GPS-God Positioning System is part of the teaching ministry of Covenant Community Church
A Distant Country – Light It Up (Session One)
01/06/2014 Duration: 48minA Distant Country – Light It Up (Session One) Topics/Passage: Luke 15 Summary: This series is about the God moment that occurs tor all of us. It is that moment when the light bulb comes on… the AHA Moment of our soul! The moment that suddenly changes everything… Forever… and ever!
The Me to Be – The Mystery of Me (session two)
30/05/2014 Duration: 50minThe Me to Be – The Mystery of Me (session two) Topics/Passage: 1 Peter 3:8-12, caring, Humility Summary: The journey of transformation is a process that occurs from the inside out that is lived from the outside in. That may sound confusing, but don’t let it be. While we are changing on the inside we see clear evidence of that change was we live it out each day. So what is happening on the outside is a reflection of what is taking place on the inside. This study reminds us of the Me we want to Be.
The Me set Free – The Mystery of Me (Session Three)
25/05/2014The Me set Free – The Mystery of Me (Session Three) Topics/Passage: 1 Peter 3:8-12, Doing good, forgiveness Summary: Although we are mysterious… and quirky and goofy and different as individuals at times. There is something miraculous about the way Jesus takes our lives and makes them something spectacular. As He does His amazing work in us, we find an incredible freedom that we have never known before but we no longer want to live without. It is then that we know the Me has been set Free.
The Me in We – The Mystery of Me (Session One)
11/05/2014 Duration: 41minPassage: 2 Peter 3:8-12, caring, loving, mystery, One Summary: The Bible teaches us a lot of things, but one of the things that we often over look is that in order to be the best individuals we can be… we need one another. Because in how we relate together, how we move forward as followers of Jesus, is interconnected because of course, we are a part of His family. So there are some things we must know about the Me in We.
04/05/2014 Duration: 01h04minFish, Hail, Job 41, Joshua 10:11, Leviathan, Matthew 17:24-27, mystery The congregation got to pick the sermon. For a Covenant first, the congregation texted their choice of topics to hear about. Main Points Mysterious Miracle: Fish – Matthew 17:24-27 Mysterious Creature: Leviathan – Job 41 Mysterious Weather: Hail – Joshua 10:11
Frost Free Living – Unfrozen (Session Two)
29/04/2014 Duration: 45minFrost Free Living – Unfrozen (Session Two) Topics/Passage: 1 Peter 4:7-11, blessings, Curses, Fear Controlled, Frozen, Love Driven Summary: Today we continue our mini-series using the parable of the Disney film Frozen. As we have already discovered, there are many Biblical themes and lessons woven through the movie. Today we examine a powerful one -When your life is controlled by fear… You hurt others and yourself… here are some questions that we all must answer so we can live frost free lives… or in other words UNFROZEN.
Frozen…Unfrozen – Unfrozen (Session One)
20/04/2014Frozen…Unfrozen – Unfrozen (Session One) Topics/Passage: 1 John 4:13-18, Frozen, True Love Summary: The number one animated film of all time is Disney’s FROZEN. Now what you have to remember is that the film is not merely a cartoon but is also a classic work of storytelling. That story has connected with children and adults and today becomes a parable that illustrates the life changing truths of Easter. As we spend time in Celebration Worship, it is our hope that you would be challenged, stretched, and inspired… because today might just be the day that you choose to start living life UNFROZEN and allow the love of Jesus to melt forever our frozen hearts. Lets celebrate this Easter moment together!
Anticipating Bethany – A Travelers Guide To Bethany (Session Five)
06/04/2014 Duration: 46minAnticipating Bethany – A Travelers Guide To Bethany (Session Five) Topics/Passage: Bethany, doing, Jesus, John 11:41-44, Lazarus, Looking Summary: Today we stop one more time in the little village of Bethany. We have already found out that Jesus loved this place, He loved the people, and He loved the moments He spent there. We also have discovered some life lessons that help us become who we were created to be. Before we say “goodbye” to Bethany, we want to take more look and see if we can grab one more reminder of why we need to have “Bethany Moments” in our lives. Our hope and prayer is that you would never forget what we have learned together in Bethany with Jesus.
Ascended in Bethany – Travelers Guide To Bethany (Session Four)
30/03/2014 Duration: 49minAscended in Bethany – Travelers Guide To Bethany (Session Four) Topics/Passage: Acts 1:6-14, Luke 24:50-53, Significant Choices, Significant Instructions, Significant Intention Summary: In our study we have already experienced our “Bethany Moment” where we have promised to ask God to “make sure we get it right.” With those lessons in mind, we now return to Bethany again and discover some things to remember that will help us live out those life defining moments.
Anointed in Bethany – A Travelers Guide to Bethany (Session Three)
24/03/2014 Duration: 54minAnointed in Bethany – A Travelers Guide to Bethany (Session Three) All of It, Broken, Getting it Right, John 12:1-11, Set Free In this series we have discovered and continue to uncover how important Bethany was to Jesus. Many defining events in His life unfolded there. The lessons He taught to those He loved then are still the lessons that He teaches to the people He loves today. This study takes us to a moment where He was anointed in a very unusual way… and what we can learn from it right now.
Awakened in Bethany – A Travelers Guide to Bethany (Session Two)
16/03/2014 Duration: 49minAwakened in Bethany – A Travelers Guide to Bethany (Session Two) God is Better, God is Bigger, Jesus' Tears, John 11:1-44, Lazerus We are traveling through and exploring a little place called Bethany. As we open our Travelers Guide (aka The Bible) we discover that for Jesus, this little place was His favorite place on earth. We are visiting the places and the events that make this place so special and finding that what happened in Bethany can teach us things that matter now. Today we wake up in Bethany, so consider this your wake up call. What will we find when we are awakened in Bethany?
Awed in Bethany – A Travelers Guide to Bethany (Session One)
09/03/2014 Duration: 58minAwed in Bethany – A Travelers Guide to Bethany (Session One) Expectations, Jerusalem, Jesus' soft place, Luke 10:38-42, Martha, Mary, Priority We have been looking at how to become a Movement…discovered the importance and how we are to jump in and live a Hokey Pokey lifestyle…and been reminded to pay attention to “how” we do things as we made discoveries about life, ministry, and God in the “details.”The freedom to follow and put these HUGE ideas into practice just might be found in the very same place that Jesus went…His soft place…which became the launching place for changing the world…a little place called Bethany. In this first look at Bethany we find that when we look closely we are “awed in Bethany.” Prepare to catch a glimpse of that awe.
Details in the Face of Opposition – Details Four
02/03/2014 Duration: 49minDetails in the Face of Opposition – Details Four Effectiveness, Luke 6:1-11, Opposition Our Details series this week takes us back into some very powerful moments in the life of Jesus. This is a story that is about learning to pick your spots…choose your battles…and deciding when you should do something and when you should not do something. These are important lessons that can help each of us in our lives each day. Today we discover these truths in the details.
Details in Deep Water – Details Three
23/02/2014 Duration: 53minDetails in Deep Water – Details Three Choice, Common, connection, Curious, Luke 5:1-11 If you do little things like they are big things then you will discover that God does big things like they are little things. In the details of this series of passages we discover some little things to remember that really are big… so much bigger than we ever realized. Today we take another glimpse into the life of Jesus and discover in the details of what He did and how He did it some truths that help us as we navigate the deep water of life.
Details in the Very Real World – Details Two
16/02/2014 Duration: 53minDetails in the Very Real World – Details Two compassion, depth, evil, Luke 4:31-44, truth In DETAILS we are looking for things hidden in plain sight that can help us in the places and situations we find ourselves in as we follow Jesus. Today’s passage takes a day out of the life of Jesus and helps us to examine the details of what Jesus did in a normal day. How He faced the day, how He dealt with others, and what He did gives us some details that we need in the very real world we move through each day. As we follow and try to live like Jesus, these are things He did that we can do as well.
Details in the Fire - Details One
11/02/2014 Duration: 53minDetails Series summary - If you do little things like they are big things-then God will do big things like they are little things (and by the way, with God there is nothing too big, it is all little stuff) Knowing, understanding, and paying attention to the details can be the difference between success and struggle in the adventure of faith. Details in the Fire - Details One Luke 4:14-30 1) Don't be surprised (v.22-24 & 28) 2)Don't give up (v.30) 3) Don't get sidetracked (v.29-30) Summary this week -There are moments, when you make the choice to live the God life - some people will just not get it, they will not understand, and they might get mad at you. Here is some good advice on what to expect and how to react as you strive for obedience.
That's What It's All About
06/02/2014 Duration: 58minThat's What It's All About Today we conclude our Hokey Pokey Clinic series with a powerful and perhaps startling look at what it means to live for Jesus. Jesus did not half die so we can't afford to half live for Him. Each of us are one decision away from the life we were created to live. It is time to decide to put your whole self in That's What It's All About Hokey Pokey Clinic - Session 5 Matthew 26:14-16 Is It About What You Expect? (v.14-15) Is It About What HE Expects? (v.16) From then on Judas watched for an opportunity to hand him over.
Time To Turn Yourself Around – Hokey Pokey Clinic (Session Four)
26/01/2014 Duration: 41minExodus 4:2-3, Potential, Potential Unleashed, transformation Summary: Transformation is a continuous process where you are changing from the inside out. It means that each day your choices, decisions, and lifestyle are moments you give your all to Jesus, your best “and then some.” This is the moment when life becomes joyful at a level we have never known before. There are two interesting verses in scripture that begin with the word “whatever”… these whatever verses become our launching point for an amazing conversation.
Shake It All About – The Hokey Pokey Clinic (Session Three)
19/01/2014 Duration: 50minHebrews 11:7, How to Shake, Noah, Shake in Real Time Summary: Living life to the fullest is something that most people say they are interested in. Yet this idea of living large is really more of an idea to most than a reality. Is there risk? Sure, but the end result makes the risk worthwhile. This is an often missed moment in the hokey pokey experience…but when you see it, when you understand the problems you face, then you are on the road to living it. In the obedience of Noah we discover what it means to be a real mover and shaker.
Put Your Whole Self In – The Hokey Pokey Clinic (Session Two)
12/01/2014 Duration: 52min1 Kings 19:19-21, Doing Something, Going In, Hokey Pokey Summary: What does it mean to live ‘all in?’ Many people fool themselves into thinking they are following Jesus when in reality they really want Jesus to follow them. This inverted way of looking at the world and God can create some trouble spots we all have to navigate. 1 Kings 19 shows us an interesting moment with a bull burning…and for a prophet there was no turning back.