A review of Quacks, Frauds and Charlatans. Oops. Thats not right. That should be Supplements, Complementary and Alternative Medicine i.e. SCAMs. Winner in 2009, 2010, and 2011 of The Peoples Choice Podcast Awards for Best Health Podcast. A side project of Pusware LLC, home of the Infectious DIsease Compendium: A Persiflagers Guide, your uber hyperlinked guide to Infectious Disease, the Persiflagers Infectious Disease Puscast and a Gobbet o Pus.
QuackCast 5. Placebo Effect
21/09/ effects are often attributed to the placebo effect. Turns out the placebo effect does not exist. So when the effect of is equal to placebo effect, it is the same as saying it is equal to nothing. How true, how true.
QuackCast 6. Prayer
21/09/2016A review of the medical literature suggests that prayer is not an efficacious therapeutic intervention for medical illnesses. And I am almost certainly going to h e double toothpicks, if you know what I mean.
QuackCast 7. Theory of Acupuncture
21/09/2016The theory of acupuncture is reviewed and found to be wanting when compared with reality. It has no biologic or physiologic plausibility.
QuackCast 8. Acupuncture's Efficacy
21/09/2016The efficacy of acupuncture is reviewed and found to be wanting when compared with reality. It doesn't work and has the potential to cause real harm. copyright 2006 Mark Crislip Creative Commons.
QuackCast 9. Lies, Damn Lies and the use of alt med
21/09/201634% to 42% of Americans use alternative medicine each year. True? Of course not. See how data is misrepresented to support nonsense.
QuackCast 10. History and Theory of Chiropractic
21/09/2016The theory of chiropractic is reviewed and found to be wanting when compared with reality. It has no biologic or physiologic plausibility. But it doesn't stop the AMA having its legal rear handed them by the Chiropractors. Copyright 2006 creative
QuackCast 11. Evidence to Support Efficacy and Complications of Chiropractic
21/09/2016Does Chiropractic work for low back pain? Other diseases? Is it safe? What does it take to get into Chiropractic School? The answer to all this and more in this podcast. Copyright 2006, creative commons
QuackCast 12. How to Identify Quackery and Homeopathic Horrors
21/09/2016Seven rules of thumb to identify quackery, with examples. Also more on the potential dangers of homeopathy. Copyright 2006, creative commons.
QuackCast 13. Herbal "Remedies". Like "Fresh" Fish.
21/09/2016A tour of some popular herbs. Reviewing the medical literature with commentary of the following herbs: echinacea, ginkgo, st johns wort, black cohash, saw palmetto, and glucosamine/chondrotin. Copyright 2007 Mark Crislip.
QuackCast 14. Naturopathy Quacks of all trades, masters of none
21/09/2016A review of the practice of naturopathy, not particularly favorable for some odd reason. Copyright 2007, Pusware LLC and Mark Crislip.
QuackCast 15. Magnet ‘Therapy’
21/09/2016A review of magnets as a medical intervention. I really should have called it the crap cast, because this is crap. Not the podcast. Magnetic therapy. Copyright 2007 Creative Commons.
QuackCast 16. Probiotics
21/09/2016A review of probiotics: theory, use and complications. Copyright 2007 Creative Commons
QuackCast 17. Update 1 NUCCA and Hypertension
21/09/2016An evaluation of "Atlas vertebrae realignment and achievement of arterial pressure goal in hypertensive patients: a pilot study." Published in 2007 in the journal of Human Hypertention. Podcast copyright 2007, PuswareLLC and creative commons.
QuackCast 18. Update 2 Echinacea Meta Anal Ysis
21/09/2016The Lancet published a meta anal ysis of echinacea and concluded it was effective. Is it true? Well, what is truth? Listen to the podcast and hear my truth. Copywrite 2007 Pusware LLC.
QuackCast 19. Iridology
21/09/2016A look at the iridology, a form of fiction mistaken as a diganostic modality. Copywrite 2007 Pusware LLC and Creative Commons.
QuackCast 20. Influenza myths
21/09/2016The flu can kill you. What YOU can do to prevent it. Tonight on the 10 o'clock news. Plus, the truth behind Brittany's hair. Copywrite 2007, creative commons. Pusware LLC.
QuackCast 21. Acupuncture update
21/09/2016Quackcast 21, my podcast can now drink in Oregon. A review of the medical literature of SCAMS: supplements, complementary and alternative medicine. Copywrite 2007, creative commons.
QuackCast 22. Boost your immune system And die
21/09/2016A cursory review of the immune system and then a review of some medical literature that suggests boosting it will cause you to die die die die die die die die die die die die die........ Got carried away. Were all gonna DIE!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry. I panic easily. Copyright 2007, Creative commons license and Pusware LLC.
QuackCast 23. Trust No One. But me
21/09/2016What an article says and what people say it says, and what people say it says it says etc are often not the same thing. I tediously dissect a medical paper and comment of what two commentators say it says. If this kind of description, much less the podcast, is not itself a near death experience, I do not know what is. Copyright 2008, creative commons.