Transforming Leaders From Ordinary to Extraordinary
Making A Speech Memorable
03/04/2013 Duration: 05minLeslie explains that having a great line or doing something out of the ordinary can create your magical moment so that you are memorable.
Overcoming Brain Freeze
01/04/2013 Duration: 08minLeslie approaches the uncomfortable feeling we get before we present in front of a crowd. She explains that butterflies in your stomach are normal, and she gives us three ways to help overcome them. Deep breathing is first, counting backwards … Continue reading →
Should You Memorize Your Speech
27/03/2013 Duration: 05minLeslie shares tips on how to give a successful speech as an amateur speaker. She recommends that you DO NOT memorize your speech.
The Importance Of Asking Questions
25/03/2013 Duration: 03minLeslie stresses the importance (especially from women) on asking questions. When you ask questions, it gives you visibility and visibility gives you viability.
Best Ways To Open And Close A Speech
20/03/2013 Duration: 05minLeslie explains that marrying your mindset and how you communicate is the key to a great speech. Your speech should try to persuade your audience, not inform. Open with a wow, end on a thought provocation comment, add a call … Continue reading →
Connecting With Your Audience
18/03/2013 Duration: 05minLeslie focuses on how connecting emotionally with your audience is of utmost importance.
Changing Your Perspective Can Spark Creativity
13/03/2013 Duration: 04minLeslie reminds us that often a change of scenery can spark creativity and rejuvenate your motivation.
Are You Taking No Too Soon
11/03/2013 Duration: 03minLeslie explains that often we buy on emotion and we justify with logic. If a client says no, it does not mean that you can not use communication to move forward and capture a sale down the road. Do not … Continue reading →
06/03/2013 Duration: 06minLeslie stresses the importance of setting your mind on your end goal and persevering until you have achieved that goal.
Being An Effective Panelist
04/03/2013 Duration: 05minLeslie shares tips of how to make the most out of your time/responsibility of being a panelist. She provides specific tips for the listener to consider.
Why Salespeople Sell At Lower Profit Margins
27/02/2013 Duration: 05minLeslie shares a real world example of a salesperson that was selling at a low profit margin. She challenges the listener to identify what the result of what they do is and realize the value of what they do. You … Continue reading →
Putting Together A Powerful Presentation
25/02/2013 Duration: 03minLeslie stresses that presentations today need to explain how you can make your client’s business different.
Attributes Of An Effective Leader
20/02/2013 Duration: 07minLeslie shines a light on the Achilles heels of individuals so that the attributes of a successful individual becomes evident.
Presenting To The Board of Directors
18/02/2013 Duration: 05minLeslie gives us her best practices when presenting to the Board of Directors, or anybody that you need to answer to. She has 5 rules of communication that she shares so that we can better understand how to be effective … Continue reading →
Using And Improving Our Humor
13/02/2013 Duration: 05minLeslie explains the fine line in using humor in your presentations. There is a difference between using humor and telling jokes.
Language And Presentation Skills
11/02/2013 Duration: 06minLeslie shares her knowledge on how sales people can make larger profits. She highlights the importance of communicating the value of your services so that you can ask the most from your clients.
Becoming And Staying A Great Speaker
06/02/2013 Duration: 03minLeslie explains that maintenance is key to anything, especially speaking! Practice is important!
The Secrets Of Great Copywriting
30/01/2013 Duration: 02minLeslie explains that great writing is whatever is considered effective. An honest ear that can critique you is also very important.
How Leslie Helps Executives Succeed
21/01/2013 Duration: 05minLeslie Ungar shares how she helps executives accelerate their success.