Bulletproof Executive Radio was born out of a fifteen-year single-minded crusade to upgrade the human being using every available technology. It distills the knowledge of world-class MDs, biochemists, Olympic nutritionists, meditation experts, and more than $1M spent on personal self-experiments. From private brain EEG facilities hidden in a Canadian forest to remote monasteries in Tibet, from Silicon Valley to the Andes, high tech entrepreneur Dave Asprey used hacking techniques and tried everything himself, obsessively focused on discovering: What are the simplest things you can do to be better at everything? Welcome to being Bulletproof, the State of High Performance where you take control and improve your biochemistry, your body, and your mind so they work in unison, helping you execute at levels far beyond what youd expect, without burning out, getting sick, or just acting like a stressed-out a-hole. It used to take a lifetime to radically rewire the human body and mind this way. Technology has changed the rules. Follow along as Dave Asprey and guests provide you with everything you need to upgrade your mind, body, and life.
Live from London: Tech Hacks, Gut Bacteria, Positive Energy & More
05/07/2016 Duration: 01h25minDescription not available at this time, check back later See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Taking on the USDA One Penny at a Time with Gunnar Lovelace
01/07/2016 Duration: 56minGunnar Lovelace is a serial entrepreneur in nonprofits, technology, fashion and real estate. Most recently he is the founder and co-CEO of Thrive Market, an online wholesale buying club on a mission to make healthy living easy and affordable for every American family. On this episode of Bulletproof Radio, Dave and Gunnar talk about food co-ops, marketing healthy food, food politics, the grocery supply chain, the power of your vote, McDonalds and more. Enjoy the show! See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
June Q&A: Psoriasis, Soda Replacements, Alternative Education & More
28/06/2016 Duration: 52minIn this episode of Bulletproof Radio, we've selected the best questions that Bulletproof fans submitted through our voicemail, Facebook and the Bulletproof® Forums, for a great May Q&A. Listen to Dave and Bulletproof Coach trainer Dr. Mark Atkinson talk about psoriasis, sparkling mineral water and other soda replacements, depression, Waldorf schools, Brain Octane serving suggestions, plateaus in weight loss and more. Enjoy the show! See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
His & Hers Hormones with Dr. Tami Meraglia
24/06/2016 Duration: 01h09minDr. Tami Meraglia is a double board certified physician in Aesthetic Medicine and Integrative & Natural Medicine. Dr. Tami is passionate about creating natural aesthetic results in her patients. Additionally, she can help discover and correct any medical conditions, hormonal deficiencies, or hormonal imbalances that help people feel and look more beautiful and energetic. On today's episode of Bulletproof Radio, Tami and Dave talk about testosterone and other adrenal hormones, libido advice, birth control, DHEA preferences, fat for kids and more. Enjoy the show! See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
From Rock-Bottom to Rock-Hard Abs with Natalie Jill
21/06/2016 Duration: 01h01minNatalie Jill is the author of 7 Day Jump Start - Unprocess Your Diet, and helps people across the globe reach their health, fitness, and business goals. Natalie leveraged the power of the Internet and created a globally recognized brand with over two million social media followers, leading to an online business that has generated over 7-figures in revenue! Many see Natalie Jill as a fitness and nutrition expert, but she is increasingly garnering attention for her ability to help others create, define, and monetize their brand in the online space. On today's episode of Bulletproof Radio, Dave and Natalie talk about breakfast, social media, unprocessed foods, gluten-free definitions, willpower and getting into the fat-burning mode. Enjoy the show! See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Downward Dog Like a Real Life Warrior One with Mark Divine
17/06/2016 Duration: 01h05minMark Divine is a retired SEAL with 20 years of service and a best-selling author. He's drawn on his SEAL experience to develop exercise and leadership teachings, notably detailed in his book The Way of the SEAL. This serves as Mark's second appearance on Bulletproof Radio, and follows the release of his latest work, Kokoro Yoga: Maximize Your Human Potential and Develop the Spirit of a Warrior--the SEALfit Way. On today's episode of Bulletproof Radio, Dave and Mark talk about the differences between Kokoro and Ashtanga yoga, combat stress, kryptonite, meditation, visualization, flexibility and more. Enjoy the show! See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Why We Need to KO the GMO with Don Huber
13/06/2016 Duration: 01h23minDr. Don Huber, Professor Emeritus of Plant Pathology at Purdue University, holds B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Idaho, a Ph-D from Michigan State University, and is a graduate of the US Army Command & General Staff College and Industrial College of the Armed Forces. He was Cereal Pathologist at the University of Idaho for 8 years before joining the Department of Botany & Plant Pathology at Purdue University in 1971. His agricultural research the past 55 years has focused on the epidemiology and control of soilborne plant pathogens with emphasis on microbial ecology, cultural and biological controls, nutrient-disease interactions, pesticide-disease interactions and techniques for rapid microbial identification. On today's episode of Bulletproof Radio, Dave and Dr. Huber talk about glyphosates, GMOs, natural mycotoxins, fertility, concerns for the global population, biological system and more. Enjoy the show! See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Rocking the Spectrum with Joe Biel - #317
10/06/2016 Duration: 01h04minJoe Biel is a self-made publisher and filmmaker who draws origins, inspiration, and methods from punk rock. He is the founder/manager of Microcosm Publishing and co-founder of the Portland Zine Symposium. Joe is the author of Good Trouble: Building a Successful Life & Business on the Spectrum. On this episode of Bulletproof Radio, Dave and Joe talk about growing up with Asperger's, learning values from punk rock, succeeding in business on the spectrum, stress management, quality books, repairing the publishing system and more. Enjoy the show! See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Steven Breitbach & Maryam Henein: Honey, We Shrank the Bees - #316
07/06/2016 Duration: 01h01minMaryam Henein and Steve Breitbach come to Bulletproof Radio as experts in the world of bees. Maryam is a journalist and founder of HoneyColony, an online community of healthy, quality food advocates. She also directed Vanishing of the Bees, a documentary exploring the causes and effects of bee colony collapses worldwide. Steven is a natural foods entrepreneur. He founded HiveMind Bee Pollen, a premium brand of pollen sourced from ethical, family run California apiaries. On today's episode of Bulletproof Radio, the duo and Dave talk about pollen, pesticides, product labeling, allergies and treatments, cheap and raw honey, royal jelly and more. Enjoy the show! See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Daniel DeBaun: Keeping Your Lady & Man Parts Safe... From EMF - #315
03/06/2016 Duration: 55minDaniel DeBaun is a leader in shielding electronic emissions and protecting our bodies from potentially harmful radiation. He's spent his career as a technical expert in telecommunications, and now is highly focused on the electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation exposures from electronic devices. Daniel serves as CEO of DefenderShield, a health and wellness technology company that has created the most effective EMF protection solutions ever developed. On today's episode of Bulletproof Radio, Dave and Daniel talk about EMF emissions, Bluetooth vs. Wifi, European radiation standards, fallacies regarding EMR and more. Enjoy the show! See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Mark Sisson: Get Primal on Your Cardio- #314
31/05/2016 Duration: 01h05minHealth and fitness expert Mark Sisson is the bestselling author of The Primal Blueprint and one of the leading voices of the Evolutionary Health Movement. His blog,, has paved the way for Primal enthusiasts to challenge conventional wisdom's diet and exercise principles and take personal responsibility for their health and well-being. Mark's efforts to promote primal living extend to a line of nutritional supplements, a book publishing company, a Primal Kitchen line with healthy mayonnaise, salad dressing, meal replacement and energy bar, and a burgeoning Primal Kitchen fast casual restaurant chain. His new book Primal Endurance applies the primal eating and lifestyle principles to the challenge of endurance training-helping athletes overcome the common conditions of burnout and carbohydrate dependency. We're also happy to announce that Mark will be speaking at the 2016 Bulletproof Conference! On today's episode of Bulletproof Radio, Mark and Dave talk about Primal Endurance, training rout
Erin Oprea - Tabatas: Like Getting HIIT by a 4x4 - #313
27/05/2016 Duration: 58minErin Oprea is a former Marine of nine years, including two tours in Iraq. She lead the first all-female platoon attached to the infantry in a war zone and now is a trainer for over ten years with celebrity clients Carrie Underwood, LeeAnn Womack, Kellie Pickler, Jana Kramer and Jennifer Nettles, just to name a few. She is the author of The 4x4 Diet, which helps people focus their eating in four key areas and create workouts based on Tabata timing for great results. On today's episode of Bulletproof Radio, Dave and Erin talk about endurance training, high-intensity training, toxic foods, her work with celebrities, her experiences in Iraq, writing a recipe book and more. Enjoy the show! See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
May Q&A: Sinuses, Teens, Depression & Dave's Last Meal on Earth - #312
24/05/2016 Duration: 47minIn this episode of Bulletproof Radio, we've selected the best questions that Bulletproof fans submitted through our voicemail, Facebook and the Bulletproof® Forums, for a great May Q&A. Listen to Dave and Bulletproof Coach trainer Dr. Mark Atkinson talk about daily eating habits, meals for the last day on Earth, sinusitis and mold, Bulletproof Coffee for teens and more. This episode covers a variety of topics based on your questions. Thank you and enjoy the show! See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Sid Baker: Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetle Larvae? - #311
20/05/2016 Duration: 01h12minSidney Baker is a doctor, author and lecturer who helped in founding functional medicine and Autism organizations and developed patents and inventions within the medical information technology field. Dr. Baker raises HDCs and probiotics including grain beetles for consumption by patients with autoimmune problems. He has a longstanding devotion to the idea that the patient, not the diagnosis, is the target of treatment. On today's episode of Bulletproof Radio, Dave and Sid talk about Autism causation and treatment, pediatrics, eating beetles and worms, autoimmunity, activated charcoal, C-Sections and more. Enjoy the show! See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Harsha Chigurupati: Liver-Lovin' Liquor - #310
17/05/2016 Duration: 01h03minHarsha Chigurupati is the founder of Chigurupati Technologies, a research-focused company with the mission "to aid in the evolution of mankind." Chigurupati is the inventor of NTX Technology, a technology that gave rise to a new category of alcoholic beverages called Functional Spirits, which maintains the positive experiences associated with alcohol consumption while reducing alcohol-induced stress on the body. Chigurupati and his partners recently petitioned the TTF to allow them to use accurate, scientifically-backed health claims on their labels. On today's episode of Bulletproof Radio, Dave and Harsha talk about NTX's manufacturing process, nutrition labels, the Functional Spirit, alcohol regulations, hangover solutions and more. Enjoy the show! See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Vishen Lakhiani: 10 Laws & Four-Letter Words - #309
13/05/2016 Duration: 57minVishen Lakhiani is a meditation expert, philanthropist and founder and CEO of Mindvalley. Mindvalley is a premiere edu-tech company specializing in promoting improvements with personal well-being, mindfulness, relationships, fitness and entrepreneurship. His new book, The Code of the Extraordinary Mind, discusses ways to optimize the brain for prime happiness and performance. On today's episode of Bulletproof Radio, Dave and Vishen talk about luck, being "unfuckwithable," developing language habits, the indoctrination of beliefs, goal-setting and more. Enjoy the show! See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Dan Kittredge - Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch
10/05/2016 Duration: 01h53sDan Kittredge is a life-long organic farmer as well as founder and executive director of the Bionutrient Food Association. The BFA advocates for the shift from the century-long paradigm of factory farming to one in which quality food is profitable, ecologically sustainable, tastier and equally available to all. On today's episode of Bulletproof Radio, Dave and Dan talk about organic farming, finding quality vegetables, supplementing your diet, nutrient-rich foods and a simple diet. Enjoy the show! See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
James Swanwick - Be Wiser Without Budweiser : 307
06/05/2016 Duration: 01h02minJames Swanwick is an Australian-American entrepreneur, former SportsCenter anchor on ESPN and host of The James Swanwick Show podcast. He is the creator of the 30 Day No Alcohol Challenge, which helps you reduce or quit alcohol. On today's episode of Bulletproof Radio, James and Dave talk about the social pressure to drink alcohol and how to conquer it, the marketing tactics of the alcohol industry, considering light as a drug and more. Enjoy the show!See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Tony Robbins & Peter Diamandis - Special Podcast, Live From The Genius Network
03/05/2016 Duration: 55minThis special episode of Bulletproof Radio showcases an exclusive conversation between Tony Robbins, Peter Diamandis and Joe Polish through Joe's Genius Network. Tony Robbins is a world-famous motivational speaker, personal finance instructor and self-help author who partnered with Feeding America to provide 100 million meals to families in need. Peter Diamandis is an engineer, physician and entrepreneur best known for being the founder and chairman of the X Prize Foundation. The X Prize is a competition in which thinkers from all walks of life work on innovations to improve the world, and it has been integral to the development of commercial space travel. During this episode of Bulletproof Radio, Peter and Tony talk about solving humanity's challenges, stress and adversity, achieving the impossible, the power of live-work integration and more! Enjoy the show. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Jonny Bowden - The Proof is in the Pork #305
29/04/2016 Duration: 51minJonny Bowden is a nationally known board-certified nutritionist and expert on diet and weight loss. He has appeared on the Dr. Oz Show, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC and CBS and has contributed to articles in The New York Times, Forbes, The Daily Beast, The Huffington Post, Vanity Fair Online, Men's Heath, Prevention and dozens of other print and online publications. He is the best-selling author of 15 books and his latest is Smart Fat: Eat More Fat, Lose More Weight, Get Healthy Now! On today's episode of Bulletproof Radio, Dave and Jonny talk about the low-fat diet myth, evidence-based diet claims, contaminated foods, plant-based fats, recommended Omega ratios and more. Enjoy the show! See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at