A weekly dose of technology news, gadget discussion and science wonder.
Tech Fetish Podcast: Episode 216
27/11/2014 Duration: 01h01minThis week we're breaking from discussing tech news to gab about something on all our minds: Black Friday shopping. (Well, okay, that'd be Alaina and Alex.) We cover the best deals out there, while also mixing in some talk about general bargain-hunting tips, men's fashion, and some amazing apple juice.
Tech Fetish Podcast: Episode 215
22/11/2014 Duration: 01h01minThe full Tech Fetish crew assembles to revisit net neutrality briefly, then we move on to discussing options in Justin's hunt for a new TV, an update on the Rosetta lander's status, and storing Bitcoin in your hands (!). (For those curious about that Amazon image we mention, here's the link.)
Tech Fetish Podcast: Episode 214
14/11/2014 Duration: 01h44sAlaina, Justin, and Mark Ryan gather this week to take strong stances on Net Neutrality (and the possibility of broadband internet getting classified as a utility), chat about the ESA's landing of a spacecraft on a comet (and this pretty neat .gif), and boggle over Doritos-flavored Mountain Dew (ew), among other things.
Tech Fetish Podcast: Episode 213
08/11/2014 Duration: 01h24sIn the aftermath of last week's #overthetop vs. #throughthegate face-off, the Tech Fetish crew discusses just how much of a shocker the flap vs. no flap question was to most everyone, as well as the Amazon Echo, Google's Inbox app, and 3D printed pizza. It's not as, shall we say, over the top as our last podcast, but few things are.
Tech Fetish Podcast: Episode 212
31/10/2014 Duration: 01h22sAlaina (@morphingball), Justin (@errorjustin), Mark Ryan (@mrsallee), and Alex (@alexlroth) chat about Alex's iPad Air 2 review, getting an Xbox One for $250, Amazon's hardware news, and underwear. Yup, you read that right.
Tech Fetish Podcast: Episode 211
24/10/2014 Duration: 01h01minWe're back! This week Alex, Alaina, and Justin convene to respond to reader letters, as well as talk about sci-fi come true in the form of hoverboard technology (well, in limited capacity), science at work (no cake, though), and yet more smartwatches, among other news bits.
Tech Fetish Podcast: Episode 210
17/10/2014 Duration: 01h01minAfter being bombarded with a pile of news by Google and Apple this week, the Tech Fetish crew gathers to discuss the new Nexus gadgets and iDevices coming for our money. (Sadly, Justin leaves partway through and imprints the fear of abandonment upon Alaina and Mark Ryan.) Also, we discuss a very...interesting...development in burger technology.
Tech Fetish Podcast: Episode 209
14/10/2014 Duration: 01h06minIt's a full house in this episode: Alaina, Justin, and Mark Ryan are joined by Alex Roth and Ryan McCaffrey to chat about Tesla's new D-variants of their Model S, what Apple might reveal this week during their event, Microsoft's upcoming release of Windows 10, and more. And in case you were wondering...Fresca returns. Sorta.
Tech Fetish Podcast: Episode 208
27/09/2014 Duration: 59minJustin, Alaina, and Mark Ryan talk about Apple's iPhones, the usefulness of the Apple Watch, Vizio's new affordable 4K TVs (spoiler: Justin doesn't care about 4K), Oculus's new Crescent Bay prototype, and much more. Also: fresh blood alert!
Tech Fetish Podcast: Episode 207
15/08/2014 Duration: 53minJustin, Alex, and Mark Ryan chat about a $1,400 motorcycle helmet, iPhone 6, and Google's plan to use sharks to shut off Syria's Internet. That last part probably isn't right. But we've brought back weird science news!
Tech Fetish Podcast: Episode 206
31/07/2014 Duration: 42minThe new Oculus Rift hardware, Development Kit 2, is in the office and we've all had a go. We discuss the improvements in the new hardware, the persistent problems, and whether or not the average Joe should buy one now. We also discuss baby monitors and procrastination. But not at the same time. Don't worry, the baby is well-cared for.
Tech Fetish Podcast: Episode 205
12/07/2014 Duration: 59minThe Tech Fetish crew asks, is now the time to buy a Wii U? Why does Samsung want to make a VR headset? And really, on IGN's review scale, how good is a farmers market peach in July? The exclusive ruling is rendered on this week's episode of the podcast.
Tech Fetish Podcast: Episode 204
17/06/2014 Duration: 01h05minTune in as the group discusses E3's biggest tech and Scott says goodbye to the Tech Fetish podcast.
Tech Fetish Podcast: Episode 203
29/05/2014 Duration: 59minWe discuss Apple's acquisitions of Beats, what to expect from WWDC next week, Google's self-driving car, and more!
Tech Fetish Podcast: Episode 202
22/05/2014 Duration: 01h01minThe crew welcomes a new guest, discuss the Surface Pro 3, Samsung's rumored VR headset, and more.
Tech Fetish Podcast: Episode 201
15/05/2014 Duration: 01h06minApple's rumored Beats acquisition, Oculus' software plans, and more.
Tech Fetish Podcast: Episode 200
02/05/2014 Duration: 59minThe crew crosses a Fresca-fueled milestone by discussing Zenimax's lawsuit against Oculus, Sony's dire FY13 results, and more.
Tech Fetish Podcast: Episode 199
25/04/2014 Duration: 01h03minWe discuss the latest and greatest in tech, including Microsoft's Nokia acquisition, FTC's clearing of Facebook's purchase of Oculus, the new OnePlus One smartphone, Amazon's rumored smartphone, streaming media, and more.
Tech Fetish Podcast: Episode 198
18/04/2014 Duration: 54minWe talk Google's modular phone, Oculus and VR, and more.
Tech Fetish Podcast: Episode 197
11/04/2014 Duration: 53minAmazon's Comixology acquisition, Fire TV, the end of XP, and more.