A Canadian podcast covering all things board gaming related. We also have a YouTube channel [] where we post board game reviews and our signature Before & Afters.
Euro-game & Ameritrash
09/11/2016 Duration: 02h16minJacob & Jeffery discuss Ethics & Morals of Copyright Infringement surrounding Kickstarter. They cover the BGG Hotness, then cover the Terminology Euro-Game & Amerithrash
Essen Look Back
27/10/2016 Duration: 01h57minJacob and Jeffrey break down what they have been playing in the last few months, and talk about Jeffrey's recent Essen experience. Then they delve down the tunnel of BGG Hotness and Kickstarter.
Is "Gateway Game" an accurate term?
27/07/2016 Duration: 02h23minJacob and Jeffrey break down what they have been playing, followed by what they want to play. Then they delve down the tunnel of BGG Hotness and Kickstarter, following up with a surprising discussion about the term "Gateway Game"
Interview With David Minken
13/07/2016 Duration: 02h58minJacob and Jeffrey discuss Kickstarter Hype, Board Game Geek Hotness and then Interview David Minken from Stay2Play and Connectmore, two very interesting Boardgame related companies.
Anticipated Games 2016
29/06/2016 Duration: 02h53minJacob and Jeffrey discuss Kickstarter Hype, Board Game Geek Hotness and their Anticipated Games of 2016
Emotions in Gaming
15/06/2016 Duration: 02h36minJacob and Jeffrey talk Kickstarter and the Hotness, followed by a depthy look into Emotions and how they play a large role in Gaming.
Literally the Worst Rule Books
01/06/2016 Duration: 01h46minJacob and Jeffrey discuss the Latest Kickstarter / BGG Hotness then discuss Literally the Worst Rule Books
The Value or Worth of a Game
18/05/2016 Duration: 01h35minJacob and Jeffrey discuss the Latest Kickstarter / BGG Hotness then discuss what makes a game worth buying.
First 5 Games You Re-Buy After Losing Your Collection
04/05/2016 Duration: 01h44minJacob and Jeffrey Chat about the latest Buzz on the BGG Hotness & Kickstarter. Followed by which games 5 games they would re-buy after losing their collection, if they could only get 5 for the next 6 months. They also talk about what games they would buy out of each others collections.
Theme Makes Gaming Better & Kickstarter, Good or Bad?
20/04/2016 Duration: 01h39minJacob and Jeffrey discuss a few games, and how theme can improve your game group. Then talk about their thoughts on Kickstarter and how it relates to the hobby
Golden Geek Awards & Top 5 Desert Island Games
06/04/2016 Duration: 02h19minIn this episode of Meeple Leaf Reviews; Jacob and Jeffrey Banter About, then Discuss the 2015 Golden Geek Awards. They Finally finish up with their Top 5 Desert Island Games.
Top 5 Games You Need To Play More Than Once To Appreciate
21/03/2016 Duration: 01h24minIn this episode of Meeple Leaf Reviews; Jacob and Jeffrey try their new Banter Format. They also Discuss there Top 5 Games you need to Play more than Once to Appreciate
Grand Austria Hotel & Best/Worst Art In Games
06/03/2016 Duration: 01h20minIn this episode of Meeple Leaf Reviews; Jacob and Jeffrey review Grand Austria Hotel, and discuss The Best & Worst Artwork In Gaming. They also Discuss the NEW FORMAT they will be trying out in Future Episodes
Xenoshyft & Literally The Worst Gamer Habits
22/02/2016 Duration: 01h07minJacob and Jeffrey Review Xenoshfyt Onslaught, by Micheal Shinall and Cool Mini or Not. Then in their Main Topic, they discuss all the Gamer Habits that Frustrate them to no End!
Blood Rage & 2015 Games We Are Looking To Get Played
08/02/2016 Duration: 01h09minIn this episode of Meeple Leaf Reviews; Jacob and Jeffrey review Blood Rage, and discuss Games From 2015 That Have Yet To Hit The Table
The Voyages of Marco Polo & Literally the Worst: Game Mechanics
26/01/2016 Duration: 01h22minIn this episode of Meeple Leaf Reviews; Jacob and Jeffrey review The Voyages of Marco Polo, and discuss Game Mechanics that are Literally the Worst.
Imperial Settlers & Underrated Games
11/01/2016 Duration: 01h27minIn this episode of Meeple Leaf Reviews, Jacob and Jeffrey review Imperial Settlers from Portal Games, and discuss their Top 3 Underrated Games.
Thrash'n Roll and Overrated Games
28/12/2015 Duration: 01h35minIn this episode of Meeple Leaf Reviews, Jacob and Jeffrey review Thrash'n Roll from Game Fabrica, and discuss their top 3 overrated games.
Above and Below & Games That Killed Other Games
14/12/2015 Duration: 01h09minIn this episode of Meeple Leaf Reviews, Jacob and Jeffrey review Above and Below from Red Raven Games and discuss their Top 3 Games that killed other Games.
T.I.M.E Stories and Literally the Worst Games
30/11/2015 Duration: 01h18minIn the pilot episode of Meeple Leaf Reviews, Jacob and Jeffrey introduce themselves by talking about how they got into gaming. During the review segment, they take a look at T.I.M.E Stories from Space Cowboys. Finally, during the main topic, they discuss the games that they had the worst experiences playing.