A weekly dose of technology news, gadget discussion and science wonder.
Tech Fetish Podcast: New Ouya Consoles, Next-Gen Rumors, and More!
08/02/2013 Duration: 01h01minScott, Justin, and Mark Ryan discuss new Ouya consoles, iOS 6 jailbreak milestones, next-gen rumors, and more.
Tech Fetish Podcast: Episode 154
26/01/2013 Duration: 46minCES, Apple Earnings, Twitter's Vine, and more!
Tech Fetish Podcast: Pre-CES 2013 Edition
05/01/2013 Duration: 58minWe talk about the big event, rumors, and more!
Tech Fetish Podcast: Episode 152
21/12/2012 Duration: 01h01minInstagram's new Terms of Service, Nintendo TVii, iOS 6.0.2, and more!
Tech Fetish Podcast Episode 150
08/12/2012 Duration: 01h04minThe 150th episode of Tech Fetish is finally here - but will the TF crew talk about Tech? (Spoiler: Nope)
Tech Fetish Podcast Episode 149 point 9
01/12/2012 Duration: 52minThe Tech Fetish crew just can't get to 150. Instead they talk Wii U and TK.
Tech Fetish Ep. 149: Back in the Groove
17/11/2012 Duration: 01h10minMark, Justin, and Nic finally get back into the groove of things. But can a lack of Frescas and lingering thoughts about getting older derail this podcast once again?
Tech Fetish Episode 148: Welcome iPad Mini & Microsoft Surface
27/10/2012 Duration: 01h05minThe Tech Fetish crew chats Apple's hardware-saturated iPad Mini press event, and how we think Apple's new tablet stacks up against the reigning 7" kings. Nic bought a Microsoft Surface RT and it accidentally changed his Xbox GamerTag to SunflowerWharf4, but we still think the Windows tablet is cool.
Tech Fetish Episode 147: iPad Minis and Giant Slugs
19/10/2012 Duration: 01h01minTech Fetish talks about the iPad Mini, the Microsoft Surface, and the new Chromebook. Also they have a very special, very handsome guest.
Tech Fetish Podcast Episode 146
13/10/2012 Duration: 01h05minWe will never clone dinosaurs, and Amazon will never make a dime selling Kindle Fires.
Tech Fetish Podcast Episode 145
05/10/2012 Duration: 01h03minThe razor blade, the epic return of science news and duck-sized horses.
Tech Fetish Podcast Episode 144
29/09/2012 Duration: 01h03miniPhone 5 review, iOS 6 gripes, and we got presents!
Tech Fetish Podcast Episode 143
14/09/2012 Duration: 01h06minThe crew talks Wii U, iPhone 5 and yes even more time travel.
Tech Fetish Podcast Episode 142
10/09/2012 Duration: 01h03minThe crew talks new Kindles, absolutely bananas TV displays and more time travel talk .
Tech Fetish Podcast Episode 141
29/08/2012 Duration: 01h25minApple sued Samsung, Apple won big. We talk specifics, and OnLive, and Neil Armstrong.
Tech Fetish Podcast Episode 140
18/08/2012 Duration: 01h06minWe answered loads of reader questions in this week's podcast. Did yours get answered?
Tech Fetish Podcast Episode 139
11/08/2012 Duration: 01h09minWhy Starbucks' deal with Square matters, why Nic isn't afraid of velociraptors and why we're excited about the Mars Curiosity rover.
Tech Fetish Podcast Episode 138
28/07/2012 Duration: 01h09minApple game controller rumors, OnLive comes to Ouya, and SCIENCE!
Tech Fetish Podcast Episode 137
20/07/2012 Duration: 49minMarissa Mayer goes to Yahoo, Ouya gets an exclusive and werebears!
Tech Fetish Episode 135
13/07/2012 Duration: 01h04minOuya, Amazon phone rumors, terrifying chicken viruses and more.