Influencing people to walk a Christ-centered life.
Take Charge - Part 6
11/02/2018 Duration: 31minPart 6 - Take Charge - Join Pastor Paul Foslien as we continue our series "Take Charge" - making changes that heal.
Part 3 - The "I Wills" of Christ
07/02/2018 Duration: 40minMaria Foslien continues with Part 3 of our Wednesday series on the "I Wills" of Christ.
Take Charge - Part 5
04/02/2018 Duration: 39minJoin Pastor Paul Foslien as we continue with Part 5 of our series "Take Charge" - making changes that heal.
Take Charge - Part 4
28/01/2018 Duration: 41minJoin Pastor Paul Foslien as we continue with Part 4 of our series "Take Charge" - making changes that heal.
Part 1 - The "I Wills" of Christ
24/01/2018 Duration: 38minJoin us as Pastor Paul Foslien begins a new Wednesday series on the "I Wills" of Christ.
Take Charge - Part 3
21/01/2018 Duration: 33minJoin Pastor Paul Foslien as we continue with Part 3 of our series "Take Charge" - making changes that heal.
Take Charge - Part 2
14/01/2018 Duration: 30minPastor Paul Foslien continues our series Take Charge - making changes that heal.
The Big Give - Part 3
17/12/2017 Duration: 38minPastor Paul Foslien continues with Part 3 our series "The Big Give" with a continued look at how giving in our lives does not only mean money - it means of ourselves.
As I Have - Part 2
13/12/2017 Duration: 27minPastor Paul Foslien continues looking with Part 2 of "As I Have" for our Wednesday evening service.
The Big Give - Part 2
10/12/2017 Duration: 30minPastor Paul Foslien continues with Part 2 our series "The Big Give" with a continued look at how we can mirror Jesus' actions in our own lives.
As I Have - Part 1
06/12/2017 Duration: 36minPastor Paul Foslien takes a look at a phrase Jesus used and how we should do in our lives as Jesus has in His.
The Big Give - Part 1
03/12/2017 Duration: 34minPastor Paul Foslien begins our new series called "The Big Give" by creating an understanding of how each of us gives - not only money but of ourselves!
Hey God - Part 6 "The Inner Man"
29/11/2017 Duration: 27minPastor Paul Foslien continues our Wednesday series on prayer called "Hey God" with a look at the inner man.
Life Skills - Part 8 "Love"
26/11/2017 Duration: 42minPastor Paul Foslien finishes our series on building relationships with a look at the most important aspect of all - Love.
Life Skills - Part 7
19/11/2017 Duration: 39minPastor Paul Foslien is back from Honduras with a missions trip recap as we continue our series on building relationships with a look at why we must 'invest!'
Honduras Missions Recap
15/11/2017 Duration: 33minPastor Paul Foslien and the team from our Missions Trip in Honduras is back and sharing their experience during our Wednesday service.
Life Skills - Part 6
12/11/2017 Duration: 37minMaria Foslien continues our Sunday series on relationships called 'Life Skills' with a challenge for each of us to 'not be a crumudgeon!'
Life Skills - Part 5 - Sacrifice and Suffering
05/11/2017 Duration: 38minPastor Paul Foslien continues our series on building relationship called 'Life Skills' with a look at how Sacrifice and Suffering play a role in any relationship with God being the prime example of both.
Hey God - Part 4
01/11/2017 Duration: 37minPastor Paul Foslien continues our Wednesday series on Prayer called "Hey God" by asking the question - are you all in?