Commonwealthy trains candidates and activists who understand the benefits of smaller limited government to win elections. With over 500,000 elected offices in America, it is vital for liberty leaning people to step up and run for state and local office. Political candidate coach, John Tsarpalas, interviews experts from the many areas of political campaigns. Every week another step in the campaign process or ideas for activism are presented. From fundraising to polling, to the basic soul searching before you decide to run, Commonwealthy discusses it all.
All Politics is Local CW 17
04/08/2015 Duration: 40minThis week I have a very special guest joining me on the podcast, Illinois State Senator Jason Barickman. For a young man of forty, Jason has a wealth of experience in different levels of local and state politics. Today Jason will share with us some of the keys to his success in the political arena since his university days.
Media Relations CW 16
28/07/2015 Duration: 27minThis week Paul Miller joins me as a special guest to discuss media relations. Paul is the head of the political and media consulting group, The Paulie Group. As a respected authority on journalism, media relations, national politics, foreign policy and media accountability, Paul has been quoted and sourced by the New York Times, Fox News, Chicago Tribune and the Washington Times. He has had countless stories published on The Hill, The Drudge Report and Breitbart. He has been on countless radio programs and worked on many political campaigns.
Using Volunteers in a Political Campaign CW 15
21/07/2015 Duration: 31minThis week Tina is back on the podcast with me to discuss the ins and outs of having volunteers in a political campaign. There’s nothing more valuable and precious in a campaign than a volunteer’s time. Having people who will come help you run for local office will save you a lot of time and money. The question is, how do you get and keep volunteers?
Voter ID Scripts CW 14
14/07/2015 Duration: 29minThis week Tina Keats and I discuss voter ID scripts. Whether you are having volunteers calling voters or go door to door or you are doing it yourself, you will want to have a voter ID script prepared to make the most of your interaction. The data that you collect from your voter interactions are very important to the success of your political campaign!
Targeting Voters CW 13
07/07/2015 Duration: 27minThis week Tina Keats is back on the podcast with me to discuss targeting voters. Since you probably can’t talk to every person in your precinct, you will need to be selective in order to be the most efficient with your time and resources. Where do you start?
Name Recognition CW 11
23/06/2015 Duration: 13minWe are going to talk about something that is important to every candidate. That’s name recognition. How do you get people to know who you are, recognize your name? Name ID is sort of key. It’s one of the reasons incumbents have the edge. People know the name and they just feel comfortable, as long as something bad isn’t associated with it.
Door to Door CW 10
16/06/2015 Duration: 18minThis week I will walk you through one of the best ways to ensure a win in your local election: going door to door. This practical podcast will teach you everything you need to know in order to make the most of your time and be successful at knocking on doors in your community.
Working the Room CW 09
09/06/2015 Duration: 18minKnowing how to successfully take advantage of being around large groups of people is important if you are going to win your election. Learn practical things that you need to know in order to thrive in this type of setting.
Initiative and Referendum CW 08
02/06/2015 Duration: 36minI am excited to have Paul share with us today about the basics of the initiative and referendum process. Not only can these be used to change your community for the better, but also initiatives and referendums are often used in political campaigns to drive out the vote and create interest among certain groups.
Petition Process CW 07
26/05/2015 Duration: 22minThe one thing that we all need is more time, and we are going to show you how to petition so that you can be effective at getting the signatures you need at the same time as launching your campaign.
Campaign Election Law Basics CW 06
19/05/2015 Duration: 29minWe want you to know ahead of time what you will need to know to keep your campaign on the up and up, as well as how to avoid those pesky fines! Join us today as we lay a foundation for a good campaign run the legal way!
Campaign Palm Cards CW 05
12/05/2015 Duration: 24minThese cards are a campaign staple that every candidate needs to have as soon as they start campaigning. We are going to go through designing palm cards step by step so that you can have effective literature that helps people learn about you and then vote for you!
Know What You Think CW 04
05/05/2015 Duration: 15minWhat you can do to help prepare yourself in a low-risk environment to answer people’s questions on different issues before you run for office.
Analyzing Past Elections CW 03
30/04/2015 Duration: 30minWe talk about the importance of analyzing past election results. Get an understanding of how many people could potentially vote in your election.
Running for Local Office CW 02
29/04/2015 Duration: 40minToday we will be discussing what you and your family need to be aware of up front before you decide to campaign. Do you have a realistic idea of what it will be like to be involved in a local political campaign?
Understanding the Local Political Landscape CW 01
28/04/2015 Duration: 20minKnow the political landscape before you jump into an election. What groups are behind the slates and candidates involved in this particular local election? And what should you do about these groups before you run for office?
Commonwealthy Podcast Introduction
22/04/2015 Duration: 57sWould you like to be an influencer in your town or city? Do you have aspirations to run for public office? Do you believe in the importance of small, limited government? Then the Commonwealthy podcast is for you! In this episode, you’ll learn: · The purpose of Commonwealthy Podcast and who it is meant to serve. · John Tsarpalas – Professional campaign trainer, winning campaign and candidate coach. · Commonwealthy welcomes questions - Ever want to ask a professional campaign consultant your most pressing questions? Find out how you can get the answers you need to win your election. Something you don’t understand about campaigns? Just ask. Contact Information Email: