Epic Gaming Night Podcast | Board Games Table Top & Card Games

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 309:36:03
  • More information



We are a podcast About Board games, Card games, & any other form of tabletop gaming!Join Roy, Matt, And Robert On our amazing podcasting adventure with tons of table top gaming!each week will will tackle another gaming topic and talk about game we are currently streaming and playing! we stream the podcast live on Tuesdays at 9pm ESTand we play live board games on fridays 6-10pm ESTwww.twitch.tv/epicgamingnightcheck us out on twitter and instagram @epicgamingnight


  • Ep. 15 3D Printing & Negotiation

    20/08/2015 Duration: 01h14min

    This week we talk about 3D printing Xia Ship and the future of 3d printing in board games! We also talk Negotiation in board games! We have been playing (x-men Mutant Revolution, Ryu, & Flick em Up) we stream every tuesday at 9pm EDT and www.twitch.tv/epicgamingnight hit us up on twitter and instagram @epicgamignight

  • Ep. 14 Dexerity Games

    12/08/2015 Duration: 01h09min

    This week We talk Dexerity Games! are they just for kids? Can they be Epic? we also talk what we have been playing! (Ashes, Rhino Hero, & Betrayal at house on the hill) 4x shirt contest! Www.analoggamer.com/giveaways We stream the podcast live on tuesdays at 9 pm EST and play live board games 6-10 pm EST at www.twitch.tv/epicgamingnight hit us up on twitter and instagram @epicgamingnight and watch our past streams on www.youtube.com/c/epicgamingnight Thanx and see you next week!!

  • Ep. 13.5 Board Game Blitz

    08/08/2015 Duration: 01h34min

    This is a bonus cast where we talk about a bunch of the new games we have been playing! Ashes Bloodrage Champions of Midgard Cthulhu realms  Codenames Epic Firefly shiny dice Forbidden stars Knock down barns  Predator (legendary) Rhino hero! Runebound Ryu  Secret wars (legendary) Specter Ops Spyfall York 1901   If you liked this cast makesure to let us know! we stream the podcast very tuesday at 9pm EST and stream board games live on friday 6-10pm EST at www.twitch.tv/epicgamingnight hit us up on twitter and instagram @epicgamingnight and watch our past streams at www.youtube.com/epicgamingnight till next time! Peace!

  • Ep. 13 Post Gencon

    05/08/2015 Duration: 01h18min

    This week we talk about all the awesomeness that happened at gencon! we talk games we have been playing (Ashes, Codenames, Forbiden Stars, & Champtions of Midguard) We stream the podcast live every Tuesday at 9pm EST and play live games on Friday 6-10pm EST at www.twitch.tv/epicgamingnight makesure to check us out on twitter and instagram @epicgamingnight and watch our past streams at www.youtube.com/c/epicgamingnight Thanx see you next week!!

  • Ep. 12 GenCon 2015

    29/07/2015 Duration: 01h25min

    This week we talk Gencon 2015 with Brandon for Analog Gamer! we also talk what we have been playing (Krosmaster, Lanterns, Battlelore, Dominion) Check out Brandon and sweet board game tshirts at www.Analoggamer.com we stream the podcast tuesdays at 9pm EST and live game on friday at 6-10pm EST! at www.twitch.tv/epicgamingnight make sure to check out our past streams at www.youtube.com/c/epicgamingnight and hit us up on twitter and instagram @epicgamingnight

  • Ep. 11 Board Gaming Hobby

    23/07/2015 Duration: 01h19min

    This week on the podcast we talk about the Board gaming hobby! and what we have been playing! (Doodle Quest, Spector Ops, & Galaxy Trucker) we stream the podcast live every tuesday at 9 pm EST and play live board games on fridays 6-10pm EST at www.twitch.tv/epicgamingnight email questions to epicgamingnight@gmail.com hit us up on twitter & Instagram @epicgamingnight

  • Ep.10 Game Groups

    16/07/2015 Duration: 01h16min

    This week we talk about Gaming Groups! how to find a group and start your own! we also talk about what we have been playing! (Magic the Gathering Board game: Arena of The Plainswalkers & Mascarade) Make sure to check out the live stream on www.twitch.tv/epicgamingnight hit us up on twitter and instagram @epicgamingnight email questions to Epicgamingnight@gmail.com

  • Ep. 9 Isaac Vega

    08/07/2015 Duration: 01h13min

    we intervew Isaac Vega from plaid hat games! and talk about Dead of winter and Ashes! and Games we have been playing (Battlelore, Caste Panic, dogs of war, & werewolf) we stream live at www.twitch.tv/epicgamingnight check us out on twitter and instagram @epicgamingnight

  • Ep. 8 Hidden Roles

    02/07/2015 Duration: 01h03min

    This week we talk What we have been playing (Colt Express, Spector Opps, Wiz-War, & Flash Point: Fire Rescue) And talk about hidden Role games! and how we play! (werewolf, Battlestar, Dead of winter, & Spyfall) make sure to check out our live stream at www.twitch.tv/epicgamingnight Send us questions to Epicgamingnight@gmail.com and hit us up on twitter and instagram @epicgamingnight

  • Ep. 7 Game Stores

    25/06/2015 Duration: 01h16min

    This week we talk about what we have been playing! (Summoner Wars, Nations the Dice Game, & Eldritch Horror) And we talk about Game stores! what do we look for in a game store and what we think of board game cafe's! Check out our live streams at www.twitch.tv/epicgamingnight Email us questions to epicgamingnight@gmail.com chek us out on Twitter & Instagrim @epicgamingnight Past Streams can be seen at www.youtube.com/c/epicgamingnight

  • Ep. 6 Components

    18/06/2015 Duration: 01h09min

    This week we about about Components in games. and what games have amazing components! we also talk about games we have been playing (Good Cop Bad Cop, Summoner Wars, & Lords of Waterdeep) and anwser the question what are good travel size 2 player games? We stream the podcast on tuesdays at 9pm EST and play live table top games on fridays 6-10pm EST check it out at www.twitch.tv/epicgamingnight hit us up on instagram and twitter @epicgamingnight check out our past streams at www.youtube.com/c/epicgamingnight

  • Ep. 5 Theme

    11/06/2015 Duration: 01h07min

    This week we talk Theme in board games! what theme would we like to see in a board game? and why is theme inportant? We talk about what we have been playing! (Wiz-War, Xmen Mutant revolution, & War of the Ring) we also talk about what games we are looking forword to! (forbiden Stars, Sea Fall, & Magic the board game) we stream the podcast on tuesdays 9pm EST at www.twitch.tv/epicgamingnight check us out on twitter and instagram @epicgamingnight send questions for the podcast to epicgamingnight@gmail.com    

  • Ep. 4 Cooperation

    03/06/2015 Duration: 01h04min

    This week we talk about games we have been playing XCOM and Sushi Go. And talk about our topic Co-op games and how they relate to gamers! Eldritch Horror, Dead of Winter, Mansions of Madness, Zombieside. Co-ops are an amazing way to show people games and build relationships wile working togeather! If you have questions for the podcast make sure to email them to us at Epicgamingnight@gmail.com  We stream it podcast live every Tuesday 9pm EST and play live games every friday 6-10 pm EST check it out! www.twitch.tv/epicgamingnight Hit us up on twitter @ instagram @emicgamingnight

  • Ep. 3 Tabletop Simulator

    27/05/2015 Duration: 01h10min

    This podcast we talk all about Tabletop Simulator and its place in the Gaming Hobby! With special guest Dave Aka Xaintrix! check out his stream at www.twitch.tv/Xaintrix Tabletop Sim in a virtual sand box for playing board games, role playing games & other forms of table top gaming. you can download mods or make your own to play games with your friends online! We also talk about games we have been playing. Chaosmos, Cash & Guns, Dixit, & Spector Ops! We stream the podcast live on twitch every Tuesday 9pm EST and stream live board game Fridays 6-10pm EST at www.twitch.tv/epicgamingnight Send questions for the podcast to EpicGamingNight@gmail.com Hit us up on twitter and instagram @epicgamingnight If you enjoy the show make sure to review on itunes!

  • Ep. 2 Explore Expand Exploit Exterminate

    20/05/2015 Duration: 01h05min

    This podcast we talk about 4X games but mostly Twilight Imperium III! Build an amazing civilization with us and come along as we tell the tales of betrayal and Epic conquest! join us as we take a look at what make 4x games so awsome and why you should give it a shot! we also talk about other 4x games like Eclipse, Civilization V, Age of Wonders, & Masters of Orion.We stream the podcast live every Tuesday at 9pm EST And live board games every Friday 6-10pm ESTwww.twitch.tv/epicgamingnight Twitter & Instagram @EpicGamingNightwww.Youtube.com/c/Epicgamingnight Email Questions for the podcast to Epicgamingnight@gmail.com

  • Ep. 1 Gateway to Board Games

    14/05/2015 Duration: 01h03min

    EGN Podcast Ep. 1 Gateway to board games!This week we talk about a few games we have been playing (Hanabi & Letters from White Chapel)And how to bring friends and family in to board gaming!we also talk about what games would make a good intro game for people new to board gaming. (flash point:fire rescue, One Night werewolf, & Sheriff of Nottingham)Make sure to check out our streams Podcast on Tuesday 9pm EST Live Games on Friday 6-10pm EST At www.twitch.tv/gpicgamingnightCheckout our Twitter & Instagram @epicgamingnight Email Questions for the podcast to EpicGamingNight@gmail.com   

  • Ep. 0 Epic Gaming Night

    07/05/2015 Duration: 01h16min

    Epic Gaming Night is a podcast about board games, card games, roleplaying games, miniatures games, & and any other form of table top gaming! we also go over our gaming background and talk about games such as life, axis and allies, statego, Battlestar Galactica, Risk legacy, Gamma World, Redemption, & Magic the gathering D&D Pogs! we also talk about a few video games from our past!

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