Oasis is an innovative and racially diverse Christian church that has been serving Los Angeles since 1984. Founded by Philip and Holly Wagner, Oasis is known for its social justice work, relevant teaching, creativity, and welcoming environment. If you have any questions about Oasis, please give us a call at 877-526-2747, e-mail, or visit
Stronger in Vision (Philip Wagner)
01/02/2016 Duration: 34minPhilip shares that vision is the key to strength and producing passion.
Stronger in Purpose (Philip Wagner)
25/01/2016 Duration: 32minPhilip dives into a great message about how we are stronger as we realize how God reveals our purpose.
The Year of the Lord's Favor (Julian Lowe)
25/01/2016 Duration: 33minA powerful message by Julian, in which he shares how we begin to truly fulfill our purpose as we begin to draw closer to God.
A Love That Says Even If (Jordan Wagner)
18/01/2016 Duration: 32minJordan encourages us to be people that love louder than we speak.
Stronger in Love (Philip Wagner)
18/01/2016 Duration: 40minPhilip gives a powerful message outlining how we grow stronger in love when we realize how God first loved us.
Visible Words (Wes Dunn)
11/01/2016 Duration: 21minWes continues the message about our actions speaking louder than words.
Visible Words (Jordan Wagner)
11/01/2016 Duration: 09minJordan gives a great message about our actions speaking louder than words.
Stronger in Faith (Philip Wagner)
11/01/2016 Duration: 39minPhilip delivers a message to encourage us to have a stronger faith, which leads to a stronger life.
Stronger in Courage (Philip Wagner)
04/01/2016 Duration: 41minIn the first week of the Stronger series, Pastor Philip provides real steps to being courageous in all aspects of life.
Through the Eyes of Faith (Jordan Wagner)
04/01/2016 Duration: 35minJordan encourages us to trust God in the middle of every situation.
A Touch Away (Julian Lowe) (2015-12-27)
28/12/2015 Duration: 28minJulian gives a compelling message about how we are always one touch away from breakthrough.
Worshiping the King (Philip Wagner) (2015-12-20)
21/12/2015 Duration: 34minPhilip shares three truths about worship.
God With Us (Wes Dunn) (2015-12-13)
14/12/2015 Duration: 26minWes speaks a powerful message about our ability to have confidence because God is with us.
Internal Reset (Christine Caine) (2015-12-13)
14/12/2015 Duration: 38minChristine Caine speaks on the importance of allowing God to realign and reset our heart and soul to the path He has for us.
Holly Jolly Christmas (Holly Wagner) (2015-12-06)
07/12/2015 Duration: 28minHolly brings a timely word about how to find joy this Christmas season and in every season.
Walking on Water (Jordan Wagner) (2015-11-29)
30/11/2015 Duration: 30minJordan reminds us that the journey is the destination, and the only constant and consistent thing in our journey is Jesus.
What Does a Healthy Relationship Look Like? (Jim Burns) (2015-11-29)
30/11/2015 Duration: 36minJim Burns brings a thoughtful message with simple steps to building healthy relationships.
The Zoe Life (Elyse Murphy) (2015-11-22)
23/11/2015 Duration: 31minElyse Murphy speaks on how God wants you to live the God kind of life.
The Gift of Peace (Philip Wagner) (2015-11-22)
23/11/2015 Duration: 35minPhilip shares with us how to find peace in the midst of hardship.
Us and Them (Geoff Cohen) (2015-11-15)
16/11/2015 Duration: 33minPastor Geoff Cohen teaches how Jesus bridges the gap between us and Him, and then between us and them.