Oasis is an innovative and racially diverse Christian church that has been serving Los Angeles since 1984. Founded by Philip and Holly Wagner, Oasis is known for its social justice work, relevant teaching, creativity, and welcoming environment. If you have any questions about Oasis, please give us a call at 877-526-2747, e-mail, or visit
Legacy Nights | Samuel Rodriguez
26/01/2019 Duration: 31minLegacy Nights: a week of special services hosted at Oasis LA in January of 2019. Featuring guest speaker Samuel Rodriguez.
Legacy Nights | Earl Mclellan
25/01/2019 Duration: 53minLegacy Nights: a week of special services hosted at Oasis LA in January of 2019. Featuring guest speaker Earl Mclellan.
Legacy Nights | Banning Liebscher
24/01/2019 Duration: 42minLegacy Nights: a week of special services hosted at Oasis LA in January of 2019. Featuring guest speaker Banning Liebscher.
Legacy Nights | Micahn Carter
23/01/2019 Duration: 43minLegacy Nights: a week of special services hosted at Oasis LA in January of 2019. Featuring guest speaker Micahn Carter.
A Place to Sit (Julian Lowe)
21/01/2019 Duration: 29minIn this message, Pastor Julian shares that as we give God a place to sit, we allow the blood of Jesus to do its job.
Birdbox (Julian Lowe)
14/01/2019 Duration: 35minPastor Julian shares that we move forward as a family by walking by faith and not by sight.
Leap Year (Julian Lowe)
07/01/2019 Duration: 34minIn this message, Pastor Julian shares how because of Jesus, we can go from limping to leaping.
You Get What He Paid For (Julian Lowe)
31/12/2018 Duration: 31minPastor Julian speaks on how God wants to bring you out of your hiding place in preparation for all He has for you.
The Gift of Christmas (Holly Wagner)
24/12/2018 Duration: 30minPastor Holly discusses the importance of seeking Jesus during the Christmas season.
Count Your Blessings (Julian Lowe)
17/12/2018 Duration: 37minPastor Julian shares through this illustrated message, that God is all we need.
You're Built for This (Julian Lowe)
10/12/2018 Duration: 37minPastor Julian shares that if we build the house on the Word of God, the rain will come.
Legacy: (Philip Wagner)
03/12/2018 Duration: 37minJoin Pastor Philip as he speaks about the past, present, and future of and the legacy that it continues to create.
Dream Heavy (Julian Lowe)
26/11/2018 Duration: 37minIn this message, Pastor Julian shares the importance of character by dreaming heavy instead of dreaming big.
You Are the One (Julian Lowe)
19/11/2018 Duration: 35minIn this message, Pastor Julian shares that if God is with us, we have everything we need.
The Light of God (Philip Wagner)
12/11/2018 Duration: 35minPastor Philip shares about how the light of God's love is so powerful that it can illuminate the whole world.
A.R. Bernard 9AM
05/11/2018 Duration: 36minOur friend, Dr. A.R. Bernard shares how there's only one thing that gives us dignity and respect - the image of God.
A.R. Bernard 11AM
05/11/2018 Duration: 33minOur friend, Dr. A.R. Bernard shares how we are stewards of everything and possessors of nothing.
A.R. Bernard 1PM
05/11/2018 Duration: 41minOur friend, Dr. A.R. Bernard shares about the anthropomorphization of God.