SMX (Search Marketing Expo) is the new search engine marketing conference from Third Door Media, the company behind the Search Engine Land news site and the Search Marketing Now webcast series. SMX is programmed by the sharpest minds in search marketing. Together, Search Engine Land editor-in-chief Danny Sullivan and executive editor Chris Sherman have covered the topics, interviewed the luminaries and educated generations of search marketers for years.
Google Launches Estimated Cross-Device Conversions in AdWords: Mobile Marketing Implications
11/10/2013 Duration: 03min[Following the announcement that Google Launches Es/>
Google Hummingbird: Moving to the Semantic Web
11/10/2013 Duration: 08min[Google Hummingbird: Moving to the Semantic Web as />
Not Provided and Google Authorship Discussion with Dixon Jones
11/10/2013 Duration: 04min[Not Provided and Google Authorship discussed as Mi/>
State of Conference Going During Recession
10/06/2010 Duration: 07min[Gregory Roper. Associate Director of Sales for the Bell Harbor International Conference Center, site of SMX Advanced 2010, gives his take on the state of conferences during the recession. />
Convergence of Social Media and Search
10/06/2010 Duration: 04min[Senior Director, Public Relations at Covario Rick Clancy discusses how his company is able to fit into the convergence of social media and search./>
Ultimate Social Media Tools
10/06/2010 Duration: 03min[MySpace Senior Online Marketing Manager Tony Adam discusses his participation on the Ultimate Social Media Tools panel at SMX Advanced 2010. />
Search Marketer Interest to Google TV
10/06/2010 Duration: 02min[Danny Dover, a SEO Specialist at SEOmoz, discusses how Google TV piques the curiosity of search marketers, plus we learn about new toolsets in the works over at SEOMoz. />
Microsoft AdCenter at SMX Advanced 2010
10/06/2010 Duration: 02min[Gillian visit Microsoft AdCenter on the SMX Advanced 2010 show floor. We learn about their work using Bing, new advertising tools in the works and more. />
SMX Testimonials: Aaron Kronis and Ania Dziadon
10/06/2010 Duration: 02min[ Search Engine Expert Aaron Kronis and Ania Dziadon, chief strategist and founder of Add Optimization, express their love of the agenda and getting to hear from Matt Cutts, Rand Fishkin and others. />
Success of SMX Advanced 2010
09/06/2010 Duration: 03min[Chris Elwell is President of Third Door Media, which organizes the SMX Conference Series. He tells us about the success of coming into SMX Advanced sold out, plus he gives us an overview of the sessions and the show floor. />
Translating Your Pricing Model To Legal Agreement
09/06/2010 Duration: 02min[Will Scott, President, Search Influence speaks with Gillian Muessig prior to his SMX Advanced 2010 presentation on Opening The Contracts Kimono: Translating Your Pricing Model To Legal Agreement./>
Search Intelligence Company Linkdex Launched
20/10/2009 Duration: 29min[Search Intelligence Company Linkdex Launches from SMX East 2009. CEO and founder John Straw tells us about the beta launch of its first product SearchDNA, which lets users identify highly authoritative and relevant sites from a web-map of more than one trillion links./>
Moniker at SMX East 2009
15/10/2009 Duration: 03min[Domain name industry registrar and Domain Asset Management Company Moniker is profiled by Senior Account Executive Don Lyons./>
eDirectory at SMX East 2009
15/10/2009 Duration: 03min[eDirectory CEO James Chubb discusses how their software powers thousands of online buyers guides, yellow pages, by way of rapid deployment of highly customized, SEO friendly directory site./>
NVI Interactive Strategy
15/10/2009 Duration: 04min[NVI Solutions Account Manager CT Moore tells us about his companys specialization in blending SEO, PPC, social media, user retention, display advertising, and web development./>
Developing Domains
15/10/2009 Duration: 05min[Tony Cassella of and Steven Kaziyev, president and founder of Inc. are looking to develop domains as they explain why they are attending SMX East 2009./>
Staffing Internet Marketing Jobs
15/10/2009 Duration: 03min[Onward Search Director of Staffing Services Jennifer Walsh, whose company offers Internet Marketing Jobs and Creative Staffing Services for nationwide job seekers and employers./>
Advantages of Attending a SMX Conference
15/10/2009 Duration: 05min[Victor Pitts speaks to Bruce Clay prior to his participation on the SMX East 2009 Ask the SEO panel, and he offers his take on the advantages he finds from attending SMX conferences./>
Submit Express at SMX East 2009
15/10/2009 Duration: 04min[Submit Express Vice President of Sales and Marketing Allen Horwitz discusses his companys work providing search engine optimization and Internet marketing services./>
NETexponent at SMX East 2009
13/10/2009 Duration: 02min[Founder and CEO of Search and Affiliate Marketing Agency NETexponent Peter Figueredo gives his take on attending SMX East 2009./>