Christian Zion Church Daily Podcast
Only the Holy Spirit is Able to Stop the Secret Power of Lawlessness
09/06/2017Morning Prayer Meeting 06/09/2017
How Do We Become the People of the Kingdom of God at this End Time
08/06/2017Morning Prayer Meeting 06/08/2017
Faith Comes from Hearing the Message and the Message is Heard Through the Word About Christ
04/06/2017Sunday Sermon 06/04/2017
With Foreign Lips and Strange Tongues God will Let the Weary Rest
03/06/2017Morning Prayer Meeting 06/03/2017
With Foreign Lips and Strange Tongues God will Let the Weary Rest
02/06/2017Friday Bible Study 06/02/2017
The Miracles of Whoever Believes and Is Baptized Will Be Saved
01/06/2017Morning Prayer Meeting 06/01/2017
Pray in Tongue to Receive the Five Intelligible Word of Mystery
31/05/2017Morning Prayer Meeting 05/31/2017