Oasis is an innovative and racially diverse Christian church that has been serving Los Angeles since 1984. Founded by Philip and Holly Wagner, Oasis is known for its social justice work, relevant teaching, creativity, and welcoming environment. If you have any questions about Oasis, please give us a call at 877-526-2747, e-mail, or visit
Who is Jesus? ...The Risen King (Philip Wagner) (2014-04-20)
21/04/2014 Duration: 39minOn Easter Sunday, Lead Pastor Philip Wagner teaches on discovering new life through the resurrected King when you've lost hope.
Who is Jesus? ...The Miracle Worker and Healer (Holly Wagner) (2014-04-13)
14/04/2014 Duration: 31minLead Pastor Holly Wagner teaches on the principles of receiving life and healing from God.
Who is Jesus? ...Miracle Worker (Philip Wagner) (2014-04-13)
14/04/2014 Duration: 33minLead Pastor Philip Wagner teaches about the importance of joining your faith with God's promises of healing.
Beautiful Disaster (Chris Durso) (2014-04-06)
07/04/2014 Duration: 36minPastor Chris Durso, Youth and Young Adults Pastor at Misfit NYC from Christ Tabernacle Church, teaches from Genesis on the goodness and grace of God.
Who is Jesus? ...The Fixer (Philip Wagner) (2014-04-05)
07/04/2014 Duration: 47minLead Pastor Philip Wagner teaches from Hebrews on perseverance. Jesus is a fixer in your life and He is not finished with you.
Who is Jesus? ...The Son of God, Messiah (Philip Wagner) (2014-03-30)
31/03/2014 Duration: 17minLead Pastor Philip Wagner teaches on God revealing who He is through the life of His Son Jesus, Yeshua.
Jesus, the Rebel/Teacher (Holly Wagner) (2014-03-23)
24/03/2014 Duration: 31minPastor Holly Wagner begins the "Who is Jesus?" series by illustrating how the teachings of Jesus challenge the way you view and carry out life.
Who is Jesus? ...Rebel (Philip Wagner) (2014-03-16)
24/03/2014 Duration: 37minLead Pastor Philip Wagner teaches on how Jesus radically taught on countercultural ways of living and the importance of building a life that matters.
The Jesus We Must Follow (Philip Wagner) (2014-03-16)
17/03/2014 Duration: 37minLead Pastor Philip Wagner teaches on following Jesus in the areas of forgiveness and being a world changer through the grace of Christ.
In God We Trust (Rob Koke) (2014-03-09)
10/03/2014 Duration: 41minGuest speaker Robe Koke teaches from the book of Genesis and explains how Abraham trusted God so completely.
Jesus Christ is Enough (Christine Caine) (2014-03-08)
09/03/2014 Duration: 47minAt GodChicks Night of Amigas, Christine Caine teaches on the secret of contentment and how we weren't created to be content with external things.
What To Do on the Worst Day of Your Life (Philip Wagner) (2014-03-02)
03/03/2014 Duration: 41minLead Pastor Philip Wagner continues The Blessed Life series, talking about how God can turn your mess into something great.
A Reasonable Response (Chad Veach) (2014-02-23)
24/02/2014 Duration: 32minGuest speaker Chad Veach teaches from Psalm 23 and explains how whatever God anoints, he approves of it.
Power in a Pattern (Chad Veach) (2014-02-23)
24/02/2014 Duration: 39minGuest speaker Chad Veach teaches on how God works in patterns, and the choice we have in choosing which pattern we will follow.
Forgetful Jones (Chad Veach) (2014-02-23)
24/02/2014 Duration: 38minGuest speaker Chad Veach reminds us of the importance of not forgetting who God is in the midst of storms.
The Significance of Generosity (Philip Wagner) (2014-02-16)
17/02/2014 Duration: 35minLead pastor Philip Wagner continues The Blessed Life series with part 3: why generosity is so important to God.
Kingdom Principles to a Blessed Life (Chad Galbreath) (2014-02-16)
17/02/2014 Duration: 35minChad Galbreath teaches part 3 of The Blessed Life series and talks about how God wants to bless us.
Honor God With Your Finances (Holly Wagner) (2014-02-09)
10/02/2014 Duration: 36minPastor Holly Wagner expands on The Blessed Life series with part 2, speaking on the principles of the blessing multiplication.
First Things First (Philip Wagner) (2014-02-02)
03/02/2014 Duration: 37minLead Pastor Philip Wagner begins a new series called The Blessed Life, and speaks on how to activate God's blessing in your life.
Ain't Nobody Got Time For That (Philip Wagner) (2014-01-26)
27/01/2014 Duration: 31minAin't nobody got time to live a life full of hopelessness. Pastor Philip shares a powerful message about overcoming the things in life that keep you from realizing your dreams.