The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is responsible for the development of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) used by more than 100 countries. The development of IFRSs is subject to rigorous public consultation and engagement with stakeholders around the world. This service provides a simple mechanism for interested parties to keep up to date on the work of the IASB and developments in financial reporting.
IASB Podcast
22/11/2017Hans Hoogervorst, Nick Anderson and Ann Tarca of the International Accounting Standards Board are joined by Education Director Matt Tilling to discuss recent events, such as the meeting of the IFRS Foundation Trustees in Brazil. They also discuss a new project added to the work plan, two possible approaches to accounting for dynamic risk management, how potential changes to IFRS 8 stem from the post-implementation review of the Standard, and how primary financial statements fit into a larger initiative—Better Communication in Financial Reporting.
Discussion of meeting (audio)
17/11/2017Board member Darrel Scott joins staff member Hagit Keren to talk about the first administrative meeting of the TRG. Topics discussed include: the purpose of the TRG, introduction to TRG members, process for submitting questions and future meetings.
IASB Podcast
31/10/2017Hans and Sue discuss events including the World Standard-setters Conference and meetings of the Accounting Standards Advisory Forum and the IFRS Advisory Council. They also discuss how the Board may improve the impairment model for goodwill and simplify the impairment testing that companies are required to do. They describe how the work on goodwill sprung out of the Post-implementation Review of the business combinations Standard, IFRS 3, and reflect on why goodwill and impairment is such a hot topic. Other projects discussed include the Conceptual Framework and current implementation issues.
IASB Podcast
29/09/2017Hans Hoogervorst and Sue Lloyd introduce new Board members and talk about the recently issued Materiality Practice Statement. They also provides updates on the Primary Financial Statements project, rate-regulated activities, business combinations under common control and dynamic risk management. There are further updates on the Conceptual Framework and current IFRS Interpretations Committee projects.
IASB Podcast
24/07/2017Hans and Sue provide an update on the latest developments on IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts, including the Financial Stability Board’s statement on the Standard. They also talk about some of the materials the IFRS Foundation is making available to help companies prepare for the implementation of the Standard and provide an overview of investor feedback on the new accounting requirements. Sue also talks about the Board’s lively discussion about the Materiality Practice Statement, the Board’s plans to issue a minor amendment to IFRS 9 Financial Instruments. Hans summarises the education sessions on goodwill and impairment and rate-regulated activities.
IASB Podcast
01/06/2017Hans talks about the role conferences play in helping stakeholders implement new Standards. He also provides an overview of the Board’s June discussion on the Primary Financial Statement project and the potential introduction of new subtotals in the statement(s) of financial performance. Sue provides an overview of some of the Board’s implementation discussions, which included a potential amendment to IAS 8 regarding voluntary changes in accounting policies and the accounting for those. She also talks about the latest developments on the proposed minor amendments to IFRS 9 in relation to prepayable financial assets with so-called negative compensation.
IASB Podcast
01/05/2017In this podcast, Sue provides an overview of implementation and maintenance activities discussed at the May Board meeting – including the IFRIC Interpretation on IAS 12 Income Taxes and an upcoming amendment to IAS 28 Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures. She also talks about the ongoing Post-implementation Review of IFRS 13, the fair value measurement Standard. Darrel provides an overview of IFRS 17, which was issued in May, before Sue summarises some of the other activity during the month – including the activities during the Trustees meeting in Tokyo, Japan, and a new agreement the IFRS Foundation has signed with the World Bank.
IASB Podcast
01/04/2017Sue provides an update on the Board’s most recent discussions on its Rate-regulated Activities project. Hans summarises the Board’s discussions on the definition of a business and the proposed screening test. Also discussed are some of the implementation issues that have been referred to the Board by the IFRS Interpretations Committee and two education sessions.
IASB Podcast
01/03/2017Wider corporate reporting: Hans explains that the Board discussed the possibility of undertaking some work in this area that may entail updating the Practice Statement on Management Commentary; Primary Financial Statements: Hans outlines the call from investors for more line items and subtotals, and gives an overview of the scope of this project; and Financial Instruments with Characteristics of Equity: Sue explains what the Gamma approach is and that the Board expects to publish a Discussion Paper later this year.
IASB Podcast
01/02/2017Feedback on the recent consultation on proposed changes to the definition of a business (IFRS 3); the Board’s discussions on how to account for rate-regulated activities; the comment period for the forthcoming proposed narrow-scope amendment to IFRS 9 regarding contracts with symmetric prepayment options; and the February ‘sweep issues discussion’ on the new insurance contracts Standard, following an external review of the draft Standard to ensure the wording is clear.
IASB Podcast
01/01/2017Among the topics discussed are the upcoming insurance contracts Standard, the planned Post-Implementation Review of IFRS 13 (the fair value Standard), and the Board’s planned narrow-scope amendment to IFRS 9, the financial instruments Standard.
IASB Podcast
15/12/2016This summary covers Financial Instruments with Characteristics of Equity, Implementation and maintenance of IFRS Standards, Rate-regulated Activities, the Conceptual Framework, Primary Financial Statements and the Disclosure Initiative.
IASB Podcast
17/11/2016This summary covers Insurance Contracts, the Disclosure Initiative: Materiality Practice Statement, the Conceptual Framework, Primary Financial Statements and Financial Instruments with Characteristics of Equity.
IASB Update
20/10/2016This summary covers the 2015 Agenda Consultation, IFRS for SMEs, the Disclosure Initiative: Principles of Disclosure, the Disclosure Initiative: Materiality, the Conceptual Framework and Financial Instruments with Characteristics of Equity.
IASB Update
23/09/2016This summary covers the Conceptual Framework, Financial Instruments with Characteristics of Equity, the Draft Interpretation of IFRS 9 and IAS 28: Long-term interests and the 2015 Agenda Consultation.
IASB Podcast
20/07/2016This summary covers Amendments to IFRS 4—Applying IFRS 9 Financial Instruments with IFRS 4 Insurance Contracts; Conceptual Framework—Definition of an asset, recognition and factors to consider when selecting a measurement basis; Financial Instruments with Characteristics of Equity; 2015 Agenda Consultation.
IASB Podcast
23/06/2016This summary covers Goodwill and Impairment, Insurance Contracts, Conceptual Framework, Interpretations Committee matters.
IASB Podcast
20/05/2016This summary covers Amendments to IFRS 4, 2015 Agenda Consultation, Conceptual Framework.
IASB Podcast
22/04/2016This summary covers Financial Instruments with Characteristics of Equity, IFRIC Update, Agenda Consultation, Insurance and IFRS 9, Disclosure Initiative, Conceptual Framework, Business Combinations under Common Control, Goodwill and Impairment.
IASB Podcast
17/03/2016This summary covers the Conceptual Framework, Amendments to IFRS 4: Applying IFRS 9 Financial Instruments with IFRS 4 Insurance Contracts, IFRS 3 Business Combinations—Definition of a business, Goodwill and Impairment, 2015 Agenda Consultation.