International Accounting Standards Board: Developments in IFRS

  • Author: Podcast
  • Narrator: Podcast
  • Publisher: Podcast
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The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is responsible for the development of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) used by more than 100 countries. The development of IFRSs is subject to rigorous public consultation and engagement with stakeholders around the world. This service provides a simple mechanism for interested parties to keep up to date on the work of the IASB and developments in financial reporting.


  • IASB podcast


    Insurance, Hedge Accounting, education sessions on Leases and Revenue Recognition

  • Interpretations Committee podcast


    Robert Garnett and Michael Stewart give an overview of the issues discussed during the May 2011 IFRS Interpretations Committee meeting, including IAS 19 Employee Benefits—Defined contribution plans with vesting conditions, IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows—Classification of interest paid that is capitalised as part of the cost of an asset, IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets and IFRIC 6 Liabilities arising from Participating in a Specific Market—Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment—Use of IFRIC 6 by analogy.

  • IASB podcast


    Insurance, Leases, Revenue Recognition, Hedge Accounting, Impairment, and future activities

  • IASB podcast


    Insurance, Leases, Revenue Recognition, and future activities

  • IASB podcast


    Insurance, Leases, Revenue Recognition, and future activities

  • Interpretations Committee podcast


    Robert Garnett and Michael Stewart give an overview of the issues discvussed during the January 2011 IFRS Interpretations Committee meeting, including accounting for production phase stripping costs in the mining industry, put options written over non-controlling interests, contingent pricing of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, and clarification of meaning of continuous transfer.

  • IASB podcast


    Revenue Recognition, Insurance, Leases, Financial Statement Presentation, effective dates consultation, and coming events

  • IASB podcast


    Cross-cutting issues, Insurance Contracts, Revenue Recognition, Leases, Post-employment Benefits and Financial Instruments: Impairment

  • IASB podcast


    Revenue Recognition, cross-cutting issues, Insurance, Leases, and Post-employment Benefits

  • IASB podcast


    Revenue Recognition, Leases, comment letter database, Post-employment Benefits, and Insurance

  • Interpretations Committee podcast


    Robert Garnett and Michael Stewart give an overview of the issues discussed during the January 2011 IFRS Interpretations Committee meeting, including accounting for production phase stripping costs in the mining industry, put options written over non-controlling interests, current/non current classification of debt (rollover agreements), and contingent pricing of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets.

  • IASB podcast


    Financial Instruments: Impairment and Income Taxes

  • IASB podcast


    Technical plan, Emissions Trading Schemes, Impairment, and Post-employment Benefits

  • Interpretations Committee podcast


    Robert Garnett and Michael Stewart give an overview of the issues discussed at the November 2010 IFRS Interpretations Committee meeting, including put options written over non-controlling interests, current/non-current classification of debt, the Illustrative example 1 in IAS 41 relating to the issue of presentation of revenue, and vesting and non-vesting conditions.

  • IASB podcast


    Annual Improvements, Fair Value Measurement, Financial instruments: Amortised Cost and Impairment, Financial instruments: Hedge Accounting, Financial Statement Presentation, Financial Instruments with Characteristics of Equity, Leases, and Post-employment Benefits

  • IASB podcast


    Emissions Trading Schemes, Fair Value Option for Financial Liabilities, Financial Instruments: Hedge Accounting, Financial Instruments: Impairment, Financial Instruments with Characteristics of Equity, Liabilities, and Rate-regulated Activities

  • Interpretations Committee podcast


    Robert Garnett and Michael Stewart give an overview of the issues discussed at the September 2010 IFRS Interpretations Committee meeting, including developments on vesting and non-vesting conditions of share-based payments, statutory employee profit sharing arrangements, put options written over non-controlling interests and identifying key management personnel.

  • IASB podcast


    Insurance, Leases, Rate-regulated Activity, Financial Instruments, Impairment, and Income Taxes

  • Interpretations Committee podcast


    Robert Garnett and Michael Stewart give an overview of the issues discussed during the July 2010 IFRS Interpretations Committee meeting including accounting for waste removal costs of a surface mine, vesting and non-vesting conditions of share-based payments, accounting for put options written over non-controlling interests, amending the hard-wired dates in IFRS 1, reporting in accordance with IFRSs after a period of chronic hyperinflation and looking forward—Accounting for statutory profit sharing arrangements.

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