Sharing a love of BDSM in a loving relationship
What We Believe to Be True About BDSM
14/05/2021 Duration: 01h11minCould we encompass every belief or philosophy we have about BDSM in one episode? No way. And if you’ve listened to any past episodes you already have a clear idea of what we think.... The post What We Believe to Be True About BDSM appeared first on Loving BDSM.
Minisode 15: Drop
11/05/2021 Duration: 14minWe’ve discussed drop before but specifically to submissives after subspace or as a reminder that yes, Dominants experience drop, too. This week, we’re sharing five things we think you need to know about drop,... The post Minisode 15: Drop appeared first on Loving BDSM.
Coming Out of Hibernation
07/05/2021 Duration: 01h29minIt took forever to figure out how to explain this week’s episode in a concise way but “coming out of hibernation” is fairly close. We mean the hibernation we’ve gone through during current stressful... The post Coming Out of Hibernation appeared first on Loving BDSM.
Minisode 14: BDSM Title Tips
04/05/2021 Duration: 12minThis week it’s just the tip, y’all…just five tips on figuring out, dealing with, and using BDSM titles. Have we talked about the topic a LOT in the past? Absolutely. Why? Because it’s both... The post Minisode 14: BDSM Title Tips appeared first on Loving BDSM.
Dealing with Low Libido in Our D/s Relationship
30/04/2021 Duration: 01h24minThis isn’t exactly a new topic, but its one we’re finally giving its own episode — how can sex be part of our dynamic when one or both of us don’t want sex? We... The post Dealing with Low Libido in Our D/s Relationship appeared first on Loving BDSM.
Minisode 13: Submissive Red Flags
27/04/2021 Duration: 21minWe’re baaaa-aaaaack with minisodes — shorter (for us) episodes to give you quick tips, information, and our thoughts on a bite-size BDSM topic. In many cases we’ve already talked about these in a longer... The post Minisode 13: Submissive Red Flags appeared first on Loving BDSM.
Pausing Your D/s Relationship
23/04/2021 Duration: 01h20minThis week’s episode was inspired by a question we received from a listener on how to handle your D/s relationship being on a break or pause. We share our experiences and our thoughts on... The post Pausing Your D/s Relationship appeared first on Loving BDSM.
Positive Reinforcement
16/04/2021 Duration: 01h18minHow have we gone so long without a dedicated episode on positive reinforcement in D/s? We don’t know either, but here we are! This week, we talk about it within our own relationship, how... The post Positive Reinforcement appeared first on Loving BDSM.
Leadership Styles and Power Exchange
09/04/2021 Duration: 01h17minThis week we’re perverting yet another vanilla concept — this time, business leadership styles and how they relate back to power exchange relationships. Some have direct correlations to obvious D/s dynamics, others are more... The post Leadership Styles and Power Exchange appeared first on Loving BDSM.
BDSM Q&A | March 2021
02/04/2021 Duration: 01h21minInstead of throwing in a Q&A episode when we run out of topics, we’re actually planning them this year — one every few months! The best way to ask questions is to follow us... The post BDSM Q&A | March 2021 appeared first on Loving BDSM.
26/03/2021 Duration: 01h16minThis week’s episode is a bit of a rant based on things we’ve seen in the online kink community. Every time the issues come up, we (I) think, “Please have a sense of self-preservation!”... The post Self-Preservation appeared first on Loving BDSM.
Relationship Attachment Styles and Power Exchange
19/03/2021 Duration: 01h16minA random phrase led to a Google search which led to this week’s topic — what are the different relationship attachment styles and what do they have to do with power exchange? Let’s talk... The post Relationship Attachment Styles and Power Exchange appeared first on Loving BDSM.
Thinking of Kink as a “Practice”
12/03/2021 Duration: 01h11minWe said it in a past episode and it stuck with us, so let’s talk about it: consider thinking of your kink life as a practice, similar to the way people think of yoga... The post Thinking of Kink as a “Practice” appeared first on Loving BDSM.
Why Knowing Yourself Matters in Power Exchange
05/03/2021 Duration: 01h09minPardon the rambly episode this week. The idea of “know thyself” and what that can look like, how people express their identities, and why it’s important to power exchange is a massive topic. We... The post Why Knowing Yourself Matters in Power Exchange appeared first on Loving BDSM.
Advocating for Yourself in BDSM
26/02/2021 Duration: 01h15minThe word “advocacy” in terms of power exchange and BDSM has been on our minds a lot lately, so it’s time to do an episode about it. We used a non-kink list of how... The post Advocating for Yourself in BDSM appeared first on Loving BDSM.
Boring Ruts and Routines in Power Exchange
19/02/2021 Duration: 01h14minBoring implies “bad” but we don’t think that’s always the case. The reality, though, is that long-term relationships, kinky or otherwise, can find themselves in a rut or routine after a while. So let’s... The post Boring Ruts and Routines in Power Exchange appeared first on Loving BDSM.
Figuring Out Our Apology Language
12/02/2021 Duration: 01h22minWe’ve talked about love languages before, and we’ve talked about making mistakes and needing to apologize. So imagine our delight when we discovered there’s a thing called an apology language (based on the 5... The post Figuring Out Our Apology Language appeared first on Loving BDSM.
Fantasy vs Reality in D/s
06/02/2021 Duration: 01h14minWe’ve said it many times but never really focused on it — the fantasy of D/s, kink, and BDSM can’t match the reality. That’s not a bad thing, unless you convince yourself you’re failing... The post Fantasy vs Reality in D/s appeared first on Loving BDSM.
Going to Bed Angry
29/01/2021 Duration: 01h17minMost of us have heard the cliched advice, “Never go to bed angry!” Everyone has their own opinion and experience with arguments in relationships, including those late-night disagreements. We try not to go to... The post Going to Bed Angry appeared first on Loving BDSM.
Why It’s a Journey
22/01/2021 Duration: 01h02minYou’ve heard us call BDSM, power exchange, and the kink life a “journey.” And yes, it’s become cliche, but that doesn’t mean there’s not some truth to it. This week, we’re talking about why... The post Why It’s a Journey appeared first on Loving BDSM.