The PDR College PodcastBetter Skills. Better Business. Better Money. Better LIFE. Paintless Dent Removal is hard. Running a PDR business is even harder. Get the business, sales, marketing and technical skills YOU need to take your business to the highest level.
He Did $17,573 in ONE WEEK of PDR! NO HAIL
03/07/2017 Duration: 01h05minStephen Hamby was the highest producer in our 7 Day Sales Challenge who did NO HAIL WORK! If you want to find ways to increase your revenue DO NOT MISS this episode! Check out these awesome PDR Resources: A1 PDR Tools NEW Aussie Shaved Tool Set! Get it HERE Don't miss these links! for Glue tabs for PDR for Blending hammers and edge repair tools
You Gotta "Touch the Sign" to get the Credit
26/06/2017 Duration: 36minFind out what Keith means by "Touching the Sign" and how you can improve your business with nothing but a decision and a little hard work. A1 PDR Tools NEW Aussie Shaved Tool Set! Get it HERE Don't miss these links! for Glue tabs for PDR for Blending hammers and edge repair tools
The Show About Nothing
19/06/2017 Duration: 01h14minShane & Keith decide to just hang out and talk about whatever today! Come hang out with us! Check out these new tools here: Aussie Ratcheting Handle PDR set Don't miss these links! for Glue tabs for PDR for Blending hammers and edge repair tools
Shane's Stories from the South & Defining Your Company's Rules of Engagement
12/06/2017 Duration: 01h35minDo you have a set of rules that pertain to conduct and decision making at your company? Should you? Also, hear what Shane said to a guy standing in a lake throwing rocks at he and his son! Check out these new tools here: Aussie Ratcheting Handle PDR set Don't miss these links! for Glue tabs for PDR for Blending hammers and edge repair tools
There's a Time & Place for EVERYTHING in your Business. Are You Doing What You Should be?
05/06/2017 Duration: 37minToday let's chat about some of the things that are on Keith's mind. In our business lives there's a time and place for EVERYTHING. Are you doing the right things in the wrong places? Or vice versa? Come hang out for a bit and let's see if we can't offer a new perspective. Check out these new tools here: Aussie Ratcheting Handle PDR set Don't miss these links! for Glue tabs for PDR for Blending hammers and edge repair tools
$25,813 in PDR for a WEEK?! How the heck did he do it?!?! Matt tells us all
29/05/2017 Duration: 01h10minWhen we ran a 7 Day Sales challenge on our Facebook group and Matt Moore was the winner! Let's take a closer look and see HOW he pulled it off! Check out these new tools here: Aussie Ratcheting Handle PDR set Don't miss these links! for Glue tabs for PDR for Blending hammers and edge repair tools
5 Things Shane Learned This Week To Pump-up Your Bottom Line Episode 169
22/05/2017 Duration: 30minShane shares with us some of the things he's learned about himself and all of us as PDR technicians that can help us with our bottom line. Check out these new tools here: Aussie Ratcheting Handle PDR set Don't miss these links! for Glue tabs for PDR for Blending hammers ans edge repair tools
How is Shane SO DANG FAST on some of his deep nasty repairs?!
12/05/2017 Duration: 54minShane Jacks has many different arrows in his quiver and today he reveals one that helps him hustle like mad on deep nasty dent repairs. Don't miss these links! for Glue tabs for PDR for Blending hammers ans edge repair tools Check out these awesome A1 PDR Tools for your Hail Repairs A1 PDR Quicksilver set
Lessons Learned From Working Hail Storms You Can Use in Your Local Business
08/05/2017 Duration: 01h11minDon't miss this show if you want to make your business run better than it is now! SIGN Up to participate in our 7 Day Sales Challenge! Get in the 7 Day Challenge HERE! Check out these new tools here: Aussie Ratcheting Handle PDR set Don't miss these links! for Glue tabs for PDR for Blending hammers ans edge repair tools for PDR invoicing
How Do You Get Aligned w/ National Insurance for Hail? Call-in Question
01/05/2017 Duration: 01h25minInteresting question we attempt to dissect this week along with an awesome pdr tool set from A1 PDR: Check out these new tools here: Aussie Ratcheting Handle PDR set Don't miss these links! for Glue tabs for PDR for Blending hammers ans edge repair tools for PDR invoicing
When and How to Hire and Train your First PDR Technician
24/04/2017 Duration: 51minToday we answer a call-in question from one of our loyal listeners about when and how did we go about hiring our first PDR Technician when we started to get busy. for Glue tabs for PDR for Blending hammers ans edge repair tools for PDR invoicing
Are You Ready for a Local Hail Storm? Do these things to win more PDR work
17/04/2017 Duration: 01h17minJoin us with special guests Tony Frasher and Ryan Hampton of The 300 to see how you can align yourself with the market BEFORE it's too late and you get over run in your local market. Shane Jacks Signature PDR Tools Best glue tabs for dent repair in the world? Right here Here's what Keith uses for his invoicing
Say "yes" to success in your PDR career
10/04/2017 Duration: 26minShane explores the ups and downs of saying "yes" to success and expounds on his oft-used quip: "jump in and swim". Shane Jacks Signature PDR Tools Best glue tabs for dent repair in the world? Right here Here's what Keith uses for his invoicing
Are you making these mistakes with you small business BOOK Keeping?
03/04/2017 Duration: 37minIn This episode we bring in Book keeping expert and former CFO Al Martino to talk about the most common mistakes he sees with small business and hope to fix them for YOUR company! Shane Jacks Signature PDR Tools Best glue tabs for dent repair in the world? Right here Here's what Keith uses for his invoicing Click here to see Stanliner Tools at A1 TOOL
PDRC 161 Selling your PDR Company for BIG MONEY w Jerry McCarty
27/03/2017 Duration: 01h23minIn this episode you'll learn the story behind quickly building a PDR company from scratch and selling it for BIG MONEY Shane Jacks Signature PDR Tools Best glue tabs for dent repair in the world? Right here Here's what Keith uses for his invoicing
PDR College Podcast 160 Keith & Shane @ Porsche Track School
20/03/2017 Duration: 40minThere's a lot to learn about hustling a sports car around a racetrack. Let's take a deeper look into how lessons from the track apply to your business every day! Shane Jacks Signature PDR Tools Best glue tabs for dent repair in the world? Right here Here's what Keith uses for his invoicing
PDRC Episode 159 Are You Experiencing Burnout?
13/03/2017 Duration: 01h31minKeith and Shane have a candid discussion about burnout. What it means to them, what it might look like for you and how they handle it and stay the course when things get overwhelming. Shane Jacks Signature PDR Tools Best glue tabs for dent repair in the world? Right here Here's what Keith uses for his invoicing
PDR College 158 Special Guest Myke Toledo Opens a Shop!
06/03/2017 Duration: 02h05minOur long time friend and Host of the PDR Tool Time Podcast is opening a new retail shop near San Diego, CA! Keith and Myke go deep into the details of opening a retail shop so you can decide if that is something you'd like to do as well. Shane Jacks Signature PDR Tools Best glue tabs for dent repair in the world? Right here Here's what Keith uses for his invoicing
PDR College 157 What we can Learn from Disneyland about business
27/02/2017 Duration: 01h02minToday we talk about the masters of separating happy people from their hard earned money...Disney! The lessons Keith learned from a few days in disneyland with the family. The opening of the show was simulcast LIVE on facebook so it may sound a little different compared to the normal studio created shows. BONUS: Don't let your customers hand you a "Hot Potato"! What's this mean? Listen and find out! Enjoy! Shane Jacks Signature PDR Tools Best glue tabs for dent repair in the world? Right here Here's what Keith uses for his invoicing
PDRC Episode 156 Trained in 1989 by Mitsubishi Motors: Ken Garrison tells his story
18/02/2017 Duration: 01h23minToday we take it back old school! Meet Ken Garrison: Trained in 1989 by Mitsubishi to do PDR. Learn what life was like back then and how Ken transitioned out of the plant and into a current shop doing PDR. Don't miss the links below to see the newest PDR tool additions from Shane & Keith Shane Jacks Signature PDR Tools Best glue tabs for dent repair in the world? Right here Here's what Keith uses for his invoicing