Real runners chat about running and life.
Episode 12 - Laura Norris
01/04/2016 Duration: 44minLaura Norris is a Seattle based RRCA running coach and blogger. Laura shares how she became a runner and what made her pursue a career as a running coach. Liz and Laura chat about why hiring a running coach is beneficial and Laura talks about the most common obstacle her runners face in their training. Also, find out what distance of race is the most common for runners to seek out Laura's expertise. Visit Laura's blog: This Runner's recipes Send questions or feedback to follow Real Runners Chat on Instagram, Twitter and Periscope Music by Music:
Episode 11 - Mellisa
25/03/2016 Duration: 54minLiz and Mellisa met thru Instagram and have bonded thru their love of running and reading. This chat is truly a conversation between two friends who share many mutual interests. Some of the topics we cover are running, kids, jobs, green smoothies, chocolate milk, bean burritos, books, and tv shows. Amazon links to the books discussed on this episode: Born to Run Eat and Run Fangirl Grandma Gatewood's Walk A Monster Calls Attachments Wild Caballo Blanco Documentary: Run Free Movie Follow Mellisa on Instagram @mellisarock Music by
Episode 10 - Danielle Turk-Bly
18/03/2016 Duration: 47minLiz chats with Danielle Turk-Bly, a runner and mom from North Dakota. Danielle talks about training for the Boston Marathon while taking care of her family, homeschooling her son, and is very open about some of the struggles she has gone through. Danielle's blog: Music by Music:
Episode 9 - Melissa, Christina and Angela from Ultra Ordinary Running Podcast
11/03/2016 Duration: 47minLiz welcomes Melissa, Christina and Angela from Ultra Ordinary Running to the show. They chat about training for the Javelina Jundred, a 100 mile Ultra Marathon in Arizona. They also share what challenges they deal with while working and training. Angela's Twitter: @angelamurf Angela's Blog: Christina's Twitter: @arunningmess Christina's Blog: Melissa's Twitter: @melissa_raguet Melissa's Blog: Ultra Ordinary Running Podcast
Episode 8 - Dana Ayers
04/03/2016 Duration: 36minIn the intro, Corey and Liz talk about their experience at the Post Oak Lodge trail race in Tulsa this past weekend. Also, Liz chats with Dana Ayers, author of Confessions of an Unlikely Runner. Dana is a former White House staffer and her first race was a 5k with President Bush. Her book is filled with humorous and inspirational stories of the running adventures she's had over the past ten years. Thank you for chatting with Real Runners Chat, Dana! Confessions of an Unlikely Runner available here Music:
Episode 7 - Sarah Williams of Tough Girl Challenges
26/02/2016 Duration: 50minSarah Williams is the host of the Tough Girl Challenges podcast, which tells the stories of inspirational women from around the world. Currently, Sarah is in Melbourne, training for the Marathon des Sables. The Marathon des Sables is a grueling multi-stage race through the Sahara desert. It's described as the toughest footrace on earth. Liz and Sarah chat about how she got into running, the London Marathon and training for the Marathon des Sables. Also, Sarah explains why she is passionate about tough girls and gives Liz great advice for bringing up tough girls. Find out more about Tough Girl Challenges and Sarah at: Music by
Episode 6 - Chat with Candice
19/02/2016 Duration: 48minWelcome to episode 6 of Real Runners Chat! On this most recent show, Corey and Liz share a little bit about their college days. They attended a total of 4 different universities between them! Liz chats with a friend from her college days, Candice. Candice got into running when she was shedding some unwanted weight. Eventually, Candice ran in the Chicago marathon and also raised money for Alzheimer's disease. Candice shares the fitness rules she lives by and also gives us her gear must haves. Please send email feedback to Also, follow us on twitter and Instagram. Music by
Bonus Episode - Crosstimbers Trail Run
15/02/2016 Duration: 38minHappy belated Valentine's Day to our Real Runners Chat family. On this bonus episode, Corey and Liz talk a little bit about their Valentine's day and what they usually do to celebrate. Corey recounts his adventure of running the Crosstimbers trail run on this past Saturday.
Episode 5 - Classic Rock Running Songs
12/02/2016 Duration: 42minCorey and Liz discuss how their week went and even talk about what they watched this week! Plus, Corey gives us his Super Bowl prediction. Corey also gives his list of classic rock running songs for Liz to listen to while on the treadmill. Music by Email feedback at Follow on Instagram: @realrunnerschat Follow on Twitter: @realrunnerschat
Episode 4 - Long Run Discussion and Chat with Alex
05/02/2016 Duration: 52minOn this episode of Real Runners Chat, Corey and Liz discuss their latest long runs and how they felt during their training this week. Topics include side stitches, running on busy roads, running in ditches, weekly workouts, classic rock running music, the upcoming Bruce Springsteen concert. Liz also chatted with her friend Alex about couch to 5k, yoga, running in your 20's and 30's, running 5K's and half marathons, and what running does for their body images. Follow us on Twitter at : @realrunnerschat Instagram: @realrunnerschat Email us at Music:
State Games Trail Run Race Recap
29/01/2016 Duration: 37minReal Runners Chat is the podcast for runners who obsess about all things running related. We chat about races, gear, routines and general fitness. In this most recent episode, Liz and Corey tell all about their most recent race. They describe how the trail run went and also share some great tips and advice for those runners who are new to running trails. Music by
Episode 2 - Heather
21/01/2016 Duration: 27minLiz chats with Heather, a friend who has been running for about ten years. Heather has run one marathon and several half marathons. Their chat includes their schedules, running friends, shoes and other running topics.