One week. A bunch of editors. Discussing the tech news of the week, with a bit of irrelevant opinions on the side.
TECHGEEK Weekly 116: RIM dies…loljks called BlackBerry now
03/02/2013 Duration: 35minTwitter gets hacked, BlackBerry 10 finally comes out and what will Sony announce on February 20? All this and more on TECHGEEK Weekly. We also talk about Chris’ new HP Veer (which is broken) and why the 128GB iPad is silly. Joining you today is Stewart Wilson, Terence Huynh and Chris Southcott. This week we are trialing our new TL;DR version. It’s been edited to remove all the rants and [...] The post TECHGEEK Weekly 116: RIM dies…loljks called BlackBerry now appeared first on TechGeek.
TECHGEEK Weekly 115: Born Mobile
13/01/2013 Duration: 01h33minA multitude of CES stories, Java has ANOTHER security flaw and MSN Messenger is no more. All this and more on this CES Special of TECHGEEK Weekly. We also talking about the best way to get rid of a porn addiction, R18+ classification in Australia and much much more. TECHGEEK Weekly is back for 2013! Joining you on this episode is Stewart Wilson, Terence Huynh and Chris Southcott. This is a special [...] The post TECHGEEK Weekly 115: Born Mobile appeared first on TechGeek.
TECHGEEK Weekly 114: A Very TECHGEEK Christmas
23/12/2012 Duration: 01h13minFacebook brings Poking to your phone, Instgram pisses off the hipsters again and Oh look, it’s Christmas. All this and more, on TECHGEEK Weekly. Welcome back to the normal TECHGEEK Weekly for this wonderful Christmas Eve. Joining you on a journey through talking and technology is Stewart Wilson, Terence Huynh and Chris Southcott. This is the last episode for the year and we’ll be back for a special edition during [...] The post TECHGEEK Weekly 114: A Very TECHGEEK Christmas appeared first on TechGeek.
TECHGEEK Weekly 113: The End is Nigh!
16/12/2012 Duration: 01h49minThis week on (not) TECHGEEK Weekly, we discuss ATAR scores given that they are out today, some tips to help you get through your first year in Uni, Mayan prophecies and Berlusconi, and even talk about the quality of debate on the internet. Yes, its a whole smorgasbord of topics, but it’s another hour or so of That Other Show When Everyone is Away Show. Returning this week is Mark [...] The post TECHGEEK Weekly 113: The End is Nigh! appeared first on TechGeek.