Premium Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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This is the JDP Podcast


  • Our Brand

    10/06/2010 Duration: 10min

    Company recognition is one of the most important things a company can work on. In this podcast, you will discover the purpose behind the new logo, the Altomega(tm) process and the "Next Step" program. Discover for yourself how this new position in the company will escalate your own personal business.

  • The Altomega Process

    03/06/2010 Duration: 11min

    With hundreds of Krill oil in the market place, what makes K48-PLUS different from the rest? Discover for yourself the power behind the Altomega Process, what it is and why everyone needs to be taking krill oil that has been run through this process.

  • Little Voice Master

    06/05/2010 Duration: 12min

    Experience for yourself how to manage those "little voices" and quantum leap your progress. Get rid of those things that are preventing you from achieving what you have always wanted to have.

  • This one program launched a multi million dollar business

    08/04/2010 Duration: 24min

    How could something so simple be so powerful? Discover for yourself as you hear Josh Anderson, Zach Davis and Roger Ball share their experiences using this dynamic tool. Explore with them how to magnify your focus and build a rock solid business that will take you to your dreams.

  • Sweet 16

    06/04/2010 Duration: 12h00s

    This simple process has made more millionaires in network marketing than almost any other tool. Discover the simplicity and ease in which you can make this tool a part of your own personal tool box to put your business exactly where you want it to be. Josh Anderson, CEO of JD Premium explains in a simple, straight forward no non sense style how this one thing has been responsible for his success in this and other network marketing businesses.

  • Second Annual Salmon River Lodge Getaway Contest

    02/04/2010 Duration: 12min

    Pamper yourself with 3 glorious days and 3 fabulous nights in the pristine wilderness of Central Idaho. Enjoy activities such as horseback riding, white water rafting, natural hot springs, fishing, to name a few. Establish camaraderie while developing leadership skills all over some of the most succulent food you will ever taste. Leave the hustle and bustle behind and treat yourself to a "little piece of heaven".

  • Clean it Up!

    17/03/2010 Duration: 13min

    Tough stains, cooked in stains, set stains or stains of almost any type have ruined more articles of clothing, carpets, upholstery resulting in thousands of dollars. Until now we have been held captive by these stains but today there is a solution that costs pennies and it really works. Discover the secret that the grocery stores don't want you to know.

  • The Ugly Face of Depression

    11/03/2010 Duration: 11min

    Often felt but rarely talked about -- Depression. This ailment affects millions of people daily in varying stages. Discover with Dr. David Bowman, Board Certified Physician what you can do to either help yourself or those you love who may be affected by this ailment.

  • MBA Recognition

    01/03/2010 Duration: 08min

    Discover how to turn your part time efforts into full time residual income by following this simple Matrix Builders Achievement (MBA) recognition program. Implement this program immediately and watch your income triple with the same efforts. It's not activity, it's focus that counts. Learn where to focus to make the biggest bang for your buck.

  • A.D.D. the Dream Robber

    01/03/2010 Duration: 08min

    Many dreams are lost and broken because of this one villain. Discover with Dr. David Bowman, Board Certified Physician how you can not only control, but also eliminate this robber from your life by following these three easy steps.

  • Krill - a Billion Dollar Industry

    26/02/2010 Duration: 14min

    With hundreds of manufacturers each claiming their product is the best, how do you really know what you are getting in your Krill. Discover with JD Premium's CEO Josh Anderson how to identify the difference in this rapidly growing industry. You'll soon discover what to look for to be able to take advantage of the most potent Omega 3 on the market and what makes it that way.

  • The Secret behind Congestive Heart Failure

    23/02/2010 Duration: 11min

    It beats and beats and beats and most of our life goes undetected, yet it could be in trouble and may be sending you a message. Are you listening? I'm talking about your heart. Congestive Heart Failure is one of the "silent" killers that can be reversed and stopped if caught in time. Short of breath? Retaining Water? Adema? Hmmm. Find out what you can do now.

  • MBA Pack

    19/02/2010 Duration: 27min

    If you've ever really wanted to succeed at anything, now is your chance. The MBA pack contains a strong representation of the fabulous products represented by JD Premium. To succeed, you need to put some "skin in the game". We call it commitment. If you are committed financially, you will pull inside on the reservoir of strength that will help you reach your goals. If you are not, it's usually only a wish and you may end up with broken dreams. Listen as JD Premium CEO Josh Anderson explains the importance of every IBO owning this pack.

  • Keeping Time - Arrythmia and other Palpatations

    18/02/2010 Duration: 09min

    Have you ever wondered if that flutter in your chest was more than just love? Well, it might be. It could be a warning sign from your body telling you that something isn't quite right. Discover with Dr. Bowman how you can identify the cause and what easy, painless, non-surgical way you can go to correct it.

  • How to Manage the "High's" in your life -- High Blood Pressure and Hypertension

    16/02/2010 Duration: 20min

    Deep within the tissues of your body lurkes a thief. This thief silently steals your life. At first, it may just be crippling but ignored can lead to death. I'm talking about High Blood Pressure. In this podcast discover how you can conquer, correct and reverse the devastating and debilitating affects of this disease.

  • Insulin Resistance - what your Mother never told you

    11/02/2010 Duration: 11min

    We flood our bodies with Omega 6's, way too few Omega 3's and then wonder why we can't shake the added pounds, why we are feeling tired, sluggish, run down and why our health isn't any better than it is. Find out what you can do to reclaim your health, figure and over all well being.

  • Fire! What kind do you have burning inside? Part 3

    09/02/2010 Duration: 10min

    There are three kinds of fires burning inside destroying your health and safety. Dr. Bowman has explained how inflammation and oxidation affect the body. In this podcast, discover how run-a-way insulin can become the deadliest of all.

  • Fire! What kind do you have burning inside? Part 2

    01/02/2010 Duration: 09min

    Just as there are different extinguishers to control different types of fires, there are also different things needed to control three very different fires burning, usually unnoticed until it's too late, inside of you. Listen to discover what those fires are and how to control them.

  • Fire! What kind do you have burning inside?

    27/01/2010 Duration: 08min

    Part 1 of a 3 part series about the different types of fires an individual can have burning inside without even really knowing it. Discover from Dr. Bowman how you can identify and extinguish the hidden fires that may be secretly destroying your health.

  • K48-PLUS the Wonder Omega-3

    19/01/2010 Duration: 13min

    Anyone who has suffered or who you know is suffering from ADD, Alzheimer's, Autism, Bi-polar Disorder, Asthma, Plaques in the arteries, Arthritis, Allergies, Heart Arrhythmia to name a few, needs to listen to this podcast to discover how K48-PLUS can help with these particular medical problems

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