Now and then the cast of the Tome Show gets to interview someone in the game industry...this is a collection of those episodes. Visit for more Tome Show Productions.
Round Table 73 - Roll20
15/06/2015 Duration: 58minJames Introcaso sits down with Roll20 cofounder Nolan T. Jones to discuss the storied history of the virtual game table, Roll20’s business and gaming philosophies, the capabilities of the table, [...]
Susan J. Morris (Gamer to Gamer)
03/06/2015 Duration: 43minJames Introcaso sits down with Susan J. Morris, author and editor of numerous
Round Table 69 - Fantasy Grounds 2
19/05/2015 Duration: 39minJames Introcaso sits down with Doug Davidson of SmiteWorks, makers of
Round Table 68 - d20 Modern, Realms Update, and Kobold Press
11/05/2015 Duration: 01h22minJames Introcaso sits down with Dave Gibson,
Round Table 65 - SB 101, Conversion Guides, and Phoenix: Dawn Command
20/04/2015 Duration: 01h12minJames Introcaso sits down with
Gamer to Gamer - Rich Baker
25/03/2015 Duration: 03h14minJames Introcaso sits down with Rich Baker, game designer, novelist, and cofounder of Sasquatch Game Studio. Rich helped created the Birthright< [...]
Fire in the Blood (Tome Book Club)
18/03/2015 Duration: 01h31minIn this episode of the Book Club Jeff and Tracy are joined by Eric M. Paquette, Geoff Winn, and Christine Bellemere to talk about Fire in the Blood, the latest Forgotten Realms novel by Erin M. Evans. Their discussion is followed by an interview with the author! Support the show, shop below…
Rob Schwalb (Gamer to Gamer)
13/03/2015 Duration: 33minJames Introcaso sits down with Rob Schwalb, professional game designer who has worked for Green Ronin,
Erin M. Evans (Gamer to Gamer)
30/01/2015 Duration: 01h02minJames Introcaso sits down with author and novelist Erin M. Evans to talk about the games she loves to play, her personal gaming life, and her career. Erin’s the hotte [...]
Round Table 48 - Codename: Morningstar Kickstarter II
23/12/2014 Duration: 56minJames Introcaso sits down with Rachael aka Hobo the Delightful and Chris Matney of Trapdoor Technologies to talk about their
Keith Baker (Gamer to Gamer)
17/12/2014 Duration: 44minJames Introcaso sits down with Keith Baker, creator of the
Round Table 46 - RPG Creators Relief Fund
08/12/2014 Duration: 44minJames Introcaso sits down with Hal Greenberg, Steven Long, and [...]
The Rise of Tiamat Review (Tome 244)
28/11/2014 Duration: 01h35minThe 5e review gang joins Jeff and Tracy again this episode. This time we take on the second half of the Tyranny of Dragons story-line: The Rise of Tiamat. This is the continuation of the story that began in the Hoard of the Dragon Queen - how does the story end? Listen as James Introcaso, Mike Shea, and Sam Dillon discuss the adventure with Jeff and Tracy. The discussion is followed by an interview with Steve Winter, the lead designer of the campaign.
Jeremy Crawford (Gamer to Gamer)
26/11/2014 Duration: 36minJames Introcaso sits down with Jeremy Crawford, one of the lead designers of fifth editio [...]
Round Table 43 - Codename: Morningstar & Organized Play
17/11/2014 Duration: 04h14minJames Introcaso sits down with Mike Shea,
Wade Rockett (Gamer to Gamer)
14/11/2014 Duration: 50minJames Introcaso sits down with Wade Rockett, freelance game designer, editor, and marketing guru who has worked on
The Herald (Book Club)
05/11/2014 Duration: 01h37minIn this episode of the Book Club we talk about The Herald. This final novel in the Sundering Series is set in the Forgotten Realms and written by the creator of the realms himself, Ed Greenwood ( Joining Jeff for this episode is Eric Paquette.
Round Table 41 - DungeonScape, DMG, and Kobold Guide To Combat
03/11/2014 Duration: 01h23minRound Table 41 - DungeonScape, DMG, and Kobold Guide To Combat James Introcaso sits down with Alex Basso,
Round Table 38 - D&D Movie Rights and DungeonScape
13/10/2014 Duration: 04h53minRound Table 38 - D&D Movie Rights and DungeonScape James Introcaso sits down with Rudy Basso, Alex Basso,