We worship an extraordinary God who transforms ordinary people to live extraordinary lives. Join us, be transformed, bring His kingdom to those who seek it.
What Are We Living For?
22/10/2017 Duration: 40minPastor Mike continues our 'Family: Limits and Legacy' series with the message 'What Are We Living For?'
Desperate To Be Blessed
15/10/2017 Duration: 43minPastor Mike continues our 'Family: Limits and Legacy' series with the message 'Desperate To Be Blessed'
Shattered Dreams and Hope
01/10/2017 Duration: 28minGuest speaker Dania Harder continues our 'Family: Limits and Legacy' series with the message 'Shattered Dreams and Hope'
Family: Limits and Legacy
17/09/2017 Duration: 39minPastor Sherri begins our new series, 'Family: Limits and Legacy' with the message 'It Runs in the Family'
Hey God, I Have a Question : Part 3
10/09/2017 Duration: 37minEric Nicolaysen concludes our mini-series, 'Hey God, I Have a Question'
Hey God, I Have a Question : Part 2
03/09/2017 Duration: 34minPastor Sherri continues our new mini-series, 'Hey God, I Have a Question'
Hey God, I Have a Question
27/08/2017 Duration: 38minEric Nicolaysen begins our new mini-series, 'Hey God, I Have a Question'
Imagine Church
20/08/2017 Duration: 40minMike and Sherri bring a powerful conclusion to our 'Love in Action' series with the message 'Imagine Church'.
How Can I Love My Neighbor?
13/08/2017 Duration: 44minThe Guillen's continue our summer series, 'Love in Action' with the message 'How Can I Love My Neighbor'.
Living and Giving the Gift of Courage
06/08/2017 Duration: 38minPastor Mike continues our summer series, 'Love in Action' with the message 'Living and Giving the Gift of Courage'.
Love Without Borders
02/08/2017 Duration: 41minPastor Mike continues our summer series, 'Love in Action' with the message 'Love Without Borders'.
Listening and Deep Conversations
23/07/2017 Duration: 34minEric continues our summer series, 'Love in Action', with the message, 'Listening and Deep Conversations'.
Loving Poorly
16/07/2017 Duration: 28minKevin and Kathy Blocher continue our summer series, 'Love in Action', with the message, 'Loving Poorly'.
The Gospel is Good News
02/07/2017 Duration: 43minGuest Pastor Michael Gatlin continues our summer series, 'Love in Action', with the message, 'The Gospel is Good News'.
Love in Action
18/06/2017 Duration: 31minPastor Mike begins our new summer series, 'Love in Action'.
God : Metaphorically Speaking
11/06/2017 Duration: 34minPastor Mike shares the message, 'God : Metaphorically Speaking'.
The Promise of the Spirit
04/06/2017 Duration: 42minGuest Pastor Troy Hythecker concludes our 'Wounds, Wonders and the Holy Spirit' series with the message, 'The Promise of the Spirit'.
Loss and Promise
28/05/2017 Duration: 26minPastor Mike shares the message, 'Loss and Promise' from our 'Wounds, Wonders and the Holy Spirit' series.
Walking and Waiting
21/05/2017 Duration: 35minPastor Sherri shares the message, 'Walking and Waiting' from our 'Wounds, Wonders and the Holy Spirit' series.
14/05/2017 Duration: 25minPastor Mike shares the message, 'Overlooked' from our 'Wounds, Wonders and the Holy Spirit' series.