A joint podcast from and
Karneval - Fasching - Fastnacht
13/02/2008The week before lent, when Germany goes mad and people parade through the streets.
06/02/2008The Monday before Lent, celebrated in Germany with parades and by eating Berliners.
Der Gemeindeschluessel
30/01/2008A number that you need when you register in Germany, but you don't really need to know it.
Die Einkommensteuer
16/01/2008A form of tax in Germany on income from sources such as employment, interest, dividends, rent etc.
Die Lohnsteuerkarte
09/01/2008The card that you receive in Germany to give to your employer so that tax can be deducted from your wages correctly.
Heilige Drei Koenige
02/01/2008Celebrated on January 6th, also known as Epiphany, groups of children sing songs for charity
26/12/2007Christmas Day and Boxing Day - bank holidays in Germany that people spend with their families