Christian Zion Church Daily Podcast
How to Turn Feelings into the Movement of the Holy Spirit
19/05/2017Morning Prayer Meeting 05/19/2017
I will Ask the Father, and He will Give You Another Counselor, who will Teach You all Things
19/05/2017Morning Prayer Meeting 05/13/2017
In Repentance and Rest Is your Salvation, In Quietness and Trust Is your Strength
18/05/2017Morning Prayer Meeting 05/18/2017
Return to the Place God had Prepared for You into the Work of the Holy Spirit
17/05/2017Morning Prayer Meeting 05/17/2017
I will Ask the Father, and He will Give You Another Counselor, who will Teach You all Things 2
16/05/2017Morning Prayer Meeting 05/16/2017
How to Emerge from our Own Feelings to the Movement of the Holy Spirit
12/05/2017Morning Prayer Meeting 05/12/2017
Servant who Hold to the Testimony of Jesus. Worship God!
11/05/2017Morning Prayer Meeting 05/11/2017