A weekly dose of technology news, gadget discussion and science wonder.
Tech Fetish Podcast, Episode 115
21/12/2011 Duration: 01h01minPatent law, gaming hardware for mature gamers and CES 2012!
Tech Fetish Podcast: Welcome to the Nexus
16/12/2011 Duration: 55minWe discuss the Galaxy Nexus, Mac App Store milestones and more.
Tech Fetish Podcast, Episode 113
09/12/2011 Duration: 01h09minOnLive on mobile, gaming in Google Chrome and listener questions!
Tech Fetish Podcast, Episode 112
03/12/2011 Duration: 01h03minThe death of Napster, the Carrier IQ controversy and more!
Tech Fetish Podcast, Episode 111
18/11/2011 Duration: 59minThe Kindle Fire, the NOOK Tablet, the Galaxy Nexus and more!
Tech Fetish Podcast, Episode 110
12/11/2011 Duration: 01h05miniOS and Android overtaking handhelds, the demise of Flash and more!
Tech Fetish Podcast, Episode 108
04/11/2011 Duration: 58minMissions to Mars, Apple discontinuing the Mac Pro and more!
Tech Fetish Podcast: Android 4.0 Blowout
21/10/2011 Duration: 58minWe discuss all of the new features of Ice Cream Sandwich, new devices and more of the latest in tech.
Tech Fetish Podcast: Interviewing Siri
15/10/2011 Duration: 46minThe launch of the iPhone 4S, Android Ice Cream Sandwich, new dinosaur discoveries and more.
Tech Fetish Podcast: iPhone 4S Impressions
08/10/2011 Duration: 01h17minWe discuss the iPhone 4S, new mobile games, Android Ice Cream Sandwich and more!
Tech Fetish: iPhone Event Predictions
01/10/2011 Duration: 55minWe wade through the rumors, discuss the Kindle Fire, and reveal more about IGN Tech.
Tech Fetish: iPhone 5, Qwikster and Killer Satellites
23/09/2011 Duration: 01h01minIGN's tech podcast crew discusses all of the latest news.
Tech Fetish: Is the AT&T and T-Mobile Merger a Threat to Consumers?
10/09/2011 Duration: 56minWe discuss the DoJ's lawsuit against the merger, Nintendo's 3DS analog add-on, science news, and more.
Tech Fetish Podcast, Episode 100
29/08/2011 Duration: 01h44sRecap our live video podcast wherein we discuss the Large Hadron Collider, Steve Jobs' resignation, and field viewer questions.
Tech Fetish Podcast: Steve Perlman's Mission to Revolutionize Wireless
18/08/2011 Duration: 55minOnLive's CEO stops by to discuss his radical new wireless tech.
Tech Fetish: Is Apple's Fight Against Samsung Justified?
12/08/2011 Duration: 01h17minWe discuss the ongoing battle over alleged patent infringement.
Tech Fetish Podcast: Can Vita Compete?
06/08/2011 Duration: 01h17minWe discuss Sony's new handheld and where it fits in the market.
Tech Fetish: Can Nintendo Keep Making Hardware?
29/07/2011 Duration: 01h08minWe talk Nintendo's slumping profits, Apple rumors, and more.