Current events podcast in Russian for upper intermediate to advanced Russian speakers. Nuanced cultural conventions and sociopolitical developments in the post-Soviet countries delivered weekly. Authentic Russian, high-frequency idioms, cultural references, and much more.
014 - The Culture of Exclusiveness
07/12/2015 Duration: 09minWhy don’t Russian speakers smile? The reason may partially be the culture of exclusiveness.
013 - ??????????, ??????????? ? ?????
30/11/2015 Duration: 12minDo аутсорсинг, маунтинбайкинг, and смузи sound familiar to you? With a little adjustment to the Cyrillic script, you probably guessed outsourcing, mountain biking, and smoothie. This week’s discussion is about loan words in Russian.
012 - Ukraine: It Takes Five To Tango?
23/11/2015 Duration: 14minWhen was the last time you heard or read about the oligarch war or the shadow economy in Ukraine? In this week’s episode we continue the discussion about the Ukraine conflict and its participants.
011 - Line Cutters
09/11/2015 Duration: 11minFind out why cutting in line is pervasive in post-Soviet states and how to handle line cutters, in this week’s episode of In Russian Terms.
010 - Little Russian Things: Vot
02/11/2015 Duration: 15minThis week we look at the many nuances of the high-frequency Russian particle вот, and listen to short dialogues showcasing it.
009 - The Invisible Russian Opposition Part II
26/10/2015 Duration: 11minIf Nemtsov and Pussy Riot are largely unpopular in Russia, who shapes Russian public opinion? Find out in this installment of The Invisible Russian Opposition.
008 - The Invisible Russian Opposition
19/10/2015 Duration: 11minThis week’s episode is about Russian conservatism, Russia’s ’tame’ and ‘independent’ opposition, why Russians love Putin, and what Noam Chomsky has to do with all these.
007 - Shapka Battles, Cold Necks, and the Right Season for Flip-Flops
12/10/2015 Duration: 10minIf you lived or worked in a Russian-speaking country, chances are that you heard Вы почему без шапки?, Закройте окно, вас продует!, Не сидите на холодном!, or Не выходите на улицу с мокрыми волосами! at east a few times. How to keep good Samaritans at bay? Let’s try to find out.
006 - Ukraine: It Takes Five To Tango?
05/10/2015 Duration: 13minThis week’s episode introduces diehard poli sci fans to the political jargon frequently heard in Russia’s media coverage of Ukraine. У каждого своя полу-правда or Ukraine: It Takes Five To Tango? is an unbiased attempt to look at all major participants of the conflict.
005 - From Knowing a Language to Fluency
27/09/2015 Duration: 11minBeing able to reproduce native-like stress patterns gets non-native speakers further than being able to accurately produce individual sounds. If Russian speakers do not understand you, the reason is probably not the jaw-breaking sounds and words Russian is notorious for but the wrong intonation you picked up in your language school.
004 - No Bourgeoisie, No Democracy?
20/09/2015 Duration: 07minThe middle class is said to be the driving force behind the democratization process. Were the Arab Spring and the Ukrainian Maidan a case in point? And where is the Russian middle class?
003 - Common Myths About Russian
14/09/2015 Duration: 13minContrary to what you may have heard, Russians do not know their grammar. And no, Russian is not uniform. In this episode I discuss these and other misconceptions about the Russian language.
002 - Khodorkovsky and the Rule of Law
07/09/2015 Duration: 08minThis eposode is about Khodorkovsky, ponyatiya, and the significance of spravedlivost in Russia. Where does the rule of law fit in all that? Well, exactly!
001 - Introduction
05/09/2015 Duration: 09minIn this episode you will learn about the components of my program and why I decided to create In Russian Terms.