The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is responsible for the development of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) used by more than 100 countries. The development of IFRSs is subject to rigorous public consultation and engagement with stakeholders around the world. This service provides a simple mechanism for interested parties to keep up to date on the work of the IASB and developments in financial reporting.
IASB Podcast October 2023
01/11/2023IASB Vice-Chair Linda Mezon-Hutter and Executive Technical Director Nili Shah highlight discussions about three key projects, from the October IASB Update podcast. The projects are: Amendments to IFRS 9—Classification and Measurement; Equity Method; and the Second Comprehensive Review of IFRS for SMEs Accounting Standard.
ISSB podcast October 2023
27/10/2023In this episode, ISSB Chair Emmanuel Faber and ISSB Vice-Chair Sue Lloyd discuss latest developments from the ISSB including recent progress towards jurisdictional adoption of IFRS S1 and IFRS S2, updates on recent progress from some of our partners, capacity building and translations as well as an update on the October board week.
IFRIC podcast Q3 2023
16/10/2023Bruce Mackenzie, Chair of the Committee and International Accounting Standards Board Member, talks about the decisions made at the IFRS Interpretations Committee meeting held on 12 September.
IASB podcast September 2023
27/09/2023Hear about the latest developments in IASB projects from IASB Vice-Chair Linda Mezon-Hutter and Executive Technical Director Nili Shah in the September 2023 IASB podcast.
ISSB podcast September 2023
20/09/2023In this episode, ISSB Chair Emmanuel Faber and ISSB Vice-Chair Sue Lloyd discuss latest developments from the ISSB, including supporting the implementation of IFRS S1 and IFRS S2; bilateral engagements with jurisdictions and the development of the ISSB’s adoption strategy; and the ISSB’s recent consultation on its future priorities.
IASB podcast July 2023
01/08/2023Hear about the latest developments in IASB projects from IASB Chair Andreas Barckow, IASB Vice-Chair Linda Mezon-Hutter and Executive Technical Director Nili Shah in the July 2023 IASB podcast.
ISSB podcast July 2023
31/07/2023In this episode, ISSB Vice-Chair Sue Lloyd and ISSB Chair Emmanuel Faber discuss the progress since the launch of IFRS S1 and IFRS S2, technical updates, the upcoming IAASB consultation and information on recent webinars.
IFRIC Podcast Q2 2023
05/07/2023Bruce Mackenzie, IFRS Interpretations Committee Chair and International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) member; and Interpretations Committee members Karen Higgens and Donné Sephton, discuss the latest activities to support the consistent application of IFRS Accounting Standards in the second quarter of 2023.
IASB podcast June 2023
29/06/2023IASB Vice-Chair Linda Mezon-Hutter and Executive Technical Director Nili Shah discuss the latest developments in our work on Primary Financial Statements, Equity Method, Subsidiaries without Public Accountability, Rate-regulated Activities and the Second Comprehensive Review of the IFRS for SMEs Standard.
ISSB podcast June 2023
22/06/2023In this episode, ISSB Vice-Chair Sue Lloyd and ISSB Chair Emmanuel Faber discuss the launch of the ISSB's first two Standards, IFRS S1 and IFRS S2, upcoming launch events and recent stakeholder engagements.
IASB podcast May 2023
24/05/2023Hear about the latest developments in IASB projects from IASB Chair Andreas Barckow and Executive Technical Director Nili Shah in the May 2023 IASB podcast.
ISSB podcast May 2023
19/05/2023In this episode, ISSB Vice-Chair Sue Lloyd and ISSB Chair Emmanuel Faber discuss decisions made at the May 2023 ISSB meeting on the ratification of consequential amendments to the SASB Standards. They also discuss the new consultations on the ISSB's agenda priorities and the international applicability of the SASB Standards, recent stakeholder engagements and a look forward to the publication of S1 and S2 in June 2023.
IASB podcast April 2023
05/05/2023Hear about the latest developments in IASB projects from IASB Chair Andreas Barckow, IASB Vice-Chair Linda Mezon-Hutter and Executive Technical Director Nili Shah in the April 2023 IASB podcast.
ISSB podcast April 2023
25/04/2023In this episode, ISSB Vice-Chair Sue Lloyd and ISSB Chair Emmanuel Faber discuss topics covered at the April 2023 ISSB meetings, including: an update on foundational work; the ISSB’s Consultation on Agenda Priorities and the International Applicability of the SASB Standards project; and other events that took place last week in Frankfurt.
IASB Podcast March 2023
30/03/2023Hear about the latest developments in IASB projects from IASB Chair Andreas Barckow, IASB Vice-Chair Linda Mezon-Hutter and Executive Technical Director Nili Shah in the March 2023 IASB podcast.
IASB Podcast February 2023
28/02/2023Hear about the latest developments in IASB projects from IASB Chair Andreas Barckow, IASB Vice-Chair Linda Mezon-Hutter and Executive Technical Director Nili Shah in the February 2023 IASB podcast.
ISSB podcast February 2023
22/02/2023In this episode, ISSB Vice-Chair Sue Lloyd and ISSB Chair Emmanuel Faber discuss topics covered at the February 2023 ISSB meeting, including: sources of guidance to identify sustainability-related risks and opportunities and disclosures; effective date of ISSB standards; reference to ESRS and GRI; proportionality and support for those applying IFRS S1 and IFRS S2; and future work.
IASB Podcast January 2023
01/02/2023IASB Chair Andreas Barckow, IASB Vice-Chair Linda Mezon-Hutter and Executive Technical Director Nili Shah discuss the latest developments on projects discussed in the January 2023 IASB meeting.