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Montana Medical Marijuana Ruled by State Supreme Court
02/03/2016Montana Medical Marijuana Ruled by Montana’s state Supreme Court ending a lengthy battle over the future of medical marijuana industry
Vermont Marijuana Legalization Bill Goes to Senate
02/03/2016Vermont Marijuana Legalization Bill Goes to Senate as The Vermont Senate Committee on Appropriations approved a bill that would end marijuana prohibition.
Rhode Island Marijuana Legalization
23/02/2016Rhode Island Marijuana Legalization as Senate Majority Leader Dominick Ruggerio wil co-sponsor of a bill to treat marijuana like alcohol.
Denver Crime Rate Not Affected By Marijuana Legalization
20/02/2016Denver Crime Rate Not Affected By Marijuana Legalization as legalization supporters, opponents and neutrals within Colorado agree on: It’s unlikely marijuana has much to do with Denver’s recent uptick in crime.
Marijuana Impacts New Hampshire Democratic Primary
18/02/2016Marijuana Impacts New Hampshire Democratic Primary as Democrat Bernie Sanders swept to thumping outsider victory in the New Hampshire primary
Woody Harrelson Seeks Hawaii Marijuana Dispensary License
18/02/2016Woody Harrelson, Actor and marijuana advocate, was one of nearly 60 applicants to apply to open one of Hawaii's first medical marijuana dispensaries.
Australia Cannabis Legalization Bill Set To Pass
18/02/2016Australia Cannabis Legalization Bill Set To Pass as it appears set to legalize the growing of marijuana for medical use nationwide
Alaska Marijuana Onsite Consumption Discussed
18/02/2016Alaska Marijuana Onsite Consumption Discussed as Alaska Marijuana regulators discuss onsite consumption issues as the board tasked with regulating Alaska's legal pot industry provided guidance.
Colorado Marijuana Shop Tied to Strip Club and Mayor
18/02/2016Colorado Marijuana Shop tied to strip club and mayor as The Smokin Gun Apothecary opened on a site formerly occupied by the Denver area's best known strip club, Shotgun Willie's.
New Mexico Marijuana Legalization Measure Rejected
18/02/2016New Mexico marijuana legalization measure rejected as a proposal that would legalize and tax recreational marijuana. Six Democrats joined Republicans to oppose the measure in a 17-24 Senate vote.
Ohio Cannabis Legalization Leader Renegs
18/02/2016Leader of the failed Responsible Ohio cannabis legalization campaign has reneged on a promise to return for a “free market” legalization campaign in 2016.
MPP Planning Ohio Medical Marijuana Drive
18/02/2016MPP planning Ohio medical marijuana drive as both chambers of the Ohio legislature prepare to embark on separate fact-finding missions in order to evaluate the benefits and risks of legalizing marijuana for medical purposes.
Utah Medical Marijuana Bills Discussed
18/02/2016Utah Medical marijuana bills are discussed. During a House Republican caucus members heard two approaches to legalizing medical marijuana
Obama Medical Marijuana Reform Not 0n 2016 Agenda
18/02/2016President Obama Medical Marijuana Reform Not 0n 2016 Agenda as White House press secretary John Earnest said any progress on marijuana reform would need to come through Congress.
Florida Medical Marijuana Amendment Set For 2016
18/02/2016Florida Medical Marijuana Amendment Set For 2016 as voters will get another chance to decide whether to allow medical marijuana in Florida
Ohio Medical Marijuana Petition Rejected a Third Time
18/02/2016Ohio Medical Marijuana Petition Rejected a Third Time Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine Rejects the State's Medical Marijuana Petition a Third Time. On January 13th, the Ohio Attorney General's Office received a written petition to amend the Ohio Constitution, entitled "Ohio Medical Cannabis Amendment," from the group Ohio Medical Cannabis Care LLC, the third submission of such a titled amendment by this group. 1,000 valid signatures from registered Ohio voters were submitted.
USPS Says Marijuana Ads In The Mail Are Illegal
18/02/2016The U.S. Postal Service or USPS says it’s illegal to mail materials containing advertising for marijuana products, even in states that have legalized the federally controlled substance. The policy statement released this week comes in response to a letter from Oregon’s Congressional delegation asking the service to clarify its policy on the issue. In November, a memo distributed in the Portland postal district said it was unlawful for newspaper outlets to run marijuana ads and use the U.S. mail for delivery.
Medical Marijuana in Ohio? State House to Name Task Force to Review
18/02/2016Medical Marijuana in Ohio? State House to Name Task Force to Review ; Arkansas medical marijuana measure rejected by Arkansas Attorney General; Kansas holds Colorado vets kids until he quits medical marijuana; Colorado approaching $1 billion in marijuana sales; New England Patriots player's bad trip on synthetic marijuana; Cloverdale, California, lifts a ban on outdoor cultivation.
Washington State Marijuana Prices Drop
08/01/2016According to data from the Washington Liquor and Cannabis Board, since legal marijuana entered the market in July 2014, prices have dropped from $25 to $30 per gram to about $10 a gram now,
Vermont Cannabis Up For Vote With Lawmakers
08/01/2016Vermont lawmakers are set to open the second half of their 2015-2016 session, with marijuana legalization; The New York state Department of Health says the state’s new medical cannabis program will begin on Thursday; New Mexico Attorney General wants open records on marijuana producers; Minnesota medical marijuana applicant sues over privacy concerns; Illinois patients legally purchased nearly $1.7 million worth of medical marijuana during November and December; A New York company says it will soon offer the first certified kosher medical marijuana.