Calvary Chapel Tallahassee Sunday Services are topical messages usually from the book of the Bible we are studying
Luke 1:5-25, Kent Nottingham
Luke 1:1-4, Kent Nottingham
Joshua 2:1-21, Allen Rigg
Exodus 33:18, Kent Nottingham
Exodus 30:32, Kent Nottingham
Exodus 25:1-9, Kent Nottingham
Exodus 21:1-6, Kent Nottingham
1 Chronicles 12:27-31, Kent Nottingham
Psalms 119:19:7-11, Kent Nottingham
John 1:14, 17, Kent Nottingham
1 Samuel 15:1-22, 33, Davy Waldman
Exodus 20:17, Kent Nottingham
Exodus 20:15-16, Kent Nottingham
Exodus 20:13-14, Kent Nottingham
Exodus 20:8-12, Kent Nottingham
2 Chronicles 20, Kelly Burke
Exodus 20:4-7, Kent Nottingham
Exodus 20:1-3, Kent Nottingham
Exodus 17:1-7, Kent Nottingham
Exodus 15:22-27, Kent Nottingham
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