets of fluff he has gleaned. All this and slightly more on this week's episode!
Episode 4: Archetypes
13/05/2014 Duration: 01h14minIn this episode our heroes discuss popular deck archetypes. What they is; how they do and what to do when they do what they do. Also fluff chat about 'The Beanstalk', fictional and theoretical. Enjoy!