Every day I will introduce a common expression or word that YOU NEED TO KNOW!! This podcast is for English learners around the world.
0929 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—clickbait
09/10/2018 Duration: 05minHello everyone! Enjoy today's podcast AND enjoy tonight's newsletter! It is NOT "clickbait"! How to get the newsletter? Just go to Also, DDM VIP and PIRF VIP are closing in October. They will be closed until January!! If you want to join, do it now! We do have a special if you join both DDM and PIRF VIP. Only $75 for VIP memberships in both PIRF and DDM each month! All the newest lessons, benefits AND all of the coaching form Coach Shane and the other coaches! THE BEST! You can join here: Have a super day! Coach Shane The E-cubed PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #LMEtoday #LetsMasterEnglish Today’s English expression and dialog: Check this out! Earn $1000 a week from home. Don’t waste your time. Why not? A thousand dollars from home! It’s clickbait! No one really makes that much~ Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here
0928 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—the sweet spot
01/10/2018 Duration: 07minHappy OCTOBER! A great podcast for sports...and you might be able to use it in everday life, too! Enjoy! The E-cubed PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU! Have a super day, Coach Shane Today’s English expression and dialog: the sweet spot How do you like the new racket? It’s okay. But I’m gonna keep using my old one. Why? This one is much more expensive. Yeah, but I can’t find the sweet spot. Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS:
0927 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—smooth move
17/09/2018 Duration: 05minHappy Monday, everyone! BE CAREFUL! Today's expression has TWO usages--and they are the OPPOSITE of each other! Use it correctly or you might hear it! The E-cubed PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #LMEtoday #LetsMasterEnglish Today’s English expression and dialog: smooth move I got her phone number. How? I told her I needed it because we might start a study group~ Wow! Smooth move! Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS:
0926 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—a crackpot idea
12/09/2018 Duration: 05minHow have you all been? I have a short, special message in today's podcast--it's a good one! And of course, our expression is great, too! Be careful, though, the expression has a strong meaning!! Have a great day, Coach Shane Today’s English expression and dialog: a crackpot idea Coach Shane lives near Chicago… Yeah? He should do a podcast with Michael Jordan! That’s a crackpot idea! Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS:
0925 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—a close shave
05/09/2018 Duration: 04minVery scary day last night. Had to take my wife to the Emergency Room...still dealing with some issues but her prognosis is good. We'll know more today. Keep your fingers crossed for us^^ Oh, and FINALLY! Another podcast is ready--and this is especially good for the guys. But the ladies might like it, too! The E-cubed PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #LMEtoday #LetsMasterEnglish Today’s English expression and dialog: a close shave Cut yourself? Yeah. Tried getting a close shave and nearly killed myself! Grow a beard! My wife would kill me! Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS:
0924 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—shelling out
21/08/2018 Duration: 04minHow's your Tuesday been? Mine has been good. VERY busy with classes. Also taking care of my son who is TEETHING!!! But I'm happy^^ Okay, the last thing you want to do is use today's expression...but we all have those situations sometimes! Have a GREAT day!! The E-cubed PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU! Take care, Coach Shane Today’s English expression and dialog: shelling out Where’s your truck? I traded it in for this! It’s tiny! I no longer have to shell out money for gas every day! Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS:
0923 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—urban sprawl
15/08/2018 Duration: 10minHello everyone! I hope you are doing great--we're in the middle of the week...a lot of people HATE it! Me? I like every day!! Okay, after listening to today's podcast, I have a question for you: Are you FOR today's expression or are you AGAINST today's expression? Leave us a message and give your opinion! Oh, and have a GREAT day, too! Coach Shane The E-cubed PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #LMEtoday #LetsMasterEnglish Today’s English expression and dialog: urban sprawl Wow! This used to be a cornfield. It’s a shopping mall, now. Urban sprawl is gross~ But people want the convenience of cities~ Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS:
0922 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—actionable
13/08/2018 Duration: 11minIt's MONDAY~~~ I hope it's a good day for you^^ For me? Well...that start was bad because my NECK is KILLING ME~ Otherwise, I'm having a good start thanks to some gooooooooood coffee!!! Today's Ecubed is SO important. It's a word--a word we ALL need to FOCUS on. Learn it, think about it, master it and DO IT! And have a super day^^ Coach Shane Today’s English expression and dialog: actionable What are you doing? Writing down my business plans for the year. Hire people? That’s not actionable. Not yet. But if the business grows it will be. Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS:
0921 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—a hot-button issue
10/08/2018 Duration: 06minHappy Friday!!! Our new Ecubed podcast is finally ready! Are there any HOT-BUTTON ISSUES in your country these days? I give you TWO in the USA! TGIF~~ The E-cubed PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! Have a great weekend, Coach Shane Today’s English expression and dialog: a hot-button issue What do you think about immigration? Ooh! That’s a hot-button issue! I know~ Any opinions? As long as it’s legal and doesn’t cost the taxpayer, no problem! Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS:
0920 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—get a quote
07/08/2018 Duration: 06minFINALLY--a new podcast! I hope you have missed me--I MISSED YOU! Enjoy the lesson and have a SUPER TUESDAY! The E-cubed PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #LMEtoday #LetsMasterEnglish ~CS Today’s English expression and dialog: get a quote USA Movers, can I help you? I’ll be moving from Las Vegas to Chicago. Can I get a quote for door-to-door service. I live in a one-bedroom. Sure thing. What’s the move-out date? Tomorrow^^ Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS:
0919 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—flip-flop and waffle
26/07/2018 Duration: 05minHello everyone!! It's the summer--perfect time to wear flip-flops and eat waffles. But do NOT flip-flop or waffle--people don't like that! Learn and Enjoy! The E-cubed PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! Oh--and be ready--a new LME Podcast is coming soon. Yes--we will be coming back SLOWLY but SURELY!! Take care, Coach Shane Today’s English expression and dialog: flip-flop and waffle You like him? He’s a flip-flopper. He makes shoes? Sandals? No! He’s a waffler! He makes breakfast waffles? NO! He changes his mind every other day to say what people want to hear! Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS:
0918 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—wishy-washy
24/07/2018 Duration: 05minHello everyone! It's Tuesday afternoon--I hope you are doing fine! I normally put out my podcasts in the morning, but I had a little time, so I decided to make one for you now!! I hope you don't mind^^ Do you know someone who NEVER makes a decision? Is that person you?! Well, I have the PERFECT adjective you can use to describe that person! Enjoy^^ The E-cubed PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! Have a great day! Coach Shane Today’s English expression and dialog: wishy-washy Are you going to make more videos after 1000? Oh, there are so many expressions to learn! So, are you going to make more videos? All my videos include great expressions! So? So, let’s learn together! You’re too wishy-washy~ Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS:
0917 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—fickle
20/07/2018 Duration: 05minTGIF! Do you have plans this weekend? If you are in DDM VIP--I will have TWO LIVE classes with you--join them both! Have a great weekend! The E-cubed PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! Today’s English expression and dialog: fickle I broke up with Mary. Why? She seems so nice. But she’s SO fickle. She’s like the weather in Chicago—one minute sunny, the next minute stormy. One minute warm, the next cold~ Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS:
0916 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—stick-to-itiveness
16/07/2018 Duration: 07minHi Everyone! Happy MONDAY! Today's word is SUPER IMPORTANT. We ALL need today's word. Learn it, master it and DO IT! The E-cubed PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! Coach Shane Today’s English expression and dialog: stick-to-itiveness Did you hear John? His English is great! I know. How did he do it? An American girlfriend? No! Stick-to-itiveness, my friend. I should start again, huh? Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS:
0915 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—TP
12/07/2018 Duration: 04minHappy Thursday!! If you do NOT have "Today's Expression" will have a VERY terrible day. Guaranteed. Trust me. Get it now. The E-cubed PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU! And PIRF LIVE students, join me for TWO classes today. Check the schedule^^ Have a great day, Coach Shane Today’s English expression and dialog: TP Hey, I don’t see any tissue. Kleenix? It’s next to the sink. No…for my…I gotta go to the bathroom~ Oh, you mean TP?! It’s under the sink. Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS:
0914 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—a homewrecker
09/07/2018 Duration: 05minHappy MONDAY! We start the week off with a word NO ONE likes to be sure to NEVER hear it! Have a LOVELY day! The E-cubed PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU! Today’s English expression and dialog: a homewrecker I think I like Scott. Scott’s married. I know. What can I do? Do NOT be a homewrecker. Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS:
0913 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—music to my ears
06/07/2018 Duration: 03minHi everyone!! It's FRIDAY! When I hear "Friday"--I use today's expression!! What are your weekend plans? Let me know! Have a super weekend^^ The E-cubed PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! Coach Shane Today’s English expression and dialog: music to my ears Dinner’s ready! Yeah! That’s music to my ears! Wash your hands first. Okay~~ Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS:
0912 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—took its toll
04/07/2018 Duration: 05minHappy Independence Day, USA!! Don't eat and drink too much--the result will TODAY'S EXPRESSION!! Enjoy the holiday AND the expression! The E-cubed PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #LMEtoday #LetsMasterEnglish Today’s English expression and dialog: took its toll Did you see Obama’s before and after picture? No, why? Eight years in Washington took its toll. Wow! He looks terrible! Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS:
0911 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—goosebumps
02/07/2018 Duration: 05minHello everyone! The 2nd half of 2018! A Monday! Today is a BRAND NEW START! Let's Master English, everyone! Enjoy today's podcast!! The E-cubed PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! Today’s English expression and dialog: goosebumps I’m cold. I should turn the heat on. Hello, Shane~~ Who said that? Who’s there? Muhahaha~ Oh~ Now I’ve really got goosebumps! HELP! Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS:
0910 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—my beacon
28/06/2018 Duration: 08minHello everyone!! It's Thursday...are you surving the week okay? I have a question: do you have a special INSPIRATION in your life? You might be able to use TODAY'S EXPRESSION if you do! I do! Find out WHO!! The E-cubed PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! Have a super day! Coach Shane #LearnEnglish #ESL #LMEtoday #LetsMasterEnglish Today’s English expression and dialog: my beacon What are you reading? Tony Robbins. You’ve read his books before! He’s my beacon! He keeps me focused. Subscribe on iTunes and get this English podcast EVERY DAY! Support the Let’s Master English team! On PayPal: Send to Or you can go here: PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Study English, FREE ENGLISH LESSONS: