Every day I will introduce a common expression or word that YOU NEED TO KNOW!! This podcast is for English learners around the world.
172 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—I like them "PLURAL NOUN"!!
20/10/2014 Duration: 05minToday’s expression and dialog: I like them ~ Ooh, I like them chocolate muffins. They’re homemade. Those are homemade? Yep! I got the recipe from my grandma! Is your grandma single? Don’t be joking about my grandma. Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
171 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—in for a bumpy ride
19/10/2014 Duration: 08minToday’s expression and dialog: in for a bumpy ride Our company lost the contract. Oh, no. We’re in for a bumpy ride. You think we’ll lose our jobs? I hope not. Let’s get out there and find new clients. Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
170 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—I couldn't have said it better! (Pronunciation TIPS!)
18/10/2014 Duration: 08minToday’s expression and dialog: Couldn’t have said it better Look at that guy! He’s eating SO much junk food. That’s why he’s so fat. Well…you are what you eat. I couldn’t have said it better. Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
169 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—I've been meaning to tell you...
17/10/2014 Duration: 06minToday’s expression and dialog: I’ve been meaning to tell you… Shane, I’ve been meaning to tell you something… What’s that, boss? I need you to come in tomorrow. Saturday? On the weekend? I’ve been meaning to tell you since Monday…I forgot. But… Thanks a lot^^ See you tomorrow~~ Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
168 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—as far as I can tell (PLUS many variations inside!)
16/10/2014 Duration: 08minToday’s expression and dialog: as far as I can tell ~ to the extent that I know from what I KNOW to my knowledge How many languages does Shane speak? He said 11, but as far as I can tell, it’s only 7. As far as I can know, he speaks about 20. No, he’s just an actor. He only speaks one. English! As far as I can remember/recall… As far as I am aware As far as I can SEE/TELL, As far as I understand As far as I have heard/observed As far as I am concerned… Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
167 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—a hang over
15/10/2014 Duration: 07minToday’s expression and dialog: a hangover…to hang over John is hanging his head over the toilet. He’s got a hangover. Did he eat something bad? No! He drank too much last night! Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
166 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—on the rocks (Whiskey or Coke?!)
14/10/2014 Duration: 06minToday’s expression and dialog: on the rocks Whisky on the rocks, please. And for you? Coke on the rocks! We don’t say that. We just say “with ice”. Oh… Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
165 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to be on the rocks
13/10/2014 Duration: 05minToday’s expression and dialog: To be on the rocks I haven’t seen Sue lately. We’re on the rocks. What’s wrong? I think we’re just bored with each other. Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
164 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—smooth sailing
12/10/2014 Duration: 06minToday’s expression and dialog: smooth sailing I finished my report! Already? Yes! The rest of the week will be smooth sailing for me! I’m so jealous! I’m not even half done! Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
163 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—Are you still...? VS You are still...?
11/10/2014 Duration: 09minToday’s expression and dialog: Are you still ~? VERSUS You are still ~? Are you still single? You are still asking me? Well, I do want some grandchildren~ Don’t worry, grandma! There’s plenty of time^^ Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
162 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST— (to) hang your hat on (something)
10/10/2014 Duration: 12minToday’s expression and dialog: (to) hang your hat on (something) Our team won yesterday! We’re gonna be the champions this year!! You played who? We played against Duncan’s team. They’re the worst team!! You can’t hang your hat on a victory against Duncan’s team! Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
161 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—sweet tooth
09/10/2014 Duration: 06minToday’s expression and dialog: sweet tooth Someone has a sweet tooth! Baklava! I LOVE this stuff! Did you buy it? No, it’s Anne’s. She’s got a bigger sweet tooth than me! Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
160 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—sneak attack
08/10/2014 Duration: 09minToday’s expression and dialog: sneak attack This cat video is SO funny! Oh my god! Look at him fly! Its brother made a sneak attack! Brothers can be so mean! Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
159 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to hammer something home
07/10/2014 Duration: 09minToday’s expression and dialog: to hammer something home You’re still drinking diet soda? Yeah. I’m fat. What do I have to do to hammer it home? Aspartame is bad for you. But I’m fat. Aspartame comes from E. coli. It’s POOP! Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
158 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to hang out
06/10/2014 Duration: 12minToday’s expression and dialog: hang out Let’s hang out at the mall today. Why? Let’s just hang out at home. Home is boring! The mall is the same! Staring at people and eating junk food! BORING! Starbucks? Okay. Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
157 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—Keep it together!!
05/10/2014 Duration: 10minToday’s expression and dialog: keep it together Oh…I don’t know if I can. Come on! Keep it together. But I’m scared! You baby! It’s only a 90-meter bungee jump! GO!! Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Join PIRF—Coach Shane’s Speaking Class!) (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
156 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—I can't help but DO SOMETHING!
04/10/2014 Duration: 12minToday’s expression and dialog: can’t help but do something What are you doing? I’m eating more cake. You are supposed to be on a diet. But it’s SO good. I can’t help but eat it. Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
155 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—monkey business
03/10/2014 Duration: 13minToday’s expression and dialog: monkey business Enough monkey business! Get back to work. Makeup is NOT monkey business. Is makeup expensive? Yes. Will you buy more? Yes. Then get back to work! Earn some money. Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
154 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—busy work
02/10/2014 Duration: 07minToday’s expression and dialog: busy work My employees have nothing to do. Give them busy work. Like what? Hmm…how about cleaning keyboards? Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel:
153 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—All you gotta do is...
01/10/2014 Duration: 07minToday’s expression and dialog: all you gotta do is… I wanna master English. All you gotta do is study a little every day. No. All I gotta do is find an American girlfriend. Yeah! Good luck! Please subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY! Support Coach Shane by giving $1 a month! Our sponsors: (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!) (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) (Join DDM and get 1 lesson every week!) Our YouTube channel: